


Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of New Hampshire

Durham, NH 03824 (603) 862-3045

Born: 30 March 1949 Citizen: USA


Ph.D. Yale University, Department of Forestry and Environmental Studies (1973-1976)

M.F.S. Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies (1971-1973)

B.S. Yale College, Dept. of Engineering and App. Sciences (Computer Science) (1967-1971)


1987-University of New Hampshire

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (2009-2013)

University Professor (2009-)

Vice-President for Research and Public Service (2003-2007)

Professor (1990-) and Associate Professor (1987-1990),

Department. of Natural Resources and Environment, and

Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space,

Director, Complex Systems Research Center (1989-1997)

Chair, Ph.D. Program in Natural Resources and Earth System Science (1990-2005)

Coordinator – Cross-college program in Environmental Science (2007-2009, 2014-)

1979-87 University of Wisconsin-Madison

Associate (1981-1987) and Assistant (1979-1981) Professor, Department of Forestry,

Member, Teaching Faculty, Institute for Environmental Studies

Chair, Center for Restoration Ecology (1986-1987)

1977-78 University of Virginia

Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences

1976-77 Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Lab, Woods Hole, MA

Post-Doctoral Fellow

AWARDS and fellowships

Tau Beta Pi - National Engineering Honor Society, 1971

Yale University: Annie G. K. Garlard Fellowship, 1972-73, University Fellowship, 1973-1976

Pound Award for Excellence in Research, University of Wisconsin, 1984

H. J. Romnes Faculty Fellowship, University of Wisconsin, 1985

Xi Sigma Pi - National Forestry Honor Society, 1989

Distinguished Young Faculty Award, University of New Hampshire, 1987-1992

Visiting Libra Professor in Ecology and Env. Science, University of Maine, Feb. 1995

Charles Bullard Fellow - Harvard University - 1996

Distinguished Publication Award - US Forest Service Southwest Experiment Station, 1999

ISI 9th most cited scientist in the field of Ecology and Environmental Sciences – 1993-2003

Distinguished Professor Award, University of New Hampshire, 2003

Distinguished Alumnus Award, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, 2003

UNH University Professorship awarded 2009 (continuing)

Wilbur Cross Medal, Yale University, awarded 2012

USEPA Region 1 Lifetime Merit Award, 2017


Terrestrial Ecosystems Modeling of Terrestrial Ecosystems

Introduction to Environmental Science Introduction to Forest Science

Forest Ecosystems and Global ChangeCapstone in Environmental Science

Measurement of Forest Ecosystems Analysis of Forest Ecosystems

Proposal Writing Popular Science Writing

Earth System Science and Your Energy Future (Honors Freshman Seminars)

Restoration Ecology Seminar

Students and Associates Trained – and current positions

Post-Doctoral Associates:

Glenn Bernston – Private Sector

Richard Boone – Professor, University of Alaska

Tom Kimmerer – Environmental Consultant

Mary Martin – Research Assistant Professor, University of New Hampshire

John Pastor – Professor, University of Minnesota-Duluth

Andrew Richardson – Associate Professor, Harvard University

Ph.D. Students:

William Currie – Professor, University of Michigan

James Fownes – High school science teacher, Amherst. MA

Christine Goodale – Associate Professor, Cornell University

Richard Hallett – Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service

Joe Hendricks – Professor, University of West Georgia

Jennifer Jenkins – Dir., Science and Strategy, Applied Geosolutions, Durham, NH

Allison Leach – Degree expected 2018

Mary Martin – Research Assistant Professor, University of New Hampshire

Charles McClaugherty – Professor, Mount Union College

Steve McNulty – Ecologist and Global Change Team Leader, USDA Forest Service Southern Global Change Program

Knute Nadelhoffer – Professor, University of Michigan, and Director, University of Michigan Biological Station

Scott Ollinger – Professor, University of New Hampshire

Marie-Louise Smith – Associate Forest Manager, USFS, Idaho – currently in Washington, DC office

Matthew Smith – Research Scientist, University of New Hampshire

Carol Wessman – Professor, University of Colorado

Masters Students:

