State of New Jersey

Statewide Voter Registration System

Production System Changes

Report Date: Monday October22, 2007

The following system changes, including bug fixes and enhancements, were put into Production on October21st, 2007.

Bug Fixes:

Item / JIRA # / Description of the Fix / Issue Logged County
NJP-3106 / Corrected the SVRS Acknowledgement Cards to print Mailing Address if available otherwise Residence Address would appear. / Essex
NJP-4175 / Corrected the SVRS Party Declaration report to displayall the voters who changed their party on the election day. / Bergen
NJP-4260 / Modified the SVRS to allow BOE and SOE admins to be able to view the confidential voter information. Now all Admin’s (State Admin, CountyClerk, BOE, and SOE) will be able to see the confidential and protective order voters. / Statewide
NJP-4285 / Corrected the SVRS to display PTD and UOCAVA voter changes on the Absentee Voter Registration Change report. / Ocean
NJP-4393 / Corrected the SVRS Voter Registration Summary report to display the Constitution Party totals correctly when smaller font size option is selected. / Morris
NJP-4427 / Corrected the SVRS Active Need ID letter to display all the address lines aligned correctly when using all 4 lines of the address. / Mercer
NJP-4443 / Modified the SVRS to improve the performance of adding or maintaining the absentee ballot requests. / Cumberland
NJP-4508 / Corrected the SVRS not to generate the multiple ballot labels for the Pending Voters and to update the ballot mail date when the label is generated. / Union
NJP-4526 / Corrected the SVRS Absentee Voter Registration Change report to allow Start and End Dates to be entered along with Election Date. / Ocean


Item / Title / Description
CCR-202 Report Changes Part I / The changes mentioned below are implemented as part of this CCR:
Run Reports Daily
Users can now schedule all the required reports to run daily.
  1. The new option to run the report daily is added to the end of the reports under Schedule Reports section.
  2. User can select the radio button daily and select the time to run the report daily. As a result this report will run every day at the same time.
  3. A checkbox is added for the Daily option not to run the report during Weekends(Exclude Saturday and Sunday). Selecting this checkbox will allow the report to run daily except for Saturday and Sunday.
  4. The checkbox will be unselected by default. Leaving the checkboxes unselected will allow daily report to run daily including Saturdays and Sundays.
Report Changes
  1. The sort option “MWD-Totals by Municipality” is added to all reports.
  2. On selecting this sort option the output report is sorted based on the following sort order MunicipalityWard, DistrictVoter Name.
  3. Page breaks are provided at the end of each Municipality.
  4. Totals are provided by Municipality and a grand total at the end of the report.
Absentee Ballot Report
Users will have the ability to run the Absentee Ballot Report for all Absentee Types.
  1. On the Absentee Ballot Report the Absentee Type dropdown menu is changed to a multi select box. Users will have the ability to select multiple Absentee Types from the dropdown menu.
  2. On output report a new column is added and will display the following Absentee Types:
a)Regular- R
b)Permanently and Totally Disabled -- PTD
c)UOCAVA All Elections -- U-All
d)UOCAVA Federal General Elections -- U-FG
e)All General Elections -- AGE
  1. Three new sort options are added to the Absentee Ballot Report selection criteria screen as follows:
a)Application Processed Date by County
b)Ballot Mail Date by County
c)Ballot Received Date by County
d)Sort order will be CountyApplication Processed Date/Ballot Mail Date/Ballot Received Date (based on selected sort option)Voter Name.
e)Totals and page breaks are provided at the end of the County.
f)Municipality- Ward-District is removed from the header and added as one of the columns in the output report.
Absentee Ballot Summary Report
Absentee Ballot Summary Report is modified to reflect the total number of Ballots issued, Received, and Not Returned for the selected election.
  1. The total issues (ISS) will reflect the number of ballot requests made for the selected election.
  2. The number of ballots received (REC) – will reflect the total amount of ballot scanned in the Absentee Ballot Received module.
  3. The Accepted (ACC) – will reflect the total number of ballots accepted.
  4. The Rejected (REJ) – will reflect the total number of ballots rejected.
  5. Not Returned (NR) – will reflect the total number of ballots not returned.
  6. Users will be able to see only the Grand Totals without running the full report.
  7. A new checkbox “Display Grand Total Only”is added to Absentee Ballot Summary Report Input page. Selecting this checkbox will only display the grand total page of the report.
  8. The Election Date – Name dropdown list will now have current, future as well as past elections. The dropdown is changed to include all elections.
  9. Ballot Received Start and End Date range is added on the Absentee Ballot summary report criteria page and will capture ballots received between the dates entered.
Absentee Ballot Summary Report & Absentee Request Summary Report
  1. A new column is added on the output report to include Totals for Confidential voters on these two reports.
County Street List Report
Users will have the ability to create a street list for the entire County.
  1. Two new sort options Alpha by Municipality (default) and Alpha by County are added to this report.
  2. Alpha by Municipality is the default sort order and will generate the report that is currently in the system.
  3. On selecting “Alpha by County” as the sort order output report is sorted alphabetically by Street name for the whole County. The sort order is CountyStreet Name.
Voters Without Signature Report
Users can now pull Voters Without Signature report based on Registration date and Last transaction dates.
  1. Registration Start and End Dates are added on the selection criteria of the report. Entering these dates will capture Voters Without Signatures who have registration dates that fall within the selected criteria.
  2. If no dates are selected then all registration dates will display on the output report.
  3. Last Action Taken Date Start and End Dates are added on the selection criteria of the report. This will capture Voters Without Signature with Last Action Taken Date that fall within the selected criteria. Last Action Taken Date is the date given on the voter registration application page.
  4. If no dates are selected then all last transaction dates will display on the output report.
  5. New columns are added to the output report to display the Registration Date and the Last Transaction Date.

