Lesson Plan

Checks and Balances:

Japanese American Incarceration

Copyright © 2006 Densho

1416 S Jackson

Seattle, WA 98144

Phone: 206.320.0095

Website: www.densho.org


Acknowledgements and Notes

The website Causes of the Incarceration (www.densho.org/causes) and the lesson Checks and Balances: Japanese American Incarceration are made possible by a grant from the Washington State Civil Liberties Public Education Program.

This lesson is designed to closely align with Washington State’s Essential Academic Learning Requirements as measured by a Social Studies Classroom Based Assessment (CBA) model. The model used for this lesson is:

Category: Civics

Level: Middle School

Topic: Checks and Balances

Densho: the Japanese American Legacy Project developed this lesson. Densho is a Japanese term meaning "to pass on to the next generation," or to leave a legacy. Our mission is to preserve the testimonies of Japanese Americans who were unjustly incarcerated during World War II. We collect and offer their stories in a manner that reflects our deep regard for who they are and what they endured.

Using digital technology, Densho provides access to personal accounts, historical documents and photographs, and teacher resources to explore principles of democracy and promote equal justice. We seek to educate young people and inspire them to act in defense of liberty and the highest values of our country. Densho presents a thorough accounting of what happened to Japanese Americans during a time of war and in doing so contributes to the current debate about civil liberties during times of national emergency. It is our conviction and hope that an informed citizenry, aware of the human costs and consequences of the violation of the rights of the few, will be better equipped to protect the civil rights of all.

Contact Information


1416 South Jackson Street

Seattle, Washington USA 98144-2023


206.320.0098 fax

Connection to Washington State Social Studies

Classroom Based Assessments (CBAs)

Bridging Document

Step-by-Step Alignment of the Middle School Classroom Based Assessment model “Checks and Balances” and the lesson Checks and Balances: Japanese American Incarceration.

For the CBA, students are asked to develop a reasoned position on the effectiveness of the system of checks and balances related to a current or historical event by: / The Checks and Balances: Japanese American Incarceration lesson aligns itself with the essential academic learning requirements of the “Checks and Balances” CBA model in the following manner:
·  Connecting the event with how branches of government exercised constitutional powers / ·  Students examine how the three branches of the federal government each made a decision relating to the removal and incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II. These decisions also demonstrate how each branch of government exercises its constitutional powers.
·  Connecting the event with checks or possible checks available / ·  Students examine President Franklin Roosevelt’s wartime decision to allow exclusion based on ancestry and the subsequent actions by Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court.
·  Evaluating a variety of resources from multiple points of view / ·  The debates are designed for students to hear, discuss, and debate different points of view using evidence from primary and secondary resources. Individual groups are assigned to research and share a particular point of view around a controversial issue.
·  Explaining with a clearly stated position/thesis how the system of checks and balances worked / ·  The fourth debate of the lesson focuses on how well the system of checks and balances worked during World War II regarding the issue of incarcerating Japanese Americans. This debate provides background for the written paper assignment evaluating checks and balances.


Acknowledgements and Notes………………………………………………………………...1

Connection to Washington State Standards-Bridging Document……………….…………2


Teacher Instructions……………………………………………………………………….…4-7

Reading – Decisions: Japanese American Incarceration…...... ……8-11

Handout #1 - Debate Instructions………………………………………………………..12-15

Handout #2 – Additional Resources…….……………………………………………..……16

Handout #3 – Graphic Organizer for Debate……………………………………..…….17-18

Handout #4 – Persuasive Paper Assignment and Checklist…...... 19-20

Handout #5 – Persuasive Paper Rubric…………………………………………………….21

Teacher Instructions Page 1 of 4

Introduction for Teachers

To prevent abuses of power, the authors of the U.S. Constitution developed a system of checks and balances for the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the U.S. government. The intent of this lesson is to examine decisions that the three branches of government made relating to the mass removal and incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II. This lesson stimulates dialogue about these important issues and helps students realize the complex decisions that government officials must face.

