NRICH Ambassadors
NRICH is seeking classroom teachers who are enthusiastic about using our resources, to work more closely with the primary and secondary teams in helping to spread a passion for problem-solving.
Through the Cambridge and Archimedes Maths Hubs we invite applications from practising classroom teachers within schools connected to either of these Hubs, to apply to become an NRICH ambassador.
Our commitment to you:
This voluntary role will involve you sharing good practice in your teaching community, through using NRICH resources effectively to embed problem-solving within schools.
You will receive 3 free days of bespoke professional development from the NRICH team which will take place at Cambridge University on:
Wednesday 11th January 2017
Thursday 23rd March 2017
Tuesday 27th June 2017
This role will provide you with the opportunity to work alongside the NRICH team in exploring ways to share resources from the website with teachers and schools who are at differing stages along the journey of developing confident and competent problem solvers.
Your commitment to us:
You will be expected to attend each of the training sessions in Cambridge (dates above). After each date you will be asked to share the content/resources we have used with colleagues in your teaching communities and then to feed back to other ambassadors and the NRICH team on subsequent days at Cambridge University.
NRICH Ambassadors will be expected to lead Work Groups , with the support of their Maths Hub, in local schools. There will also be development opportunities for wider dissemination of the problem-solving practice gained, in other Hub areas and schools.
Spreading the word:
You might already use digital media to share good teaching practice or have a blog to explore your thinking and reflect on teaching ideas and experiences. If so, we would be delighted to hear your thoughts about how these methods could be developed to support teachers and their use of NRICH materials.
In this initial pilot year we are not accepting applications from NQTs, solely due to the requirements already placed on them during their first year. However we would encourage NQTs to book onto the PD programme in the summer term that we run specifically for them further details of which can be found at
The online application form for this role can be accessed via
The deadline for submissions is Friday 25th November 2016.