Delphos Republican Nov 30 1961
50 Years Ago
Aurora Chancy
Anyone wanting to acquire some snakes might contact Lloyd Shivers. They found a goodly number of them when they opened the pump pit.
Mr & Mrs George Tatum, Topeka, announce the birth of a son, Todd Arthur, Nov 20th. Mrs Tatum is the former Jeannine Hartley.
The Post Office asks that you mail early. Christmas cards should be sent 1st class (4 cents) so that they can be forwarded or returned if undeliverable.
Corliss P Dean, former Delphos man, passed away, Nov 19th at Claremont, CA.
Mr & Mrs Rex Fuller are the proud parents of a baby girl born Nov 27th. Lucinda Sybil has a brother, Eddie.
Mr & Mrs Earnest Murray, Minneapolis, are moving into the property of the late Ray Jones in the southeast part of town.
A-1c and Mrs Robert Aldridge of Evreaux, France, are the proud parents of a daughter, Carla Jolene, born Nov 22. Grandparents are Mr & Mrs Max Rolph.
Mr & Mrs J A Sparks, Holton, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Nov 5th.
Mr & Mrs Robert Hanchett, Ellsworth, hosted a family reunion. Jerry McKain's birthday was celebrated.
Mr & Mrs Lee Ponton Family reunion was held Friday. This was the first time in twenty years that all five children had been home together. Also attending were 12 of their 14 grandchildren and one great grandchild.
Pamela Meredith celebrated her 2nd birthday.
Word comes to Miltonvale of the death of Wesley Dow, Lakeland FL. The Dows lived in Miltonvale some years back.
From Meredith: The body of Lulu McCauchetion was buried in Oakland Union cemetery, Nov 22.
Mr & Mrs Delbert Liby have a daughter born Friday. Mrs Liby is the former Marion Gunter.
Charlie Parks was buried at Liberal KS Monday. He was the brother of Mrs Dillie Eye.
George Savage is with us no more. Mrs Lura Gaunther, Chanute, came to be with her sister and attended the funeral. Jas Savage of California was here for the memorial service for his father.
Mary Almeda Van Horn, Mar 13 1888 - Nov 12 1961. Mary Smith married Fred Van Horn Mar 15 1912, and he died Oct 7 1943.