Public Health – Adults, Health and Wellbeing

Dr Rupert Suckling
Director of Public Health
Tel: 01302734010
Email: /
  1. Principal adviser on all health matters to elected members and officers, across all three domains of public health: health improvement, health protection and healthcare public health
  2. Director lead for the Health and Wellbeing Board
  3. Health and social care transformation
  4. Local public health system leadership and partnerships
  5. Lead for Well Doncaster as part of Well North
  6. Lead for Research capacity building with local academic partners (ACORN)

Jacqui Wiltschinsky
Assistant Director
Tel: 01302 734008
  1. Data Observatory Lead
  2. Lead Health Improvement Framework
  3. Corporate lead
  4. Adults Health and Wellbeing directorate elements TBC
  5. Doncaster behavioural change for council and partners lead
  6. EPRR for Public Health
  7. Housing re public health

Victor Joseph
Consultant in Public Health
Tel: 01302734911
  1. Health Protection – systems in place, co-ordinate to provide assurance, infection prevention control, TB
  2. Health Care PH – co-ordinate how as a team support CCG, work with CCG
  3. Health Improvement – Tobacco Control, Contract new service
  4. Faculty of Public Health – training in region, work with Global Health Committee

Laurie Mott
Head of Public Health Intelligence Unit
Tel: 01302 737652
  1. Strategic Intelligence – work supporting the observatory, JSNA, Well North
  2. PH Support – support to the PH team
  3. Technical Development – using updated methodology, bench marking work
  4. Data Governance – data is compliant with data governance

Susan Hampshaw
Head of Head of PH Research Evaluation & Innovation
Tel: 01302 734012
Email: /
  1. Develop and lead the realistic evaluation of Well Doncaster;
  2. Academic practitioner role on the Domestic abuse evaluation;
  3. Research fellow on Actionable Tools project with NHS England and CLAHRC YH (key priority within research capacity framework and part of Sector led self-evaluation gap analysis for Knowledge and Intelligence)
  4. Continue to develop research networks to support grant capture and develop the internal mechanisms to ensure sustainability (key vehicle this year is the Prison research network)
  5. Submit confirmation report for realist synthesis and evaluation of evidence use in a local authority setting (developmental priority)

Helen Conroy
Public Health Specialist
Tel: 01302 734571
Email: /
  1. Strategic development of integrated drug and alcohol prevention and treatment system
  2. Tendering of service – awarding new contract
  3. Mobilisation
  4. Achieve top quartile performance - PHOF
  5. Focus on prevention and intervention

Clare Henry
Public Health Specialist
Tel: 01302 734463
Email: /
  1. Physical Activity
  2. Affordable Welfare
  3. Communities and Health Inequalities
  4. Health and Wellbeing and the Environment
  5. Emergency Preparedness and resilience response

Debbie Leyden
Public Health Specialist
Tel: 01302 734090
  1. Ageing Well - Re-commissioning of the physical Activity for older people service including integration into falls prevention pathway
  2. PH Lead on implementation of the dementia strategy
  3. Social isolation – the scale/what is currently in place to address the issue/actions to increase social connectedness
  4. Improvement and promotion of health and wellbeing in the workplace including the implementation of Workplace Wellbeing Charter
  5. Public Mental Health - Investigate the evidence base for promoting good public mental health and the PH role within that; suicide prevention
  6. PH lead for domestic abuse prevention and education. PH practitioner/collaborator for domestic abuse programme evaluation

Louise Robson
Public Health Specialist
Tel: 01302 734015
Email: /
  1. Health and Wellbeing PH lead – support strategy development, HWBB/officer group development, workshops and partnerships
  2. Health Inequalities agenda – OBA development , Strategy links, Inclusion and Fairness Advancement group; Engagement and Experience Management group
  3. Cancer Prevention and awareness programme – PH lead on campaigns and strategic links to Cancer Board ( cancer performance , programmes and pathway development )
  4. Cancer survivorship agenda – PH lead to Doncaster Survivorship project

Helen Tuck
Public Health Specialist
Tel: 01302 734261
  1. School Nursing with CSE element commissioning, currently out to tender - Tender evaluation, moderation and contract mobilisation of new provider, in addition to the performance and contract management of the existing provider
  2. Reducing teenage conceptions – sex education programme, Relationship Sex Education lead
  3. HNA 16- 19yrs
  4. Healthy Schools - PSHE curriculum – supporting schools, emotional HWB, health Carousels to all secondary schools.
  5. New CYP MH strategy
  6. Sexual Health Commissioner - performance and
contract management, of the new Sexual Health
provider, innovation and continual improvement
  1. Psychosexual Health commissioner and contract management

Carrie Wardle
Public Health Specialist
Tel: 01302 734471
  1. Commissioning and contract management – Project 3, Smoking in Pregnancy and Health Visiting (from Oct 2015)
  2. Maintaining Starting Well Partnership and work plan
  3. Oral Health promotion programmes
  4. Supporting health improvement initiatives in Children’s Centres and developing the Public Health offer to them
  5. Hidden Harm Programme

Public Health Specialist
Tel: 01302 734091
Email: TBC /
  1. Obesity whole system approach
  2. Obesity OBA – Access to Healthy food and advice, Training PH workforce, apps and tools to support
  3. Management of Services - underperformance
  4. Mobilisation of contracts – health checks
  5. PH Comm - maintaining programme for next year

Claire Hewitt
Tel: 01302 734581
  1. Establishing and running the Office of the Director of Public Health
  2. Executive support to the DPH
  3. Leading the public health project support officer team.