

Story by CN Winters

Written by CN Winters

Produced and Directed by CN Winters

Edited by DragonWriter17

Sounds by CSR

Art Direction by Robert Kidman

Artists – Robert Kidman, CN Winters, Zahir al Daoud, Isis, Mattxxx and Humaira

Fade In:


Watchers Council – Dining Hall – Afternoon

Rowena, Willow, Faith, Kennedy, Kadin, Xander, and Vi all sat at a rectangle table talking.

"Room for one more?" Jim asked as he walked up.

"Sure," Willow offered and motioned Rowena to scoot down. Rowena looked across to Faith, who stuffed some macaroni in her mouth to try to stop herself from grinning at Rowena’s discomfort.

"So," Jim began as he took his seat next to Willow. "How’s everyone’s day shaping up?" he asked.

"Pretty good," Xander answered. "I’ve found a manufacturer to make those automatic mini-crossbows. We should be able to have one for every slayer in the next few weeks."

"Excellent news," Jim commended. "I saw the ones that a few girls at the London bureau had, and I gotta tell you, they loved them. They got the job done and weren’t too bulky for them to carry."

"Thanks," Xander beamed.

"No, thank you," Jim replied. "That device saved Lexa’s hide last year. The vamp thought she was unarmed after she lost her stake but, poof, he was toast when she pulled that baby from her holster. Oh, speaking of vamps," he said as he leaned in front of Willow, "how goes your research, Rowena?"

"It goes," she commented. "I’ve got a meeting with a woman named Winchester today. She says she might know of other sources that the Council isn’t aware of."

"Winchester?" Kadin asked.

"Yes, Adrienne Winchester," Rowena asked.

"Lives in Barcelona?"

"You know her?"

"Know her? She’s related to me. She’s my great aunt," Kadin replied. To herself she muttered, "Why didn’t she tell me she was coming?"

"Probably because she doesn’t know what part of the world you’re in at any given moment?" Kennedy offered.

"I’ll give you that," Kadin answered. "Anyway," she said, turning to Rowena again, "this wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with the Codex Cluj, would it?"

Rowena put down her fork and leaned across the table. "How do you know all this? Have you seen it?"

"Like I’ve said before, professional monster hunter since birth," Kadin answered. "The book’s supposed to hold vampire lore dating back millenniums, and it’s held in some secret fortress somewhere. To my knowledge the book or the place doesn’t really exist. It’s just a fable."

"Now you’ve done it," Jim chuckled, making everyone look his way. "One thing you may or may not know about Rowena…she loves to chase fables."

"Yes," Rowena replied. "Fables like the Opus Obscurum, I suppose?"

"Touché," Jim replied. "But getting back to the subject at hand…if this thing exists, I’m sure Rowena will find it. The woman is like a dog with a bone when she gets her mind set on something." He looked over to Willow for a moment and added, "You probably know that better than anyone."

Willow grinned and glanced at Rowena to see a scowl forming on the woman’s face. "Well, she’s very tenacious, a-and that’s not a bad thing," Willow said quickly.

"Nope, not at all," Jim replied. "Just making an observation."

Cut To:


Watchers Council – Meeting Room – Later That Day

Rowena opened the door of the meeting room and motioned an older woman in her early sixties inside with Kennedy and Kadin following behind them.

"Right this way, Ms. Winchester…Everyone," Rowena announced, "this is Adrienne Winchester. She’s got some information regarding a book called the Codex Cluj." As Adrienne took her seat, Rowena asked, “Can I get you something, like a glass of water?

"No, sweetie, I’m fine," Adrienne answered politely.

Seated around the table were Buffy, Willow, and Faith.

"Hello, Ms. Winchester," Buffy began.

"Please, call me Adrienne," she told her.

"Okay, Adrienne," Buffy started over. "Rowena says you might have information important to her study of vampires as demons."

"Not information. Just a location to said information."

"A-and where exactly is it?" Willow asked.

