Fast Start System Scripts & Closing Questions

5 - 30 Video System - 10 Shares a day keeps the J.O.B. Away

Team... here is EXACTLY what I'm texting to EVERY brand new person that enrolls on my team...

The Wor(l)d GN Recruiting Process:

First off... Welcome aboard!

1. GO TO and create a FREE account for Training.

2. Login after you create your FREE account and GO TO FAST START TRAINING and follow the SIMPLE steps

3. Get the ZOOM overview schedule from Fast Start Page and get your prospects and new partners on Zoom

And now that you're on board, I want you to focus on getting to Team Developer immediately. That's your first goal!

Hitting Team Developer requires you getting your first two people... one on your left and one on your right...Then helping your two new people do the same.

Total of 6 people on your team...

And as long as you have at least 500 in Volume on both your left and right side, you're locked in at earning 20% for life!

Getting all of that done immediately lays your SOLID FOUNDATION! Here's the process to accomplish this:


Invite by Piquing people's interest: Use a Script from the next page. BOOK THE FOLLOW UP TIME BEFORE YOU SEND THE LINK! Once its booked text your senior partners the time of the call so they can be available! You want to move to the phone as quickly as possible!
After you have a time to follow up text them and let them view the 5 min video and the 20 min video. If they like what they see, go to STEP 2.

STEP 2: Connection Call
After they've watched the two short videos, let them know you want them to hear the vision of your business partners...

This is where you can bring in a 3 way call with your senior partner and let them break down the power of what we do, and the simplicity of our process, and explain why so many people are coming on board.This will more than likely cause them to want to get started on the spot

Connection Call Script

You can 3-way in a Wor(l)d GN partner for a testimony and to help you close if you want.

Say, “Bob I would be doing you a disservice if I didn’t at least get you on the phone with they have (edify them naming some of their accomplishments and why you admire them) they are amazing and you will love them” and then edify your prospect back to your up-line once you have your partner on the phone.

Go to STEP 3.


Closing Questions (these questions may be asked by your senior partner for your training so listen carefully to how they ask them) IF they are not you ASK

Follow up Questions

1.  What did you like best about what you just saw?

2.  Do you see yourself JUST as a customer or did you see the Global Vision of the company and want to make some money with us?

If they say just a customer – “How many devices do you want to order?”

If the say Vision – You say “Awesome – Which package do you see yourself getting started with?”

Sign them up and take their info over the phone! Name (that matches bank) , Address, email, and credit card including cvc on back of card.

If you continue this 3-STEP process with as many people as possible, you can't lose!

Inviting Scripts

1.  EASY INVITE - Text “OMG have you seen this

2.  Lead with Opportunity - “Hey ___ let me ask you something? I came across something that I believe could be very lucrative and wanted to ask you when it comes to making money are you married to your job or do you keep your options open? (if they say married to their job, the conversation is over, move on. If they say they’re open, you say… Knowing what you know today about Fitbit, if you could've been first and earned from every device sold would you have done it, yes or no? If I sent you a link for a something better would you look at a 2 min video? Send the

3.  Lead Direct with both - Bob I am calling because I have been watching a tech company for the past while and it has grown 400% in just the last 3 months. They have disruptive new technology from Toshiba are publicly traded and shipping to 195 countries worldwide and I have found a way to make a lot of money with them. Bob I thought of you.. are you open to watching a 2 min video and if so when??? (let them answer) Then text “great here is the link will talk to you right after” (the time they said)

4.  Pro Invite: Hey "John/Jan"

I wanted to pull you up to speed on a new venture I've just added to my business portfolio. There's a company that has recently begun expanding in the U.S. called Wor(l)d Global Network.

One of my colleagues called me about this and said they've never seen incomes at this high level being earned in such a short period of time...and this is the very beginning of what's happening.

The rapid growth is happening because of how unique and exceptional the product is. I want you to check it out when you get a minute and let me know if you like what you see. We can make some big money with this.

Below is a link to two short videos. The first video is only 5 min long. After the 5 min video ends, a 20 min video will pop up underneath the first video. Watch them both when you can, and get back to me. Here's the link:

Follow up

If they like what they see with the 5 min & 20 min video… I'm glad you like what you see. The product sells itself. However, I really want you to listen to a business partner of mine that is helping me expand internationally right now and is skilled in business and momentum you will love the Vision for this project

Connection Call Script
You can 3-way in a Wor(l)d GN partner for a testimony and to help you close if you want.

Say, “Bob I would be doing you a disservice if I didn’t at least get you on the phone with they have (edify them naming some of their accomplishments and why you admire them) they are amazing and you will love them” and then edify your prospect back to your up-line once you have your partner on the phone.