Debates are a method to discuss opposing points of view. The point of the debates is not the vote that takes place during the exercise, but the critical thinking and communication that happen along the way. This lesson focuses on four issues.

·  Issue One: During World War II should the President have ordered the removal and incarceration of all Japanese immigrants and U.S. citizens of Japanese ancestry from the West Coast?

·  Issue Two: Was the U.S. Supreme Court correct in ruling that it was constitutional to use race as a factor in the removal and incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II?

·  Issue Three: Was the U.S. Congress correct in 1988 to draft legislation that called for the formal apology and $20,000 individual payment to Japanese Americans who were incarcerated during World War II?

·  Issue Four: How well did the judicial and legislative branches of the U.S. government check the President’s order to remove and incarcerate Japanese Americans during World War II?

Debate Format

The debate format is designed to encourage participation from all students. The four debates are designed for twenty-four students. Each debate will have two opposing teams of three members each. The format of the debates is divided into six parts.

1.  Opening statements (4 minutes – 2 minutes per team)

2.  Rebuttals (4 minutes – 2 minutes per team)

3.  Questions from the audience (5 minutes)

4.  Closing statements (4 minutes – 2 minutes per team)

5.  Audience vote (1 minute)

6.  Comments and discussion (5 minutes)

A different team member should be responsible for the opening statement, rebuttal, and closing statement. All team members should be available for answering questions. For larger classes, either add another debate or add more students per team. For smaller classes, either fewer debates can be performed or have fewer students per team. If there is another issue that you and your students think should be debated, add it or substitute it for an existing one that seems less relevant or crucial.

Teacher Instructions Page 2 of 4

Notes about this Lesson

Suggested Three-Day Lesson Plan

During the first day, students are introduced to the lesson and are assigned issues and groups. It is recommended that the debates are scheduled several days to a week after the first day. This will give students time to do additional research and preparation as homework. On the second and third day, students participate in the debates. This lesson also includes a writing assignment to be turned in after the debates are completed.

Time Management of Debates

The suggested timeframe of two days for the debates was designed for two 50-minute class periods. Time management will be important. A minimum of 20-25 minutes is needed for each debate. Student groups should be ready when class begins and there should be quick transitions between debates. Time limits should be established and enforced.

Assessing Student Achievement

Group Assignment

A goal of this unit is to encourage group cooperation. It is suggested that group members receive the same grade for the debate and that they are told in advance of this policy. Group members should be encouraged to work together to achieve better results.

Individual Student Assignment

After the debates, students are asked to write a paper explaining how the branches of the federal government exercised power, the checks available, and whether the system of checks and balances was effective. The “Checks and Balances Rubric” is provided as a guideline for you and the student on how the paper will be graded.

Student Self-Evaluation

It is recommended that students complete self-evaluations at the end of the lesson. This gives students an opportunity to be part of the assessment process and it also gives the teacher a perspective on what the student learned and the small group dynamics. The teacher should develop questions for the students to answer in the self-evaluation. Students should be as specific and concrete as possible with their answers. Below are some sample questions.

Sample Student Self Evaluation Questions:

·  What did you learn?

·  How well did you learn it?

·  What do you want to learn next about the topics discussed in this lesson?

·  What was most satisfying about working in a group?

·  What was most frustrating about working in a group?

·  How did you contribute to your group during this project?

Teacher Instructions Page 3 of 4

Day One – Introduction of the Debate Topics and Group Formation


·  Students will examine the removal and incarceration of Japanese Americans during WWII.

·  Students will work cooperatively in a group to prepare for a debate.

Homework Reading and Discussion Questions:

·  Reading - Decisions: Japanese American Incarceration. This should be passed out to students several days before Day One of this lesson.