Katherine Bolster, Christine Goodale, Ashley Green, Julian Jenkins, Mark Lennon, Alison Magill, Charles McClaugherty, Steve McNulty, Patricia Micks, Steve Newman, Margaret Lefer, Stuart Utley


Chair, Ph.D. Program in Natural Resources and Earth System Science (1990-2004)

Director, Complex Systems Research Center (1989-1997)

Executive Committee, Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space (1989-1997)

Commission on Research and Graduate Education (1989-1991)

Accreditation Task Force (1992-1993)

University Research Advisory Board (1992-1997)

Research and Public Outreach Task Force (1995)

University Transportation Policy Committee (1996-98), Chair (1996-1997)

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Planning Group (1989)

Committee on the Faculty, Department of Natural Resources (1990-2003)

Chair (1992-1996, 2002-2003)

Responsibility Centered Management Comm.- Subcom. on Indirect Costs (1998-1999)

Co-chair, Search Committee, Dean of College of Life Sciences and Agric. (2000-2001)

Teachers As Scholars Advisory Board (2001-2002)

Presidential Search Committee (2001-2002)

Co-chair, Presidential Inauguration Committee (2002)

Chair, Sustainability Program Review Team (2002-2003)

Service as part of Responsibilities of VP for Research and Public Service (2003-7)

And as Provost (2009-2013)

Space Allocation, Renovation and Repair Committee

Central Budget Committee

President’s Cabinet

Responsibility Centered Management Review Team (2004-2006, 2009-2011)

University Energy Task Force (2005-2009), Chair (2005-2007)

President’s Blue-Ribbon Panel on the Future of Research at UNH (2007-2008)

Faculty Senate (2008-9)

Finance and Administration Committee (2008-9)

Burley-DeMerritt/Organic Dairy Research Farm Management Group (2008-9)

Chair (2008-9)

Environmental Science Program, Coordinator (2007-9)

Search Committee – Director of the Institute for Earth, Oceans and Space (2008-9)

Search Committee – Provost (2008-9)

College of Life Science and Agriculture Executive Committee (2009)

University Strategic Planning Process - New Markets Group (2009)

College of Life Science and Agriculture – Sustainable Agriculture Program Group (2009)

Organic Dairy Research Farm Supervisor Search Committee (2009)

University of New Hampshire School of Law, Board of Directors (2010-2013)

University Ecosystem Task Force (Sustainability Institute), Co-chair (2014-)

Carsey Institute Research Committee (2014-2015)

Cultural Events Committee (2014-2016)

COLSA College Promotion and Tenure Committee (2014-2015)

University Committee on Dual Major in Sustainability (2015-)

University Zero Waste Task Force, Co-chair (2016-)

community service


Statewide EPSCoR Committee (2004-8), Chair (2004-7)

Great Bay Estuary Commission (2005-8)

Oversight Committee, N.H. Innovation Research Center (2003-7)


Town Councilor, Town of Durham (1994-1997)

Conservation Commission, Town of Durham (1994-1995)

Durham Rental Housing Commission, Chair (1995-1997)

Durham-UNH Library Services Negotiating Committee (1996)

Durham Public Library Board of Trustees, (1997-2003), Sec. (1997), Chair (1998-2003)

Durham Economic Development Committee (2003-2004)


Parish Council, Church of St. Thomas More (1993-1996)


Keynote Speaker-

Amer. Geophysical Union, Chapman Conference on Nitrogen, September 1996

German Ecological Society, Bayreuth, September 1999

XIV International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, Hanover, Germany, August, 2001

Climate Change and Working Forests, Concord, NH, March 2007

Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association, Unity, Maine, 2015

Topical Seminars

Harvard UniversityYale University Cornell University University of Virginia University of Colorado Dartmouth College Johns Hopkins University University of Wisconsin Jet Propulsion Laboratory Univ. of Minnesota Colorado State University University of Maine Univ. of Massachusetts University of Vermont University College-Dublin Syracuse University University of Rhode Island Gordon Conferences Oak Ridge Nat. Labs Coweeta Hydrologic Lab. University of North Carolina Scope Conferences Fordham University Portsmouth Athenaeum SUNY-Albany Harvard Forest Harvard Club of Boston

