Ghana Assessment 1
Name / Class/FormQ2. Which continent is Ghana in? (1)
Q3. Label this continent (you wrote for Q2) on the map below. (1)
Q4. Label the country Ghana on this map (1) and give the map an appropriatetitle (1).
Q5. Ghana has millions of very poor people. List 3 problems poor people face in Ghana. (3)
Q6. What does the word ‘Development’ mean? (2)
Q7. A development indicator is a way of measuring development in a country. Match the following development indicators to the correct meaning. (4)
Adult Literacy Rate** / **The average number of calories consumed per person per day.Daily Calorie Consumption** / **The average number of years a person lives.
Infant Mortality Rate** / **The percentage of adults over 15 years who can read and write.
Life Expectancy** / **The number of babies per 1000 born, alive, who die before their 1st birthday.
Q8. a) What does GDP stand for? (1) b) What does it mean? (1)
Q9. Name a country you think has a high GDP and explain why. (4)
Q10. Countries like Ghana have been held back from developing.
Next to each reason why LEDCs are held back write either…
Historical, environmental or socio-economic.
The first one is done for you.
A) There has been a war going on______socio-economic______
B) They were colonised by Europeans______(1)
C) They have borrowed a lot of money and so money they make goes to pay it back______(1)
D) They have very few natural resources______(1)_
E) They have unreliable rainfall so it is hard to grow crops______(1)
Q11. Explain the good and bad effects of how one large scale project has helped Ghana develop but also held it back. (9)
Answers Ghana Test 1 (up to L5)
Q1. Less Economically Developed Country. (1)
Q2. Africa (1)
Q3. -One mark for correctly labelling Africa on the world map (1).
Q4. - One mark for correctly labelling Ghana on the Africa map. (1) And giving the map a suitable title. Do not accept ‘Countries of Africa’ or ‘Africa’, but ‘map of Africa showing location of Ghana. (1)
Q5. Lack of food, clean water, money, education, healthcare, any other sensible point. (3)
Q6. Development means a change for the better, improving the quality of life for people. It is about change and growth. Award one mark for basic statement then one mark for development of first point or second point. (2)
Q7. (4)
Adult Literacy Rate** / **The average number of calories consumed per person per day.Daily Calorie Consumption** / **The average number of year a person lives.
Infant Mortality** / **The percentage of adults over 15 years who can read and write.
Life Expectancy.** / **The number of babies per 1000 born alive who die before their 1st birthday.
Q8.a) Gross Domestic Product. (1) b) Total value of goods and services a country produces in a year (US dollars) or similar wording.
Q9. No mark for naming MEDC. Don’t accept reasons such as the country has/earns more money.
Level 11-2 marks Listed reasons with no support
Level 23-4 marksWell explained points supported and logical.
Q11. 9 marksName a large scale project (1) Akosombo Dam
Level 1 1-3 marks
List of reasons with vague support. Explanation very brief. More of a bullet point list of reasons.
Level 24-6 marks
Explained reasons supported with some facts and people’s views from Ghana. Written in PEE paragraphs.
Level 37-9 marks
Well explained answer, supported with facts and logical explanation. Both sides explained and some evaluation of how useful it has been for Ghana overall.
Total score out of 33.
Level 3 10 - 16 points
3c10 – 12
3a16 - 18
Level 4 18-26 points
4c18 – 20
4b21 - 22
4a23 - 26
Level 5 27 - 33 points
5c26 - 28
5b29 – 31
5a32 – 33
Ghana Assessment 2
Name: ______Teacher: ______
Q2. Which continent is Ghana in? (1)
Q3. a) Label this continent (you wrote for Q2) on the map below. (1)
b) Label 3 other continents (3)
Q4. a) Label the country Ghana on this map (1) and give the map a full, appropriatetitle (1)
c) The three countries bordering Ghana are Togo, Burkina and Ivory Coast. Label these on the map. (3)
Q5. Ghana has millions of very poor people. List 2 problems poor people face in Ghana, Explain how each problem can be solved with a sensiblesolution. (6)
Q6. What does the term ‘Development’ mean? (2)
Q7. A development indicator is a way of measuring development in a country.
Define each of the key development indicators in the adjacent boxes (6)
Adult Literacy RateInfant Mortality
Life Expectancy
Q8. a) What does GDP stand for? (1) b) What does it mean? (1)
Q9. What does GDP per capita mean? (1)
Q10. Name a country you think has a high GDP and explain why. (4)
Q11. Countries like Ghana have been held back from developing as quickly as we have.
Give one Environmental, socio-economic and historical reason why a country may be held back. (3)
Q12. In the past Ghana has taken out many large loans to pay for development projects. Explain why having so many loans to repay hold back the development of a country (5)
Q13. Discuss one large-scale project Ghana has borrowed money for. How did Ghana hope the project would encourage development?Evaluate its success and give your ideas and opinions. (10).
Answers Ghana Test 2 (L5 – L8)
Q1 Less Economically Developed Country (1)
Q2 a) Africa (1)
Q3 – a) One mark for correctly labelling Africa on the world map. (1)
b) Award 3 points for 3 other correctly labelled continents. (3)
Q4 – a) One mark for correctly labelling Ghana on the Africa map. (1)
b) One mark for each correctly labelled country. (3) Must be Map of Africa showing or there abouts. Not map of Africa.
