Central Alberta Soccer Association


April 6,2016


Bentley: Juanita Bender

Blackfalds: Wayne Murphy

Camrose – Konrad Schellenberg

Clive: Karen Grose

Lacombe: Tracey Zacharias

-  Jon Mulder

Penhold – Hayley deBeaudrop

-  Carolyn Normand

Ponoka: Michelle Blanchette

Rimbey – Robyn MacEachern

Rocky Mountain House – Lori Davis

-  Arlene Lundstrom

Spruce View – Elske de Kroon

Stettler – Brian Johnston

Sylvan Lake – John Salsbury


Jeff Zacharias – President

Tracy Everett – 1st Vice President / Assistant DRA

Lonny Behm – 2nd Vice President

Tammy Olson – Executive Director

David McCarthy – Technical Director





Roll Call

Introductions were made around the table

Review of minutes – February 24, 2016

No errors or ommisions – Motion made to accept minutes as read Sylvan Lake –(J.Salsbury). Seconded by Blackfalds (W.Murphy)All in Favour. Carried

Business Arising:


Presidents Address

C.A.S.A. President Jeff Zacharias addressed the membership regarding contact protocol within the District. He reminded members that if they have a question or concern they must follow the proper protocol


Player/Parent------Coach ----- Local Association President/CASA Rep ------CASA Office ---- CASA Executive Board---- Alberta Soccer Association

Referees ------CASA Office ------District Referee ---- Alberta Soccer Association

Proper Communication protocols must be followed at all times. At no time should Alberta Soccer Association or Outside District be contacted without following appropriate communication protocols.

The CASA Office will forward emails and communications to the appropriate person/Committee/Association (Local Association—Discipline Committee-DRA—Alberta Soccer etc.)

He also stated that the Executive Board’s goal is to be available and visible throughout the District by attending games, AGM’s and Tournaments whenever possible. We look forward to having open communication within the District through proper channels.

Financial Report

The financial report was presented by the Executive Director (T.Olson). Questions regarding final tally on the Indoor Program. When finalized – Indoor Balance + $2,729.00

Competitive League Update

U10 Mixed Development (Non-competitive) – 12 teams

U12 Boys – 17 teams (including two from Red Deer)

U12 Girls – 4 teams

U14 Boys – 8 teams

U14 Girls – 3 teams

U16 Boys – 7 teams

U16 Girls – 6 teams

U18 Boys – 5 teams

U18 Girls – 5 teams

U10 and U12 Rule Books

Rule Books for both U10 and U12 Divisions will be forwarded to all Coaches in those divisions. Hopefully this will assist both Referees and Coaches in applying consistent Rules in these Divisions. This has been an issue in the past.

Request put forward from Blackfalds- Communities be offered a U12 Development program (that does not lead to provincials) Associations must send their intentions to take part in this league no later than April 15.

Referee Update

All referees who have contacted the District have had their registrations paid.

. New Referees have been certified in Lacombe Upcoming Courses: Camrose and Stettler – Sylvan/Rocky at David Thompson. To date there has been an increase throughout the District in Referee certifications

Uniforms for all new referees were ordered.

-  Mini Referee Courses have been set up: April 19 – Lacombe

Coach Certification Clinics:

Soccer For Life – Wetaskiwin – April 16 & 17

Active Start / Fundamentals– Lacombe – April 9 & 10

Fundamentals Festival – Penhold May 7

New Business

-  Bentley U10 Tournament – June 11th

-  Clive – U8 – U10 Fun Day – June 18th

-  Rocky Mountain House (A.Lundstrom) has requested that Rocky Knights be allowed to send their U12 team to both the SunBreaker and the Qualifier. The membership agreed that the u12 team could attend the Sunbreaker however as they are not part of League Play they would not qualify to attend the provincial Qualifier

Meeting adjourned: 8:59 pm