Adrienne appeared nervous as she looked around at the faces in the room. "I tried to get it myself, many years, and a few knee surgeries, ago. There’s a temple, a palace of sorts, deep within mother Russia – a place few souls can survive."

The group looked on curiously with the exception of Rowena, whose color left her face.

"Go on," the watcher told her.

"Rumor has it, it’s a place you know, my dear," Adrienne remarked to Rowena with a slight grin as she pointed toward her with a prosthetic hand. "But you managed to leave with both hands," she added when she noticed the reaction of some members of the meeting. "Anyway, much of Eastern Europe’s real history and lore is stored there. Aside from the danger of getting in, there is the matter of finding it once inside."

"I’m not sure I understand," Buffy added.

"If it’s the place I’m thinking of," Rowena added, "the palace is filled with halls and corridors, like a maze. One wrong turn and you could be lost for weeks, or even months, trying to get out."

"Well, providing you brought enough food to sustain you that long, yes. You have been there then?" Adrienne asked.

"I have," Rowena answered.

"Well, you’re not the only one looking for it at the moment," Adrienne added.

"What do you mean?" Rowena asked.

"I got a call from someone today named Tyrell. Like you, he asked for the location. In fact, I thought he was your assistant since he knew so much."

"What was his first name?" Rowena asked.

"Something with a ‘J’," she answered.

"Jordon, James, Jeff…?" Rowena asked again, trying to act like she was throwing out random names.

"James! He said he worked with the Council, and I did recognized the Tyrell name from years ago. He asked me for the same information, so I provided it. Hell, if he’s crazy enough to go, more power to him."

"This is not good," Rowena said, closing her eyes.

"But he works for the Council," Adrienne replied.

"He used to work for the Council. He tried to have one of our slayers killed, and he was imprisoned until the fiasco earlier this year. He escaped and hasn’t been seen since."

"I’m sorry," Adrienne offered. "I thought he—"

"It’s not your fault," Rowena told her. "But it does move things up quite a bit."

"Well," Buffy replied, "we’ll head up a team with Rowena as lead and—"

"No," Rowena answered. "I’ll get the Codex…but I go alone."

"Ro," Willow began. "If Tyrell has someone after it already and this place is as dangerous as you say…"

"It is," Rowena answered, not letting her finish, "but I’ve done it before. I’ll do it again."

"Do you think that’s wise, dear?" Adrienne asked.

"I do," Rowena answered. "And that’s why I won’t sacrifice anyone else in this mission. Do you have the specifics within the temple?"

"Yes," Adrienne answered. "But getting there…"

"I’ll worry about that part after I have the location."

"Ro…" Buffy, Willow and Faith all said collectively at once, trying to argue.

"Enough, guys," she answered. "I’m doing this…alone."

Fade Out

End of Teaser

Act One

Lacey Chambert as Skye, Michelle Rodriguez as Kadin Van Helsing, Gale Harold as Jim Pollan, Caroline Dhavernas as Grace Hatherley and Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers
Guest Starring:
Tyne Daly as Adrienne Winchester, Jack Davenport as Chris Michaels and Edward Woodward as James Tyrell

Fade In:


Watchers Council – Dining Hall – Later That Afternoon

"Hey ladies," Kennedy said as she walked over and took a seat next to Kadin, who was seated across from Adrienne.

"So how did the meeting go after I left?" Adrienne asked. "Things seemed to get pretty heated."

"I think ‘heated’ is an understatement," Kennedy remarked.

"I think she’s nuts," Kadin remarked. "If Ro plans on going there alone…"

"She’s not," Kennedy simply replied.

Kadin just looked at Kennedy for a moment and then asked, "Meaning?"

"You guys missed the rest of the discussion," Kennedy replied.

Kadin studied Kennedy for a moment. "So you’re going?" she asked. "Have you suddenly gone crazy too? Who the hell nominated you for this suicide mission?"

"I did," Kennedy replied. "I volunteered."

"Well, I guess I’m crazy too then. Looks like I’ll be traveling again," Kadin sighed to Adrienne.

"No, you won’t," Kennedy told her.

