English9 2016-2017
Mrs. Lyssa Stonitsch
Mrs. Stonitsch’s Email: Please use email to contact me.
Mrs. Stonitsch's Schedule:Teaching Eng 9 in 802 1st, 2nd, and 5th9 Honors in 8027th and 8th
Office Hours:3rd(Planning in 802), 4th(duty Wed & Fri), and 6th (lunch)
Monthly calendars will be posted in the classroom and on Google Classroom. Please follow Google Classroom for hand outs, deadlines, and other info. I also have a website with materials located on them; however, I will not be updating this as often as Google Classroom. REMIND will also be used for changes in assignments or deadlines, for big projects, writing assignment deadlines, and tests. REMIND will not always be used. Please follow Google Classroom.
Google Classroom codes needed to sign up:
1st Period English 9—ekdrhud7th Period Eng 9 Honors—1kd86n
2nd Period English 9—6cvyqck8th Period Eng 9 Honors—u6rt45
5th Period English 9—r0wlx6r
REMIND info needed to sign up:
Eng 9 students 1st, 2nd, & 5th Only—Text @fly17 to 81010 or 330-899-4961
Eng 9 Honors 7th & 8th only-- Text @17wings to 81010 or 330-899-4961
Will check for a grade 8/29 and 8/30 (latest)1. Planned absences—please inform teacher at least one week
1. Blue/Black pens & pencils in advance
2. 3-Ring Binder(1/2 to 1inch for Eng. Only)2. Unexcused Absences will result in automatic
3. Plenty of notebook paper zero—That is school policy
4. Highlighter 3. Excused Absences—Make-ups will follow hand-
5. Chrome book—bring every day/charged book guidelines but read below for further
6. 4 dividers: Label Quick Writes / Writing / 4. Late work will be accepted 1 day late for 50% off
Reading Units / Speech of final score--thisdoesn't apply unexcused abs.
7. 1 folder for a binder for returned work
TEXTBOOKS & WORKBOOKSMAJOR UNITS--Possible Units that will be covered this year
Language of Literature TestShort story and poetry unitsResearch Paper
Sadlier and Oxford Online VocabRomeo & Juliet/West Side StoryNarrative
Grammar Packets will be providedSpeak (novel) by L.H. AndersonVarious Writing Assignments
Grammar and vocabulary unitsNonfiction Reading / Project
The Odyssey and mythology unitLiterature Circles
Speech unitsIndependent novel reading
- Students will be focusing on improving reading and writing skills that coincide with standardized tests and common core standards. All activities/assignments coincide with Ohio’s Common Core Standards.
- Students will be expected to participate daily in class discussions, critical thinking activities, vocabulary and grammar workshops, and writing assignments.
- Students will also be required to successfully complete written assignments through paragraph, journal, and essay writing in addition to creative writing assignments, poetry assignments, and a research project and written assignment.
- Students will be expected to come to class prepared with pens and pencils, paper, English binder, and whatever else the teacher may request for special occasions such as assigned novels and vocabulary books.
- Students need to be in the classroom when the bell rings. Tardies will be enforced this year.You will need to immediately begin the Bell Starter that will be on board.
- Please take care of bathroom breaks and going to lockers before/after class unless it is an emergency.
- All code of conduct expectations in student handbook should be followed and all disciplinary actions will be strictly followed in accordance to SHS policy.
- Each student should come to school with a positive attitude and ready to learn, even if the task at hand may be difficult or not exciting. NO COMPLAINING ALLOWED. Everyone has a bad day, but please remember that each and every one of us can still try to be polite and respect one another.
- Parents will be contacted when necessary due to conduct or performance issues.
- Students must raise hands to be called on to speak unless otherwise directed.
- Disrespect towards classmates and/or teachers will automatically result in a teacher/student “talk," parent phone call, and it may lead to a referral. Disrespect and rudeness will not be tolerated.
- We have new seats that require more space. With limited space in my room, I am creating groupings of 2-3 in each. You will be sitting beside someone, but you will not use that time to chit chat, use your phones, borrow homework or test answers, etc. Tests and quizzes will have multiple version.
- Cheating will not be tolerated—Automatic Zero when caught with a parent phone call for first offense. See Handbook for detailed explanation.
- No food allowed unless approved by teachers; beverages will be permissible in classroom unless spills occur.
- No cell phones or other electronic devices will be utilized in the classroom at any time by any student unless given permission by your teachers1st Offense—Warning will be followed by parent phone calls and referrals, if necessary. I allow phones to be used to record assignments, for some activities we do in class, and to listen to music or play games when finished with a test or quiz. TEXTING IS NEVER PERMITTED. See me if you have an emergency call or text situation.
- Access to computer labs is very limited this year due to construction. The media center is closed 1st semester. Please complete assignments on your chrome book via Google Classroom or type/print at home.
- Students will be assigned a textbook to keep at home, and students will also be given an electronic vocab done completely online. Lost textbooks will result in a fine of 100.00
- Grades will be updated weekly to bi-weekly. Allow teacher up to one week to return graded assignments and tests and up to 2-3 weeks for large projects and essays.
- Iwill provide study guides (some will be optional), review games, and one-on-one study time, upon request and with an appointment, for large unit tests.
- If you have an excused absence, follow these make-up guidelines:
- If an assignment was due when you were absent, you must turn it in upon return to class. No research papers, group projects, or speeches will be allowed late unless an emergency arises.
- If an assignment was assigned the day you were absent, you will get the same amount of time as each student. 1 day absent = 1 day to make up ; 2 days = 2 days to make up and so on.
C. All tests and quizzes must be made up within 5 days or a zero will result.
- No credit will be given for identical homework. THIS IS STILL CHEATING. All work needs to be done individually including study guides, vocabulary units, etc. unless teacher indicates the assignment as partner or group work.
- HW Passes may be used for HW assignments less than 20 pts as an exemption or as a 1 day extension. This does not apply to writing or projects. However, HW passes may be used as a 1 day extension for ANY homework assignment. HW Passes are very rare and must be earned through academic challenges, class contests, teacher recognition, etc. But, the 1st HW pass is the easiest to obtain. You may donate ONE of the following by Wednesday, Sep 1 for 1 HW pass: PLEASE DONATE THESE UNOPENED AND NOT IN BAGGIES. These are donations--not mandatory.
A. One pack of purple pens (2 or more)C. One pack of #3 mechanical pencils (2 or more)
B. One medium size hand sanitizer
I do expect a lot from each of you, but I love to have fun at the same time. Remember to be respectful, participate, and do your best. We are going to have a memorable and entertaining year. I know I will learn many things from each of you; my goal is to make sure you learn from me.
I have read all of Mrs. Stonitsch’s rules, expectations, and requirements for my success in her English class. I will do my best to follow all of the procedures and work hard to achieve these goals. I will come prepared to class and have a positive attitude during class. I will participate during reading and writing activities, discussions, debates, etc.
This is a contract that students, parents, and the classroom teacher need to adhere to during this school year.
Student signature: ______Date: ______
I have read my child’s syllabus and will help him/her to achieve these expectations.
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
***Please be legible so that I can accurately file each student’s parent signature form***
HOME PHONE: ______MOM'S CELL: ______DAD'S CELL: ______
1. Are there any areas of Language Arts where your child struggles?
2. Are there any concerns you have that we need to know to help us ensure your child has a successful, academic year with us?
3. Please indicate below any learning issues, seating preferences, or other valuable information you need us to know.