Free University of Bolzano/Bozen, Italy

Institute for Environmental Studies (Millbrook, NY) – Cary Symposia

The Ecosystem Center, Marine Biological Laboratory (Woods Hole, MA)

Swedish Agricultural University (Uppsala)

U.S. Forest Service – Durham, NH, Carbondale, IL


Brookhaven National Laboratory (1977-86) Effects of acid precipitation on forest ecosystems

Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory (1979-84) Terrestrial vegetation

and the global carbon cycle

U.S. Forest Service, Carbondale, Illinois (1979) General reviewer of research


New York State Temporary Commission on Tug Hill (1980-4). Impacts of various harvesting practices on site productivity

Chesapeake Bay Center for Environmental Studies, Smithsonian Institution (1982) NSF-sponsored site and research review

Wisconsin Power and Light Co. (1983-4) Acid Rain Effects on Forests

Institute for Ecosystem Studies, New York Botanical Garden, Cary Arboretum (1983)

Program Review

Northern States Power Co. (1984-5) Air Pollution Effects on Forests

Imaging Spectrometer Science Advisory Group, Jet Propulsion Lab., Pasadena, CA


Land Processes Subcommittee of Earth System Science Committee, National

Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (1984-88)

ELF Communications System Ecological Monitoring Program Technical Review Consultant (1986-1994)

Kilkelly Environmental Associates, Raleigh, NC. Acid deposition effects on

watersheds (1986-1990)

National Science Foundation - Ecosystem Studies Program - Panel member 1988-1990

Deccenial Institutional Review, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA


Environmental Studies Ph.D. Program Review - Antioch New England (1995)

Expert Team, Irish National Program for Determination of Critical Loads for

Sulfur and Nitrogen and Critical Levels for Ozone in Ireland (1995-1998).

Program Review Panel, EPA-CASTNet Atmospheric Deposition Program, (1997)

U.S. National Environmental Assessment - Forest Sector - Co-Chair (1998-2001)

Ecological Society of America - Study Group on Management of the National Forests (1998-1999)

`Program Review Panel, Sustainable Forest Management Program, Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research, Sweden (May, 2000)

National Research Council Committee on the Future of Biosphere Dynamics (2002)

NSF-IGERT Site Review – University of Michigan Biological Research Station (2002)

National Research Council – Report Review – “Funding Smithsonian Research” (2002)

National Research Council Committee on NEON - A National Ecological Observation Network (2003)

National Science Foundation – Panel discussant - Advisory Comm. for Environmental Research and Education (2004)

National Research Council Committee on “The Geological Record of Ecological Dynamics” (2002-2005)

Lund University, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Thesis Opponent (March, 2006)

National Ecological Observing Network (NEON) – Board of Directors (2006-8)

University Press of New England, Board of Governors (2009-2013)

Yale University, University Council - Member (2011-2014)

Chair, Council Review Committee on the School of Forestry and Env. Studies

Hubbard Brook Research Foundation, Board Member (1998-2015)

Science and Policy Exchange, Board Member (2013-)



Biogeochemistry (Nijhoff/Junk, publishers) - Associate Editor (1984-87)

Trees: Structure and Function (Springer-Verlag) - Editorial Board (1986-1990)

Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy - Subject Editor (1995-2002)

Canadian Journal of Forest Research - Associate Editor (1995-1998)

Ecosystems – Associate Editor (2000-2003)

