Westminster Homecare is committed to equal opportunities in our operating practices and in the delivery of Services.
Westminster Homecare aim to ensure that all Service Users are treated fairly without pre-conceived bias or distinctions. This specific policy is in addition to our general equal opportunity policy and is produced to reinforce our commitment to equal opportunities within the area of Service delivery.
The aim of our policy is to ensure that no Service User, member of the public or individual working with our organisation receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of sex, disability, race, martial status, nationality, colour, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation or age.
In line with our recruitment policy we ensure that we have sufficient workers from the same ethnic, religious or cultural groups, or others with appropriate knowledge and skills to meet the users’ needs where there are special requirements, such as washing, bathing, hair care, food preparation or customs associated with death or dying.
Where a Service User requests that a carer is removed for cultural or ethnicity reasons or when they request a specific carer on the grounds of culture or ethnicity then their request will be examined to establish if the request is due to a genuine need for a carer with specific cultural or ethnic skills. In such cases such skills would be considered to constitute a Genuine Occupational Qualification (GOQ) which is directly connected with the care and welfare of the Service User and is in accordance with the Race Relations Act 1976 S5 (2)(d). Where there is found not to be a GOQ and the care received falls outside of personal services as referred to in S5 (2)(d) and the request is due to a Service User’s personal preference or prejudice the request would be declined.
Westminster Homecare will not tolerate any deliberate acts of unlawful discrimination, derogatory racist or sexist remarks, and racial or sexual harassment directed towards any Service User, fellow employee or member of the general public. Any complaint or discrimination will be thoroughly and properly investigated and if upheld will be treated as gross misconduct and may lead to dismissal.
In ambiguous cases or uncertainty the Commission for Racial Equality and/or the Equal Opportunities Commission will be consulted and their recommendations would form the basis of any final decision made or action taken.