National portfolio organisations and Major partner museums

2014 /15

Guidance notes for the online annual submission



Board/governing body

Training and skills



Balance sheet



Performances, productions and presentations

Exhibitions and film screenings



Learning, engagement and participation

Touring activity

Museum visitors (museums only)44

/ Definitions
Specialist staff refers to artists, dancers, actors, singers, musicians, directors, choreographers, producers, programmers, writers, composers, designers, curators, conservators, etc and includes the artistic / museum director. This category also includes educational, marketing and audience development staff.
Managers refers to executive or senior management staff, for example, chief executive, executive director, finance director, chief accountant, general manager, human resources manager and legal adviser.
Other staff refers to both administrative and technical staff, for example finances, reception, box office or ticketing staff and sound technicians.
Each member of staff should only be represented once: for example, if someone has both specialist and management responsibilities, please assign them to the role that takes up the greater part of their time. Once you have assigned an employee to an employment category, ensure that you assign them to the same category in all other questions.
1 / Permanent staff / Number of permanentmembers of staff, both full and part-time, men and women, including the chief executive, as at31 March 2015.
Count staff on fixed term contracts of 52 weeks or more as permanent.
Count staff working a total of 35 hours or more a week as full-time.
Staff working less than 35 hours a week should be counted as part-time.
Include the chief executive under ‘Managers’
2 / Contractual, freelance or commissioned staff / Number of contractual, freelance, or commissioned staff employed between 1 April 2014 and 31 March 2015, for both men and women.This includes temporary staff hired for a particular programme on short-term contract, for example, consultants and self-employed people. Such staff may be hired more than once in a year; count them once only.
3 / Volunteers / Number of unpaid volunteers, both full-time and part-time for both men and women. Volunteers are those who receive no wages or salary or who receive no more than basic expenses, for example, travel costs. This refers to volunteers who actually helped between 1 April 2014 and 31 March 2015, and not those available to help. Do not include members of your board or governing body here as they will be counted later in the survey.
4 / Volunteer hours / Total number of hours worked by volunteers between 1 April 2014 and 31 March 2015. This will enable us to calculate the value of volunteer work.
5 / Sponsoring migrant workers / Please indicate whether your organisation held a UK Border Agency (UKBA) Sponsor Licence. These licences enable organisations to sponsor migrant workers under the points based system and arepart of the UKBA register of sponsors.
The data from this question will tell us to what extent the arts and museums sectors bring in international product, and how we should address our priority around international talent development.
6 / Certificates of sponsorship / (If yes to above) Please provide the number of certificates of sponsorship your organisation issued between 1 April 2014and 31 March 2015 under Tier 2 and Tier 5. Please only include certificates that were used, ie for migrants who started work.
7 / Ethnic group, permanent staff / Please provide information for all permanent members of staff, both full and part-time, men and women, including the chief executive, as at31 March 2015.
The ‘total’ figures for specialist staff, managers and other staff should be the same as the totals given in the permanent staff table (question 1).
8 / Ethnic group, contractual or freelance staff / Please provide information for contractual or freelance members of staff, both full and part-time, men and women, employed between 1 April 2014 and 31 March 2015.
The ‘total’ figures for specialist staff, managers and other staff must be the same as those given in the contractual staff table (question 2).
9 / Age, permanent staff / Please provide information for all permanent members of staff, both full and part-time, men and women, including the chief executive, as at31 March 2015.
The ‘total’ figures for specialist staff, managers and other staff should be the same as the totals given in the permanent staff table (question 1).
10 / Age, contractual or freelance staff / Please provide information for contractual or freelance members of staff, both full and part-time, men and women, employed between 1 April 2014 and 31 March 2015.
The ‘total’ figures for specialist staff, managers and other staff must be the same as those given in the contractual staff table (question 2).
11 / Disability, staff / Number of permanent,contractual or freelance members of staff, both full and part-time, men and women, who consider themselves to be disabled.
Board/Governing body
12 / Black or minority ethnic-led / If your organisation defines itself and its mission as being Black and minority ethnic-led, please answer 'yes' to this question.
13 / Disability-led / If your organisation defines itself and its mission as being disability-led, please answer ‘yes’ to this question.
14 / Governance, ethnicity / Please provide information for your organisation’s board or governing body, as at31 March 2015.
Large organisations should not include members of individual committees that are answerable to their main board.
15 / Governance, age / Please provide information for your board or governing body, as at 31 March 2015.
16 / Governance, disability / Please provide information for your board or governing body, as at 31 March 2015.
Training and skills
17 / Professional development plan / Indicate whether or not your organisation had a professional development plan, as at 31 March 2015.
18 / Development opportunities / Confirm whether all permanent and contractual staff were offered continuous professional development opportunities between 1 April 2014 and 31 March 2015 in line with the professional development plan.
19 / Work placements, apprenticeships and unpaid internships / Indicate whether your organisation offered the following schemesbetween 1 April 2014 and 31 March 2015:
  • Paid internships: paid internship opportunities or work placements of longer duration offering work experience, allied to training that may include 'in-house' programmes devised by the hosting organisation or partner organisations
  • Unpaid internships: unpaid (except for travel/subsistence costs) internship opportunities or work placements of longer duration offering work experience, allied to training that may include 'in-house' programmes devised by the hosting organisation or partner organisations
  • Formal apprenticeship frameworks: apprenticeships refer to on-the-job training leading to nationally recognised qualifications, usually NVQs, developed by industry and delivered in partnership with Further Education Colleges. The National Apprenticeship Service supports, funds and co-ordinates the delivery of apprenticeships throughout England. For more information see:
  • Unaccredited apprenticeships:informal on the job training that does not deliver a national qualification as part of a recognisedapprenticeship framework, and usually bespoke to the host organisation
  • Work experience: students in school, further education or higher education working in an organisation alongside staff for short periods of time. Usually set up through schools/colleges, local business partnerships or informal contacts

