Eating Well at Work - Top Tips
Examples collated from Platform members from seminar
- 20p honesty box, piece of fruit – Nottingham City Council – Soil Association 50p
- Slimming World free piece of fruit in the afternoon
- Fruity Friday – NottsCountyFC in Community
- Free Fruit on Wednesday
- Fruit Frenzy – once a month – try some different and seasonal fruits
- Food on view – worktop treats - is what people pick at – make it healthy
- Serve own food, rather than catering staff – they will put less on their plate
- Discounts in restaurants and vending machines for healthier choices
- Trialling Healthy Meal deals with Water & fruit,not pop and crisps
- Increase prices of chips and similar items
- Fat free chips – Slimming World recipe
- Easy and free access to drinking water
- Subsidised Healthy Breakfasts –
- Free porridge (Walkers Snacks/ Pepsico)
- Provide free skimmed milk for tea and coffee
- No food at desk policy – designated place to eat – reduces snacking – gets people moving from their desk and taking breaks
- Make a contribution to team’s tea fund if they have healthy choices e.g. skimmed milk, low calorie drinks, and healthy snacks
- Put healthy eating tips in pay slips, staff newsletters, intranet and bulletin boards
- Staff recipe wall
- For staff on the move provide information on which food outlets provide calorie information. Set it in context to average daily amounts. For details of some of those offering this information go to:
- Corner of the car park for growing herbs, fruit and veg, fruit trees and space to sit out
- Regular fruit and vegetable box delivery schemes to the workplace
- Free seeds and grow own herbs on kitchen, office window sill
- Ask your staff what help and support they would like
- Healthy eating quizzes and swap it lists
- Smoothie-making taster sessions or competition
- Healthy eating workshops – including healthy lunch boxes, food labelling & how food affects mood. Basic advice : Try to cut down on saturated fats, salt and sugar. Eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, oily fish once a week and have wholegrain bread, rice and pasta
- Health champions – seek out talented people who are willing to take a lead in a particular activity