CCR-212 Application Changes Prior to 07 Nov General Part 2 / The following changes mentioned below are implemented as part of this CCR Part 2:
Voter Profile (Include Previous Name & Remove Telephone Number)
Modified SVRS to be able to view the voter’s name history on the voter profile. Telephone number will not be displayed under the Voter Information section on the Voter Profile.
  1. A new checkbox labeled ‘Previous Name” is added to the Inquiry-View Voter Registration screen.
  2. The check box will be checked by default.
  3. On generating the voter profile by pressing the “Print Voter Profile” button the previous name history will also be displayed.
Postal Municipality on Absentee Screens
Userswill have the ability to view the postal Municipality on all the Absentee screens. All the address lines of the Residence Address section will be displayed. The PostalMunicipality will be displayed only if the PostalMunicipality is different from the residenceMunicipality.
This change has been done on the following screens:
  1. Add/Maintain Absentee Application Request
  2. Add/Maintain Absentee Ballot Request
  3. Add/Maintain Absentee Ballot Request-UOCAVA, PTD AGE
  4. Update/Maintain Absentee Ballots
  5. In addition, if there are multiple ballot mailing addresses being maintained, PostalMunicipalitywill be displayed on the Maintain Ballot Mailing Address screen as well as the View Mailing Address History Screen.
  6. On the Maintain Ballot Mailing Address screen, PostalMunicipalitywill be disabled if other option is chosen.
Display Postal Municipality for Polling Places
Userswill have the ability to view the postal municipality in polling place address if Map Address in not displayed.
  1. If the map address is not available for a polling place then the poll place address is displayed on the Maintain Polling Place screen.
  2. If there is a postal municipality then the postal municipality will be displayed instead of the election municipality.
Assign Poll Worker to Training Class
Users will have the ability to narrow the search for poll worker to be assigned to a training class.
  1. On the Poll Worker Training Class Assignment page, users will have the ability to redefine their search by MWD, Voter Name or Poll Worker ID.
  2. User can select a specific MWD and select the Search button and the list of poll workers will refresh and will only display poll worker in the selected MWD.
  3. If user searches by Poll Worker Name and selects search only the voter(s) who match the name search criteria will be displayed.
  4. If the user searches by Poll Worker ID, only the poll worker that matches that ID will be displayed.

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