Ecology Ecological Applications

Science Nature

Oecologia American Naturalist

Forest Science BioScience

EcosystemsSoil Science Society of America Journal

Water Resources Research Journal of Ecology

Ecological Modelling Water, Air and Soil Pollution

Vegetatio Biology and Fertility of Soils

Biotropica Remote Sensing of Environment

Tree Physiology Soil Biology and Biochemistry

Environmental Management Journal of Environmental Quality

Canadian Journal of Botany Ann. Rev. of Energy and the Environment

American Midland Naturalist Photo. Engineering and Remote Sensing

New Zealand J. of Botany Climate Research

Trends in Ecology and EvolutionEnvironmental and Experimental Botany

Environmental Science and Tech.Global Change Biology

Journal of Geophysical ResearchLandscape Ecology

Global Biogeochemical CyclesScience of the Total Environment

Ecosystem HealthTellus

Ann. Rev. Energy and Environ.Scandanavian Journal of Forest Research

Plant and SoilPlant, Cell and Environment

Journal of Vegetation ScienceForest Ecology and Management

Acta OecologiaInternational Journal of Climatology

Proc. National Acad. of ScienceNew Phytologist

Compost Science and UtilizationSustainability: The Journal of Record

Nature Communications


Academic PressOxford University Press

John Wiley and SonsYale University Press

The Haworth PressCambridge University Press

Granting Agencies

National Science Foundation (5 Programs)

Panel Member - Ecosystem Studies Program (1987-1990)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (6 Programs)

Panel Member - Earth Observing System Program (1989),

Large ScaleBiosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (1997)

Department of Energy Environmental Protection Agency

U.S. Department of Agriculture Smithsonian Institution

The Nature ConservancyThe National Geographic Society


Decomposition processes in forest soils, National Science Foundation, June 1978-May 1980 (with J. M. Melillo) $170,000

Organic matter and nitrogen dynamics in forest ecosystems, National Science Foundation, June 1980-Nov. 1983 (with J. M. Melillo) $375,000

An experimental and comparative investigation into factors controlling rates of decay and nitrogen dynamics in forest litter, National Science Foundation, May 1980-April 1982 (with K. Cromack, J. Gosz, V. Meentemeyer, J. Melillo, K. Van Cleve, P. Vitousek and J. Waide) $120,000

Modeling of nitrogen availability in northern hardwood forests, USDA U.S. Forest Service Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, July 1978-June 1980 (with J. M. Melillo) $24,000

Interactions between water use, nitrogen availability and forest growth, MacIntyre-Stennis program USDA, Oct. 1980-Sept. 1987, approx. $76,000

Site quality, mycorrhizal fungi and decomposition, University of Wisconsin Graduate School, July 1980-June 1981 and July 1982-June 1983, approx. $17,000

The role of woody debris in northern stream and river ecosystems, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, September 1981-August 1983 (with J. M. Melillo and R. Naiman) $35,295

Control of forest litter decomposition: Substrate disappearance and enzyme activity, National Science Foundation, June 1982-November 1983 (with A. E. Linkins and J. M. Melillo) $60,000

Carbon-nitrogen interactions and rates of below-ground turnover along a nitrogen availability gradient in forest ecosystems, National Science Foundation, February 1984-August 1987 (with J. M. Melillo and A. E. Linkins) $608,000

Canopy-driven models of biogeochemical cycles in forest ecosystems. National Aeronatics and Space Administration, February 1984-September 1987, $213,000

Remote sensing of forest canopy chemistry using AVIRIS. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. June 1987-May 1988, $59,343

Canopy nutrient characteristics in nitrogen-saturated forests. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, May 1987-May 1990, $120,000

Nitrogen saturation in forest ecosystems: Effects on nitrogen cycling, canopy chemistry and trace gas emissions. National Science Foundation. June 1987-June 1991, $1,380,000 (With J.M. Melillo and P. Steudler)

An integrated assessment of nitrogen deposition on soil chemistry and water quality in forested ecosystems. Environmental Protection Agency. September 1989-September 1991, $170,000 (with C. Driscoll)

Nitrogen saturation in forest ecosystems: A regional assessment of effects on nitrous oxide and methane fluxes. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, May 1989-April 1992, $537,000 (with B. Rock, J. Vogelmann, J. Melillo and P. Steudler)

Regional estimation of nitrous oxide and methane flux from subalpine boreal forest soils of the northeastern United States. National Science Foundation, August 1989-December 1993, $170,000 (With B. Rock, J. Vogelmann, J. Melillo and P. Steudler)

