Faculty of Health 7th Annual Faculty Research Conference - Wednesday 23 November 2011 Centre for Health and Social Care Research
08.30 / Registration and Coffee Seacole Foyer and Mezzanine09.00 / Welcome: Prof Mary Carswell. Pro-Vice Chancellor (Academic) Seacole 145
09.15 – 10.00 / Keynote address: Prof Peter Nolan, Service Users’ Beliefs about Acute In-Patient Admission Seacole 145
Professor of Mental Health Care (Emeritus)
POSTERS & EXHIBITORS 10.00-15.00 – Seacole foyer / Session A Seacole 202
Developing Practice / Session B Seacole 214
Developing Practice / Session C Seacole 215
Developing Education / Session D Seacole 216
Developing Professionals
Chair: Salim Khan / Chair: Gerri Nevin / Chair: Jim Chapman / Chair: Andrew Walsh
10.15-10.40 / Objective assessment of patient satisfaction with their HIV care
Lucy Land / The development of an equation to predict success of a treatment for chronic pain
Elizabeth Sparkes et al / The use of essay and non essay assignments-a case study
Robert Wu / R&D just ruins our town – all day long
Paula McGee & Chris Inman
10.40-11.05 / Official discourses of Russian health system reform
Kate Thomson / Intrathecal drug delivery systems for chronic non-malignant pain: a 13 year follow-up cohort study
Rui Duarte et al / ‘An investigation of the expectations of nursing students regarding their nurse education experience’
Jon Harrison / Have we been caught napping; the physical health and well-being of adult clients with severe mental illness
Lindsay Yardley
11.05- / Break
Session A Seacole 202
Developing Practice / Session B Seacole 214
Developing Practice & Education / Session C Seacole 215
Developing Education / Session D Seacole 216
Developing Professionals
Chair: Robert Ashford / Chair: Merryl Harvey / Chair: Rhys Jones / Chair: Gay Johnson
11.15-11.40 / A cross-gender comparative understanding of the rehabilitation needs of Pakistani heart (HF) failure patients and their carers – a qualitative study
Rifat Yusuf / Developing Practice
Influences on foods choices for pre-school children made by low income families
Sally Lovelace & Fatemeh Rabiee / How confident and satisfied health students are with simulation using simulated patients (portraying learning disabilities) and what are the self-reported effects of simulation on student’s ability to deal with similar situations in clinical practice
Marie O’Boyle-Duggan & Joy Grech / Understanding health professionals intentional behaviour towards research utilisation in clinical practice: a critical integrative literature review
Ben Appleby
11.40-12.05 / Development of a grounded-theory of (dis)belief in chronic pain: prelim results
Ben Newton / Developing Education
Learning through play in higher education
Peter Ayling / ‘Putting Words into Action’ - Training and using actors for pre-registration nursing communication skills education
Debbie Lewis & Adam Skerrett / A career in the allied health professions: navigating choice, class and policy
Stephen Wordsworth
12.05- / Lunch Refectory, Seacole Building
13.00- / Poster Presentations (Staff to present and discuss their posters 13.00-13.30) Seacole Foyer
Session A Seacole 202
Developing Practice / Session B Seacole 214
Developing Education / Session C Seacole 215
Developing Education / Session D Seacole 216
Developing Professionals
Chair: Hora Ejtehadi / Chair: Marion Johnson / Chair: Barbara Howard-Hunt / Chair: Kate Thomson
13.30-13.55 / Assessing chlamydia and gonorrhoea contamination of clinic surfaces
Gail Dube et al / An empirical study on student midwives’ perceptions of videos for learning about the management of selected obstetric emergencies
Lisa Sutton / Using OSCE’s as a summative assessment; but what about the before and after?
Lindsay Yardley et al / Post-registration nurses’ experiences of implementing newly acquired psychosocial skills into routine clinical practice
Jim Chapman
13.55-14.20 / Being there: fathers’ experiences of the resuscitation of their baby at delivery
Merryl Harvey & Helen Pattison / COMSLIVE: Results of a randomised controlled trial exploring impact of virtual world learning on real world behaviour
Nigel Wynne et al / Patch work Text: What are Level 6 midwifery students' and lecturers’ perceptions of this type of assessment? Findings from a two year Action Research study
Ros Weston / Determining the relationship between x-ray exposure factors, dose and exposure index value in digital radiographic imaging
Simon Walker et al
14.20 / Break
14.30 -15.15 / Keynote address: Prof Lorraine Culley, Researching ‘Fertility Tourism’: Contesting Media Myths Seacole 145
Social Science & Health, De Montfort University
15.15 / Poster Awards and Close of Conference: Prof Maxine Lintern, Associate Dean, Faculty of Health Seacole 145