Note on financial statements / These sections should be completed by all organisations, and should relate to all activity not just that funded by Arts Council England.
Certified accounts 2013/14:
Please complete financial information for the previous year from your certified or audited accounts. This should be the period 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014.
Actual/Provisional accounts 2014/15:
Please provide data that is as accurate as possible for the 2014/15 financial year, using audited accounts where available, or provisional accounts. This should be the period 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015.
Arts Council England collects information on the financial year from 1April to 31 March. We report on our activity and funding on that basis and funding for organisations is the most significant part of our annual investment. For these reasons, National portfolio organisations and Major partner museums must report information on an April to March basis, irrespective of their own financial year. This does not necessarily mean that an organisation with a different financial year has to prepare their information from scratch. Providing you can make appropriate assumptions to generate April–March information, you may do this. Record the basis for the calculation as additional information. Contact your auditors or our enquiries team if you need help.
1 /
Earned income
Core activity / Please give the figure for income generated by your core activity. This should include box office receipts; engagement and other fees; entrance charges for exhibitions, screenings, readings, and so on; sales of books and magazines; workshop fees, individual membership fees, etc, where such events form your core activity. All income from sales should be entered excluding VAT.
If your organisation’s core activity is education, please complete all income within the educational activity table, below.
Educational activity / Give details of the income generated from educational activity or events in addition to core activity. Educational activity is about learning skills and techniques and gaining knowledge and appreciation of arts, museums and culture. It can also include using arts and culture to develop in other areas such as personal and social skills or history.
Supplementary activity / Give details of income generated from trading activity, for example, catering (excluding VAT) as well as bank interest and any other earned income.
Arts Council England subsidy / This section collects details on funding from Arts Council England – if you are unsure whether a grant is lottery or not, or under which heading it should be categorised, please contact your relationship manager or our enquiries team.
Funding for organisations / Give details of the total National portfolio funding grant received from Arts Council England for revenue purposes. This field should be pre-populated with the figure taken from our records. If this differs from the figure you have, please contact your relationship manager.
Other non-lottery funding / Give details of any other non-lottery grants received throughArts Council England, ie one-off project grants.
Lottery – project grants / Enter total grants received through Grants for the arts.
Lottery development funding / Total income received from Arts Council England for specific development projects or purposes, through funding streams such as Catalyst or Sustain.
Lottery – other revenue grant / Give details of any lottery awards given for general revenue purposes, specifically the revenue element of any capital award made by Arts Council England.
Sponsorship / Give details of any sponsorship from business organisations as well as income from corporate membership schemes.
Trusts / Please include all money received from trusts and foundations.
Donations / Include all money received from the general public or friends (including friends/member schemes) for which no benefit is received in return.
Local authority funding / Include revenue and project funding (not capital projects).
Other public grants / Include grants from other arts and culture funding bodies, grants from universities or research boards, development corporation funding, revenue and/or development funding direct from central and/or European governments (not capital projects).