"What?" Kadin exclaimed. "I heard what Adrienne said in that meeting and—"

"I want you to stay here."


"Because like you, I heard what she said too," Kennedy replied as she nodded toward Adrienne. "I’ve got to get back," she said as she started to rise.

"You can’t do this, Ken," Kadin replied.

"I can and I have to," she said softly before turning her back and walking away.

"I can’t believe she’s doing this. If she thinks she can just—"

"Kadin," Adrienne interrupted her rant. "Make your peace with her. Even if you’re still mad by the time she goes, let her know you love her and support her."

"Why should I start putting on false airs for her now? I’ve always been—"

"You might regret it later if you don’t," Adrienne said in a gentle voice.

Cut To:


Willow and Rowena’s Apartment – Bedroom– Later

Rowena was pulling out a heavy coat from her closet as Willow stood in the bedroom doorway.

"You’re not doing this," Willow said, her resolve face firmly in place.

"Yes, I am," Rowena answered as she tossed the coat on the bed and returned toward the closet again.

Willow’s expression softened as she entered the room. "Please listen to me, okay?" Rowena stopped what she was doing and turned to face Willow. "I heard what Adrienne said. I saw the prosthetic hand she has thanks to a vacation out at this place. So if you won’t go with a group, then…go with me. I can help you."

Rowena said nothing at first. "Finished?"

"For now."

"No," Rowena answered flatly before heading back to the closet.

Willow sighed. "Why are you being so pig headed about this?"

"Easy. I love you, and I’m not putting you in that kind of danger, period."

"But you’ll put yourself there? How do you think I’m gonna handle you being gone for weeks or months…maybe forever?"

"I don’t expect you to wait for me," Rowena answered. "If all goes well, it won’t take me long but…"

"But what?"

"If I’m not back in three months, realize I won’t be back at all and move on."

Willow harrumphed. "Oh it’s that simple, is it?"

"Nothing about this is simple," Rowena said with a slight whimper. She looked away for a moment as if deep in thought.

Flashback Nov. 2002:


London – Old Watchers Council – Library – Morning

"We have a job for you. Something is coming. Our coven has felt it," Quentin Travers told Rowena as he took her by the arm and walked side by side through the library of the Watchers Council in London.

"I know," Rowena replied. Quentin looked at Rowena with a hint of surprise. "Althenea and I talk frequently," she explained. "She’s told me the coven’s felt something growing, something from below."

"Yes," he remarked. "But what exactly, we’re not sure…There’s a book we need you to retrieve."

"Sounds simple enough," Rowena remarked.

"Nothing about this is simple," he warned her. "We have an idea of where to start our search but aside from that…"

"If you give me what information you have, I’ll do my best," Rowena replied.

Quentin smiled. "I know, dear. That’s why I handpicked you for this task."

Cut To:


Willow and Rowena’s Apartment – Bedroom– Resume

"Nothing about this is simple," Rowena repeated, her voice more steady, as she locked eyes with Willow again. "If anything, this trip is going to be a lot harder than last time."

"And why’s that? Older? Not as quick as you used to be?" Willow asked with a hint of anger in her voice.

"No!" Rowena answered. "This time it’s not just about getting the book! It’s about getting back home to you! So I’m sorry, Will, but…no. I’m not putting you, or anyone else from this Council, at risk." Rowena looked over her shoulder, and Willow turned around to see Buffy enter, followed by Faith and Kennedy.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we heard the loud voices," Buffy replied.

"And the door was open," Kennedy added.

"So…to what do we owe the pleasure of your company?" Rowena asked.

"We took a vote," Faith began.

"About?" Rowena asked.

"About you going alone, Blondie. And for the record, you lost," Faith replied. "Majority rules, and we’ve nominated Slick here to go with you. She agreed, so it’s a done deal."

"No," Rowena said quickly. "Absolutely not."

"Too bad," Buffy replied. "One of the downfalls of democracy you might say. We voted; you lost."