·  Handout #1 - Debate Instructions

·  Handout #2 - Additional Resources

·  Handout #3 - Writing Assignment and Checklist

·  Handout #4 – Checks and Balances Rubric

In the Classroom:

  1. Discuss the reading: Decisions: Japanese American Incarceration. Go over the discussion questions to give students an overview of the debate issues. (20 minutes)
  1. Distribute and explain each handout (10 minutes)
    Handout #1 - Debate Instructions [instructions for groups]
    Handout #2 - Additional Resources [resources for additional research]
    Handout #3 - Writing Assignment and Checklist [writing assignment after the debates]
    Handout #4 – Checks and Balances Rubric [how the paper will be scored]
  1. Form Debate Teams [10 minutes]
  1. Allow Debate teams to meet and get organized [10 minutes]

Homework: Students should complete preparations for the debates.

Teacher Instructions Page 4 of 4

Day Two and Three – Debates


·  Students will present, explore, debate, and evaluate multiple issues about the removal and incarceration of Japanese Americans.

·  Students will cooperate with classmates in conducting a series of debates.

·  Students will examine their own views on the debate issues.


·  Handout #5 - Graphic Organizer for the Debates

Teacher Role During the Debates:

You play the moderator. Remind students that they will represent the point of view they have been assigned, even though it might not be their own point of view. Tell them that their ability to faithfully represent their assigned roles will allow the group to understand the many sides to the issue. This activity can become heated as it focuses on a real issue that the students have strong feelings about. It is important to remind students that they can make strong, emotional statements if they feel so moved, but the statements must be based on evidence and they may not attack the people who disagree with them.

It is important to enforce time limits during the debates. Either you or an assigned time-keeper should signal the presenter when there are 30 seconds left, and an additional signal when there are only 10 seconds left.

In the Classroom:

Each Debate (20-25 minutes)

  1. Opening statements (4 minutes)

A representative from each team makes a two-minute opening presentation.

  1. Rebuttals (4 minutes)

A representative from each team makes a two-minute argument that counters the opposing teams opening presentation.

  1. Questions from the audience (5 minutes)

The audience asks questions about the points raised by the presenters.

  1. Closing statements (4 minutes)

A representative from each team makes a final two-minute presentation.

  1. Audience vote (1 minute)

The audience is asked to consider what they heard and to participate in a hand vote over the issue.

  1. Comments and discussion (5 minutes)

Discuss the debate. Have the class focus on the following questions:

·  What were the strongest arguments they heard during the debate? What were the most compelling or effective reasons for voting one way or the other?

·  How would the debate teams represent their assigned position differently if they were to approach the exercise again?

Reading and Discussion Questions

Decisions: Japanese American Incarceration Page 1 of 4

On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked U.S. military bases in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. More than 3,500 servicemen were killed or wounded. The next day, the United States declared war on Japan and entered World War II. The attack on Pearl Harbor shocked and angered many Americans. It also caused widespread fear that the West Coast of the United States was vulnerable to further attack.

Some of this fear and anger was targeted towards the 120,000 Japanese Americans on the West Coast and the 160,000 Japanese Americans in Hawaii. Newspapers published false stories about spying and sabotage by Japanese Americans, promoting an atmosphere of hatred and paranoia. Yet, no person of Japanese ancestry in the United States, Hawaii, or Alaska was ever charged or convicted of espionage or sabotage. Unfortunately, federal officials who knew the facts did nothing to counteract the growing negative public opinion against people of Japanese ancestry.

Executive Order 9066

A Presidential Decision to Exclude on the Basis of Race

As the U.S. entered World War II, many military heads, political leaders, and the press insisted that all individuals of Japanese ancestry -- from infants to elders -- were inherently untrustworthy and potentially disloyal and dangerous. Although offering no evidence of real or potential subversive activity, the War Department urged that the entire population of Japanese Americans on the West Coast be removed by reason of military necessity.

The Japanese race is an enemy race and while many second and third generation Japanese born on United States soil, possessed of United States citizenship, have become “Americanized” the racial strains are undiluted.

—General John L. DeWitt, Military Commander Western Command