Coral Springs High School

Colts Marching Band 2017/2018

Open House June 13 & 15th 7:00-9:00pm

What’s Ahead for the Year of 2017-2018

Come join us

Band Director: Mr. Brett Dawson

Mr. Dawson and the Colt Band Boosters would like to take the opportunity to welcome our new incoming freshman students as well as the returning students. We also extend a warm welcome to our new freshman parents as well as the returning veteran band parents.

Mr. Dawson and The Colt band board encourages all the parents to come and watch the students at any time when they are rehearsing outside. Please come and watch your child perform with the band and watch them grow as a unit.


·  Marching Pre camp June 12th – 15th 6-9:00pm

·  Come to the MANDATORY Parent open house & Orientation on June 13th 2017 @ 7:00pm for new parents and June 15th 2017 @ 7:00pm for returning parents.

·  All parents of band members should attend one of the meetings. Please bring along your completed paperwork. PLEASE MAKE SURE ALL PAPERWORK IS LEGIBLE AND FILLED OUT COMPLETELY. Please see our new payment schedule. Checks can be made payable to COLT BAND BOOSTERS INC. Credit Card Payments will also be accepted with a 3% convenience fee. The link for credit card payments can be found at

·  There will be a representative available at every Thursday night rehearsal to accept payments during the summer. Payments can also be dropped off in the mailbox in Mr. Dawson’s office. Please make sure to put the payment in an envelope with your child’s name on the outside and what you are paying. Please no cash payments.

·  Summer Evening Rehearsals are June 22nd and 29th(1st payment due), July 6, 20, 27, and August 3, 2017 Thursdays 6:00-9:00pm Remember to bring all music, instruments and auxiliary equipment.

·  Marching Camp August 7th-10th 2017- Monday-Thursday: 8:00am-6:00pm.

·  Night rehearsals continue the following week, August 14th-17th, 2017 Monday-Thursday 3:00pm – 8:00pm.

·  Thursday August 17th at 7pm will be a performance for parents on the back parking lot of the high school.

Coral Springs High School Marching Colts

Contact Information

·  Band Director Mr. Brett Dawson (754) 322-0500 (school office)

·  Colt Band Booster President: Mr. Mike Caldaro (954) 658-4476 or

·  Colt Band Booster Treasurer: Mrs. Jody Komroff -

·  Coral Springs High School Address: 7201 W. Sample Rd., Coral Springs, FL 33065

· (school web page)

·  School Office: (754) 322-0500

·  Attendance Office: (754) 322-0502

·  Dinkles (shoes), gloves, and instruments may be purchased or rented from:

All County Music

Mon - Thurs 10 - 7:30pm, Fri 10 - 6, Sat 10 - 5pm

8136 North University Drive
Tamarac, FL 33321-1795
(954) 722-3424

As a parent or student you can keep up to date through the band boosters;

Face book page: Coral Springs High School Bands

Facebook band parent link: Coral Springs Band Parents

Band web page:

Link for credit card payments:

(There will be 3% convenience fee with all credit card payments.)

Colt Band Boosters Inc. is a nonprofit organization of volunteer parents.

2017-2018 Colts Band Boosters Board: President: Mike Caldaro, Vice President: Ana Colbert, Secretary: Kimberly Olejniczak, Treasurer: Jody Komroff, Members at Large/Directors: Charles Fedderwitz, Robert Hollinger, Doreen Shipe, Ana Ardila, Steve Cerri, Kevin Olejniczak, Cynthia Williams, Maria Rietberg and Bob Thomason.

Coral Springs High School

Marching Band

Fair Share and Additional cost

There are some additional costs to our students each year. In addition to items covered by fair share & fundraising. Students will need to cover the expense of the following items:

·  Show T-shirt (one given with fair share)

·  Black Gloves (required)

·  Black socks (required)

·  Band Marching Shoes (required)

·  Lyres/sheet music covers for student instruments (required)

·  Instrument and/or saber rental and/or maintenance material for said instrument

·  Costs associated with guard uniform (gloves, shoes, under garments, etc)

·  Money for meals at away games and competitions

·  Cost of accompanist/participation fees for Solo & Ensemble (participating students all encouraged to partake)

·  Funds to cover cost to attend State competition (out of town)

Mandatory Expenses

Fair Share (Band)…….…………See financial obligation

Band Shoes (black)……………...$25.00-30.00 (may be purchased at All-County Music)

Instrument/Saber Rental ……$20.00 (per year) or $10 per semester (if necessary)

Black Band Glove………………..$5.00 if purchased through CBBI

Lyres/sheet music co…………..$10.00

Additional Estimated Expenses

States trip & day at theme park…………………$200.00 (estimated cost if we qualify)

Band Yearbook…………………………………………$35.00 or Free with sale of ads

End of year band banquet………………….…..…$35.00 per person (includes dinner)

Participation fees for Solo & Ensemble…… ..$5.00-$30.00 (accompanist if required)

As a convenience we now accept credit cards. Fair Share can now be paid with a 3% convenience charge added to cover the credit card costs. The link for credit card payments can be found at

Please direct all financial questions to the Band Board President, Mike Caldaro at



I, ______understand as a member of the Coral Springs Bands I have an obligation to pay toward the financial support of the Band program.

I understand the money pays for; clinician fees, musical arrangements, the marching drill arrangement, prepaid meals on competition days, instrument repair, competition fees, guard uniforms, flags and banners, transportation, special events (dinners and banquets), trips, awards and recognitions.

I understand that I will owe an initial payment of roughly 50% of my total obligation by June 29, 2017. Failure to make this payment will result in removal from the marching program. The drill will be created based on the individuals paid at this point.

I understand that after August 3, 2017 there will be no refunds.

I understand that I owe additional payments as indicated below.

I understand that if I do not meet this financial obligation per the schedule, that I forfeit attending school sponsored events such as 'Grad Bash' and 'Senior Prom' as well as any band event/activity which is sponsored by the program.


For Marching band fair share only: Pay in full by June 29, 2017 and receive a 10% discount on your total fair share. So fair share in full for musician is $382.50 and guard is $472.50.

Also, any student who brings in corporate sponsorship or donations will receive 10% of that donation towards their fair share obligation. Ex: Bring in a $100 donation and $10 will be applied to your obligation. If your fair share obligation is already paid, no problem it can be applied to other band functions like the states trip, banquet, yearbook, etc.

Marching Band Musician $425.00

(1st pay 6/29/17 $225.00, 2nd pay 7/20/17 $50.00, 3rd pay 8/17/17 $50.00 and 9/14/17 $100.00)

Marching Band Guard $525.00

(1st pay 6/29/17 $275.00, 2nd pay 7/20/17 $75.00, 3rd pay 8/17/17 $75.00 and 9/14/17 $100.00)

Jazz Band Only (Due November 1, 2016) $ 75.00

Non-Marching Band Member (Due November 1, 2016) $150.00


Parent/Guardian Signature Student Signature

Parent/Guardian Email ______

As a convenience we now accept credit cards. Fair Share can now be paid with a 3% convenience charge added to cover the credit card costs. The link is:

Please direct all financial questions to the Band Board President, Mr. Mike Caldaro, at


PAYMENT #1 DUE JUNE 29, 2017


MUSICIAN $225.00 ______OR IN FULL $382.50 ______

GUARD $275.00 ______OR IN FULL $472.50 ______

PAYMENT #2 DUE JULY 20, 2017


MUSICIAN $50.00 ______

GUARD $75.00 ______




MUSICIAN $50.00 ______

GUARD $75.00 ______




MUSICIAN $10.00 ______

GUARD $100.00 ______