Rowena paused a moment. "No, Kennedy is-is too impetuous, too short-tempered and-and too inexperienced to handle this," she said, looking straight at the slayer.

Kennedy’s mouth opened. "The hell I am," she retorted. She stopped a moment. "Wait a second. You’re baiting me, trying to get me pissed so that I won’t go. Well, sorry, it’s not going to work."

"Son of a bitch," Rowena swore under her breath. "I need a cigarette," she griped. "Faith?"

"Sorry, I quit again."

"Son of a bitch," Rowena swore again.

"Look," Buffy began. "There’s a reason we picked Ken."

"To drive me insane?"

"Among other things," Buffy answered with a slight grin. "No, the reason is Ken’s good, damn good."

"Thank you," Kennedy replied proudly.

"And we can’t have both you and Faith out there if this mission is as dangerous as everyone is saying," Buffy went on. "And we don’t want to send Willow for obvious reasons."

"Being?" Willow asked.

"There isn’t enough emotional distance there," Buffy replied. "If one of you…gets killed…the other might not have the sense of mind to save themselves."

"Which is why I also told Kadin to stay home," Kennedy interjected.

"Oh, so since I don’t give a damn about you, that’s the logical choice then?" Rowena asked Kennedy sardonically.

"And thank you," Kennedy said again, but indignant this time.

"I was being sarcastic," Rowena told Kennedy before turning to Buffy again. "No matter who you send, I’m going to worry about them, but yes, for the record, at least we agree that Willow shouldn’t be there."

"So do we have a deal? You go, but only if Ken goes?" Buffy asked.

Rowena sighed. "Do I have a choice?" she asked.

"Technically, no," Faith answered. "We decided if you don’t go along with it, we’ll relieve you of your watcher position. In other words, we’ll axe you and forbid you from setting foot on Council property, which might be inconvenient since, you know, you and your girlfriend live here."

"You can’t do that," Willow said.

"Actually, we can," Buffy told her. "It was Faith’s idea, and we looked it up. It’s in the big blue binder from hell, which I finally had a chance to read over the summer."

"Yeah, thanks to the charter that you, Giles and Rowena wrote," Faith said, speaking to Willow, "it’s a dismissible violation of her Council Oath. You guys are the ones that put it in there," Faith said with a grin.

"You’re loving the irony of this, aren’t you?" Rowena asked.

Faith just grinned wider and nodded quickly, making Rowena sigh. "So that means if you don’t want Jim Pollan to be named the official lead watcher of the Cleveland branch, then you better welcome Kennedy on the trip with open arms," Faith said as a final dig.

"For a woman who claims she’s not too bright…" Rowena began.

"I have my moments," Faith replied as she smiled even wider. "I can’t tell you most of the state capitals, but I do know what motivates people. So really, do you want to see Jim in charge around here?"

Rowena finally cracked the tiniest of grins and turned to Kennedy. "Go pack your bags – cold weather clothes are a must."

"Where are we going exactly?"

"Siberia," Rowena told her.

"Oh lovely," Kennedy sighed.

Flashback Nov. 2002:


Istanbul – Rowena’s Flat – Night

"Oh lovely," Ipek sighed.

"Yeah, not much of a dream vacation, huh?" Rowena answered as she packed her suitcase.

"I still don’t get why I can’t go with you," Ipek told her. "Yeah, Siberia, not the most appealing of places to be on earth, but still…I’m your potential."

"Because I have my orders – I have to do this alone. It’s very dangerous."

"How dangerous?" Ipek asked.

"Very," Rowena answered.

"Like deadly dangerous?" Ipek asked.

Rowena didn’t answer at first but then said, "Maybe. Which is why I want you to stay in Istanbul where it’s safe. That means if I haven’t come back by your birthday, you have to get to London and speak to Quentin Travers."

"What is he going to do? Send out the search and rescue?"

"He’ll assign you a new watcher," she answered.

"Wait. You mean the Council is just going to toss you in the middle of a snow field, and if you don’t come back, they’ll push me off onto someone else."

"Siberia is actually a desert, not a snow field," Rowena began.