Q5 One mark for valid problem – not “not enough money” and two mark for possible solution explained. If explained well 3 marks, if reason given 1 (6)
Such as:
e.g. No clean water to drink (1) Water Aid provides water pumps and education. (1), this is good because . .
Q6. Development means a change for the better, improving the quality of life for people. It is about change and growth. Award one mark for basic statement then one mark for development or a valid example of first point. (2)
Q7. (4) for correct matches, (2) for correct filling in 2 blanks.
Adult Literacy Rate** / / ** The average number of calories consumed per person per day.Daily Calorie Consumption** / **The number of available doctors per
1000 of the population.
Infant Mortality** / **The average length of time a person lives in a country.
Life expectancy.** / **The number of babies per 1000 born alive who die before their 1st birthday
Q8a a) Gross Domestic Product. (1) b) Total value of goods and services a country produces in a year (US dollars) or similar wording.
Q9. Total value of goods and services a country produces in a year (US dollars) divided by the population to get average wealth per person or per head. (1)
Q10. Any MEDC named (no mark) (5 marks)
Level 1 1-2 Marks
List of reasons given. Very Vague E.g. reasons such as the country has/earns more money, they are more developed and have better chances to earn a good living/good education/better jobs.
Level 22-4 marks
Reasons explained with key terms and example – e.g tertiary jobs.
Q11. 1 point for 1 answer for each, total 3 points.
Environmental – Few natural resources, difficult climate (drought/flood).
Socio-economic – War, few industries, problem of debt.
Historical – Colonisation.
Q12. In the past Ghana has taken out many large loans to pay for development projects. Why does having so many loans to repay hold back development? (5)
Level 11-3 marks – basic statements of explanation- load and interest has to be repaid so less money for country. Less money for services.
Level 24-5 marks – explained fully with evidence and a case study of Ghana and the dam. Linkage of impacts on the economy and social infrastructure explained in an insight way.
Q13. Total 10 marks.
Akosombo Dam (1).
(2) points for stating what Ghana hoped the dam would do. (Irrigation for farming, electricity for homes, tourism develops, jobs, save on imports.)
(4) points for evaluating: student should state advantages and disadvantages of the dam. (The electricity from the dam has helped Ghana to develop, there is good fishing but deal with ‘Valco’ did not go as expected, drought problems=power cuts, people moved/displaced, not much use for irrigation.)
(3) points for personal ideas such as, I think/believe the dam was a good/bad idea because……
Level 11-3 List of ideas. Description of dam. Lack of detail.
Level 24-7
Reasons explained & impacts compared well and evaluated supported with supporting facts at the top end.
Level 38-10Excellent of the above
Total score out of 50Levelling
Below 20- Do Test 1
Level 520-29(9)
Level 630-39(9)
Level 740-47 (6)
Level 848-50 (2)
As you can see from the grade boundaries most students are expected to fall between levels 5 and 6. Outstanding students will achieve upwards of 4O points. With exceptional students achieving almost top marks to achieve a level 8.
Grade boundaries are derived from NC level descriptors and the amount of knowledge expected for each NC level.
Students who do not achieve 20 points cannot be levelled; these students must retake the test levels 3-5.
Year 9 Ghana Revision
Learning objective: To revise all work done on Ghana so far, in preparation for test on Friday.
Create a PowerPoint presentation on Ghana and development issues.
Use the following guide to help you.
Slide / Content1 / General facts and location of Ghana.
2 / Poverty in Ghana
3 / What is development
4 / How do we measure development
5 / Charities and how they encourage development
6 / How did the development gap grow? (Historical/environmental/socio-economic reasons).
7 / The problem of third world debt.
8 / Akosombo Dam
Ghana Improvement Targets
- Explain your answers with 2 because sentences.
- Revise more before tests and learn more facts about Ghana to use in your answers.
- Revise and use more geographical keywords into your PEE paragraphs.
- When asked to explain, I should not write a list of reasons, but write in joined and linked sentences that use because.
- Support each good or bad thing about the dam with a fact – support my arguments with more evidence.
- Much longer answers are needed for 10 mark answers that go over the pros and cons of an issue, each supported with a fact.
- I need to evaluate more clearly, by explaining each good and bad impact of the dam with a fact and then compare and weigh them up against each other so I can come to a conclusion that shows the overall impact of the dam.
Ghana Improvement Targets
- Explain your answers with 2 because sentences.
- Revise more before tests and learn more facts about Ghana to use in your answers.
- Revise and use more geographical keywords into your PEE paragraphs.
- When asked to explain, I should not write a list of reasons, but write in joined and linked sentences that use because.
- Support each good or bad thing about the dam with a fact – support my arguments with more evidence.
- Much longer answers are needed for 10 mark answers that go over the pros and cons of an issue, each supported with a fact.
- I need to evaluate more clearly, by explaining each good and bad impact of the dam with a fact and then compare and weigh them up against each other so I can come to a conclusion that shows the overall impact of the dam.