Nitrogen cycling and nitrate mobility: The Watershed Manipulation Project. Environmental Protection Agency. September 1986-December 1992, $1,003,000 (with J.M. Melillo and K.J. Nadelhoffer)

Effects of soil warming on trace gas emissions in forest ecosystems. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. May 1991-April 1993, $74,000 subcontract (with J. Melillo and P. Steudler)

Chronic nitrogen additions to forest ecosystems: Effects on nitrogen cycling, canopy chemistry and trace gas emissions. National Science Foundation. September 1991-August 1993, $400,000 (with Jerry Melillo and P. Steudler)

Long-term ecological research at the Harvard Forest, Massachusetts. National Science Foundation. October 1988-October 1994, $2,400,000 (with D. Foster, J. Torrey, F. Bazzaz, J. Melillo, K. Nadelhoffer and P. Steudler)

High spatial and spectral resolution remote sensing of forest canopy chemistry and nitrogen cycling. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, October 1989-October 1994, $500,000

Modeling nitrogen cycling and export from forested watersheds. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, September 1992-September 1995, $200,000 (with C. Driscoll)

Integrated ecosystem model for assessment of the effects of global change on northeastern forests. U.S. Forest Service, September 1991-September 1995, $185,000

Cation depletion in forest ecosystems. U.S. Forest Service, September 1991-September 1995, $44,500

HIRIS-canopy chemistry project: New data acquisitions. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. July 1992-December 1995, $596,000 (with C. Wessman, P. Curran and B. Yoder)

Analysis of the patterns of nitrate leasching in response to atmospheric deposition of nitrogen leashing in the northeastern U.S. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, December 1994- December 1995, $30,000 subontract

Long-term intersite experiments on leaf and fine root litter decomposition. National Science Foundation, June 1991-June 1996, $30,000 subcontract

Method comparison for the estimation of foliar chemistry from high spectral resolution visible and near infrared data. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, September 1995-September 1996. $200,000 (with M Martin, C. Wessman, A. Goetz, R. Clark, B. Yoder and L Johnson)

Long-term ecological research at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest. National Science Foundation, July 1992-July 1996, $30,000 subcontract

Human modification of landscape function in New England and Ireland: Land use legacies and atmospheric deposition. National Science Foundation, September 1994-September 1997, $171,000 (with E. Farrell)

Predicting the effects of a changing physical and chemical climate on primary production, nutrient cycling and and water yield for forests of the northeastern U.S.: A comparison of models and scales. U.S. Forest Service, March 1995-September 1997. $275,000 (with S. Ollinger and D. Kicklighter)

Measurement of terrestrial vegetation attributes at the Harvard Forest and hubbard brook LTER sites. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, August 1995-July 1998, $70,000 (with M. Martin)

High spectral resolution remote sensing of foliar chemistry and species composition: An analysis of LEWIS HSI data for forest and agricultural applications. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, September 1995-September 1998, $60,000 (with M. Martin)

The use of computer models and high spectral resolution remote sensing to evaluate the response of forest and aquatic ecosystems to change in atmospheric deposition. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1997-1999. subcontract- $65,000/yr

Long-term ecological research at the Harvard Forest, Massachusetts. National Science Foundation. October 1994-October 2000, subcontract- $65,000/yr

Mission of Plant Earth: Global biogeochemical cycles. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 1989-2001. $1,700,000/yr (with B. Moore, B. Rock, D. Skole, C, Vorosmarty, J. Melillo, B. Peterson, W. Emanuel, L.Fisk).

A web-based system for terrestrial environmental research. National Aeronautics and Space Adminstration. 1998-2000. $3,575,000 (with B. Moore, C. Li, C Vorosmarty, I. Rasool, B. Braswell and F Rubin)

Extension of a model of global change effects on notheastern forests to all eastern forests. USDA Forest Service. 1998-2000. $100,000

Extending the PnET Model of Forest Biogeochemistry to the Southeastern U.S. USDA Forest Service. 1998-2000. $130,000

Foliar chemistry as an indicator of forest ecosystem status, primary production, and stream water chemistry. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1997-2002, $850,000 (with C. Driscoll, R. Hallett, M. Martin)