Alberta Crop Industry Development Fund Ltd.
Innovative Investment in Alberta’s Agriculture and Food Industries
1. Information and Guidelines
Additional information on grants and application guidelines can be found on our website at Please direct questions through e-mail () or by telephone at 403 872-8262.
2. Goals
The Alberta Crop Industry Development Fund (ACIDF) Feeding Initiativeis looking for research and development proposals that can deliver practical, clear results to industry around 3 strategic priorities. The strategic priorities are:
1.“Feed Utilization” The more efficient utilization of feed grains by the livestock sector.
2.“Feed Value” The development of technologies that would permit the identification of feed grain attributes that would allow the value of feed grain to be properly determined by growers and feeders. This will optimize value capture by both the feed grower and the feed user.
3.“Innovation in Breeding” The investment in product development through increased investment in public and /or private research and plant breeding dedicated to feed grain
3. Eligible Applicants
Applications are encouraged from:
- Industry associations, and groups,
- Government organizations and agencies,
- Universities, colleges, research institutions and applied research associations
- Companies, cooperatives, partnerships, joint ventures and individuals.
4. Application Process
The ACIDF accepts applications for research/science and non-science proposals on this form.
Research/science applications follow a joint application process. ACIDF works closely with Alberta Innovates – Bio Solutions, ALMA, Agriculture & Food Council and other funders. Proposals may be shared with these organizations at ACIDF discretion. Each funding organization will review applications with respect to their own goals and strategies. Technical review committees will be used as required.
5. Required Information
The application below contains the minimum necessary information required to evaluate a proposal. There is no requirement to use these forms, but it is highly recommended. ACIDF will consider applications as submitted to other organizations providing the required information is available and the document is submitted in an appropriate electronic format.
The applicant is responsible for all information being present and easy to locate. If the form you use is notably different from our sample, we recommend you attach a table of contents to highlight the location of appropriate information in the document.
6. Budget Information
Budgets on the applications are broken down by general category and by source of funds. Applicants should include comments on how money will be allocated. For example, $40,000 in salaries should be itemized for clarity. Budgets with vague or inadequate detail are difficult to evaluate and may be rejected or downgraded accordingly.
7. Delivery and Format Conventions
Please keep all applications concise. Documents should be submitted in English, formatted for 8½ X 11 inch paper. Body fonts should be 11 to 14 points single spaced, and conform to common MS Windows installations. A header containing the name of the proposal, the date of the submission and the primary applicant is highly recommended. Unsatisfactory or unnecessarily long documents will be returned or rejected.
Proposals and applications should be sent via e-mail to . Documents must be supplied as an electronic document in a Microsoft Word 97 through 2010 compatible format to be eligible for consideration. Applications may not be submitted by fax.
Full applications requiring signatures do not necessarily require signature. Applications submitted without authority to proceed with the work described will result in rejection of future applications from that applicant. No financial disbursements can be made until all required signatures are received and a grant contract has been negotiated.
8. Deadlines
Applications to ACIDF are welcome year round, with the exception of designated calls-for-proposal, which will have their own dates. Applications for projects to begin in a crop season should be submitted at least four (4) months prior to the start date to allow time for due diligence, possible approval and signing of the grant agreement. Further information is available at our website (
9. ACIDF Expectations of Applicants
1Interim reports with financial statements as required by the funding contract
2Final report due after project completion containing
- Results achieved compared to expected results
- Estimated financial benefits to industry and producer
- Financial statements including full statement of revenue and expenses for project
3Acknowledgments on any presentations, publications or papers arising from ACIDF sponsorship
Please delete these instruction pages before submitting application. Thanks.
For Administrative Use Only
Electronic form will expand as information is entered.
Brevity is a virtue.
