Public Health – Adults, Health and Wellbeing
Dr Rupert SucklingDirector of Public Health
Tel: 01302734010
Email: /
- Principal adviser on all health matters to elected members and officers, across all three domains of public health: health improvement, health protection and healthcare public health
- Director lead for the Health and Wellbeing Board
- Health and social care transformation
- Local public health system leadership and partnerships
- Lead for Well Doncaster as part of Well North
- Lead for Research capacity building with local academic partners (ACORN)
Jacqui Wiltschinsky
Assistant Director
Tel: 01302 734008
- Data Observatory Lead
- Lead Health Improvement Framework
- Corporate lead
- Adults Health and Wellbeing directorate elements TBC
- Doncaster behavioural change for council and partners lead
- EPRR for Public Health
- Housing re public health
Victor Joseph
Consultant in Public Health
Tel: 01302734911
- Health Protection – systems in place, co-ordinate to provide assurance, infection prevention control, TB
- Health Care PH – co-ordinate how as a team support CCG, work with CCG
- Health Improvement – Tobacco Control, Contract new service
- Faculty of Public Health – training in region, work with Global Health Committee
Laurie Mott
Head of Public Health Intelligence Unit
Tel: 01302 737652
- Strategic Intelligence – work supporting the observatory, JSNA, Well North
- PH Support – support to the PH team
- Technical Development – using updated methodology, bench marking work
- Data Governance – data is compliant with data governance
Susan Hampshaw
Head of Head of PH Research Evaluation & Innovation
Tel: 01302 734012
Email: /
- Develop and lead the realistic evaluation of Well Doncaster;
- Academic practitioner role on the Domestic abuse evaluation;
- Research fellow on Actionable Tools project with NHS England and CLAHRC YH (key priority within research capacity framework and part of Sector led self-evaluation gap analysis for Knowledge and Intelligence)
- Continue to develop research networks to support grant capture and develop the internal mechanisms to ensure sustainability (key vehicle this year is the Prison research network)
- Submit confirmation report for realist synthesis and evaluation of evidence use in a local authority setting (developmental priority)
Helen Conroy
Public Health Specialist
Tel: 01302 734571
Email: /
- Strategic development of integrated drug and alcohol prevention and treatment system
- Tendering of service – awarding new contract
- Mobilisation
- Achieve top quartile performance - PHOF
- Focus on prevention and intervention
Clare Henry
Public Health Specialist
Tel: 01302 734463
Email: /
- Physical Activity
- Affordable Welfare
- Communities and Health Inequalities
- Health and Wellbeing and the Environment
- Emergency Preparedness and resilience response
Debbie Leyden
Public Health Specialist
Tel: 01302 734090
- Ageing Well - Re-commissioning of the physical Activity for older people service including integration into falls prevention pathway
- PH Lead on implementation of the dementia strategy
- Social isolation – the scale/what is currently in place to address the issue/actions to increase social connectedness
- Improvement and promotion of health and wellbeing in the workplace including the implementation of Workplace Wellbeing Charter
- Public Mental Health - Investigate the evidence base for promoting good public mental health and the PH role within that; suicide prevention
- PH lead for domestic abuse prevention and education. PH practitioner/collaborator for domestic abuse programme evaluation
Louise Robson
Public Health Specialist
Tel: 01302 734015
Email: /
- Health and Wellbeing PH lead – support strategy development, HWBB/officer group development, workshops and partnerships
- Health Inequalities agenda – OBA development , Strategy links, Inclusion and Fairness Advancement group; Engagement and Experience Management group
- Cancer Prevention and awareness programme – PH lead on campaigns and strategic links to Cancer Board ( cancer performance , programmes and pathway development )
- Cancer survivorship agenda – PH lead to Doncaster Survivorship project
Helen Tuck
Public Health Specialist
Tel: 01302 734261
- School Nursing with CSE element commissioning, currently out to tender - Tender evaluation, moderation and contract mobilisation of new provider, in addition to the performance and contract management of the existing provider
- Reducing teenage conceptions – sex education programme, Relationship Sex Education lead
- HNA 16- 19yrs
- Healthy Schools - PSHE curriculum – supporting schools, emotional HWB, health Carousels to all secondary schools.
- New CYP MH strategy
- Sexual Health Commissioner - performance and
provider, innovation and continual improvement
- Psychosexual Health commissioner and contract management
Carrie Wardle
Public Health Specialist
Tel: 01302 734471
- Commissioning and contract management – Project 3, Smoking in Pregnancy and Health Visiting (from Oct 2015)
- Maintaining Starting Well Partnership and work plan
- Oral Health promotion programmes
- Supporting health improvement initiatives in Children’s Centres and developing the Public Health offer to them
- Hidden Harm Programme
Public Health Specialist
Tel: 01302 734091
Email: TBC /
- Obesity whole system approach
- Obesity OBA – Access to Healthy food and advice, Training PH workforce, apps and tools to support
- Management of Services - underperformance
- Mobilisation of contracts – health checks
- PH Comm - maintaining programme for next year
Claire Hewitt
Tel: 01302 734581
- Establishing and running the Office of the Director of Public Health
- Executive support to the DPH
- Leading the public health project support officer team.