Project Title:(max. 15 words)Project Number:
Key Words:(prioritized, max. 15)
Type: research/science [ ] market/investment attraction [ ] extension/training [ ]
Sector: (cereals, oilseeds, forages, horticulture, special crops)
Signatory recommendation enclosed? (Y/N) File name:
Is this application linked to other submitted applications? (list)
Start Date: / Completion Date:
Total Grant Requested: / Total Cost of Project:
Where does your project best fit on the Development Continuum? Choose only one.
/ Basic Research / / Applied Research / / Development and Adaptation / / Extension/Training/ Market Development / / Investment attraction / / Commercialization
Baseline Information
Applicant:Contact name:(requires personal data sheet)
e-mail: / Phone: / FAX:
List by Name/Institution: Expertise added:
Confidentiality and Environment
The applicant's name, company, project title and amount of grant will be public information.Is a confidentiality agreement required? (Y/N, if yes explain)
Do you anticipate the project will have an impact on the environment? (Y/N)
If yes, screened by Canadian Environmental Assessment Act? (Y/N, result?)
screened by Alberta Environment Act? (Y/N, result?)
Other actions taken:
Goals and Objectives (max. 4 pages)
Key Objectives: (Point form, concise)Deliverables: (Point form, concise)
Potential Benefits to Alberta's Industry: (Production, social, environmental. Include economic estimate.)
New Project or Continuation?(If continuation, explain how ACIDF portion will be identifiable.)
Hypothesis and Procedures: (Sufficiently detailed for fair review, max. 2 pages)
Time table, reporting and milestones: (Point form, concise, include relevant dates or events)
Tech Transfer Plan: (show process and expected results, max. 1 page)
Future Opportunities arising from Project: (Point form, concise)
Budget Explanation: (additional detail on expenditures)
Summary Project Budget ($CDN)
Note: Detailed Budget should be supplied as appendix or attached Excel spreadsheet
Year / Source / Type / People / Travel / Capital Assets / Supply / CDL* / Over-head / GST /
1 / ACIDF / CashOther Fund / Cash
Gov’t / Cash
Industry / Cash
2 / ACIDF / Cash
Other Fund / Cash
Gov’t / Cash
Industry / Cash
3 / ACIDF / Cash
Other Fund / Cash
Gov’t / Cash
Industry / Cash
*Communication, Dissemination, and Linkage
Total Funds Requested
Source / Amount / Percentage of Total Project CostACIDF or other funder
Government sources: Cash
Government sources: In-kind
Industry : Cash
Industry: In-kind
Total Project cost / 100%
Sources of Funding Contributions
Government Sources / Industry Sources
Name / Cash($) / In-kind($) / Name / Cash($) / In-kind($)
Total: / Total:
Applicant(s): (duplicate this section as required)
Name/Company:Agreement/Declaration: I/We hereby declare that the information provided in this application is true and accurate to the best of my/our knowledge. The contact, applicant, and their employing institution(s) or organization(s) accept full responsibility for any actions resulting from their work.
Applicant/contact Signatures as required by institution
The ACIDF requires a personal data sheet for all senior co-applicants to accompany the full application.
Before any grant can be released, all co-applicants must supply a signed letter stating the following:
- They acknowledge the applicant (as named in the application) as the primary contact
- They recognize the applicant will be responsible for reporting and handling of grant monies
- They understand the nature of the project and their role within it
- They are committed to participate in the project and have authority to commit time and facilities as required (requires supervisor/institution signatures)
- Full name, address and contact information
Personal Data Sheet (Duplicate this section as required, Maximum 1 page/sheet)
Name: (Last, First)Position / Organization / Dept.:
Address: / e-mail:
Phone: / FAX:
Relevant Professional Experience (begin with present position, point form, concise):
DatesPosition or FunctionEmployerLocation
Post-Secondary Education and Training Relevant to Proposal:
InstitutionField SpecializationDegree/DiplomaYear
Research/Business Activities Related to Proposal (list up to 4 projects):
Other Relevant Works and Articles in the Last Three Years (Point form, concise)
Signature: / Date:
File: appfull40.doc- 1 -Version 4.0 March 15 2013