2 / Staff expenditure
Artistic programme or other main activity / Please enter the costs of staff engaged in your artistic programme or main activity.
Marketing / Enter the separate costs of staff directly involved in marketing.
Education programme / Enter the separate costs of staff directly involved in your education programme, where relevant.
Overheads / Enter the separate costs of staff directly involved in the area of overheads, such as administration costs (post, telephone, insurance, etc) and premises costs (rent, heating, lighting, etc).
Generating funds / Enter separate costs of staff directly involved in generating funds.
Governance / Enter separate costs of staff directly involved in governance.
Other costs / Enter other staff costs not included above, including irrecoverable VAT.
Collections - care and conservation (museums only) / Enter the separate costs of staff that are directly involved in the care and conservation of collections.
Collections - acquisitions (museums only) / Enter the separate costs of staff that are involved in the acquisition of collections.
3 / Non-staff expenditure
Artistic programme or other main activity / Please give details of expenditure related to your organisation’s main programme of activity, whether or not that activity involves the direct production or creation of artistic product.
Costs for this line probably include production costs, exhibition and venue hire. Do not include staff costs already entered above.
If your organisation is engaged solely in educational activity, leave this line blank and enter the full amount below.
Marketing / Give details of all marketing costs, both production-specific and generic. Do not include staff costs already entered above.
Education programme / Give details of all costs related to your organisation’s education programme, where this is relevant to your organisation. Do not include staff costs already entered above.
If your organisation’s main activity is educational in nature, you should enter data here leaving the artistic programme and main activity line (above) blank.
Overheads / Give details of all overheads, such as administration costs (post, telephone, insurance, etc) and premises costs (rent, heating, lighting, etc). Do not include staff costs already entered above.
Costs of generating funds / This includes costs that are associated with generating incoming resources from all sources other than from undertaking charitable activities. This is primarily costs of fundraising and generating voluntary income, but also of managing investments. Do not include staff costs already entered above.
Governance costs / This includes the costs of governance for running the organisation: items such as internal and external audit, legal advice and costs associated with constitutional and statutory requirements. Do not include staff costs already entered above.
Other costs / This should include all costs not included above, including irrecoverable VAT. Do not include staff costs already entered above.
Collections - care and conservation (museums only) / This includes costs that are associated with the care and conservation of collections. Do not include staff costs already entered above.
Collections – acquisitions (museums only) / This includes costs that are associated with the acquisition of collections. Do not include staff costs already entered above.
2 / Total expenditure / Auto-calculation of staff and non-staff expenditure totals.
3 / Local authorities / local authority-run venues / If you are a local authority or a venue run by a local authority, answer ‘yes’ to this question. If you are not, answer ‘no’ and you will be sent to Question 7.
4 /
Balance sheet
/ If you are a local authority or a venue run by a local authority and you have a balance sheet, answer ‘yes’ and you will be sent to Question 7. If not, you will be sent to Question 12.
Assets and liabilities / Please show values as they would be shown in your financial statements for the financial year running from 1April to 31 March.
5 / Fixed assets
6 / Current assets
7 / Current liabilities
8 / Long-term liabilities
9 / Registered charity / If you are a charity registered with the Charities Commission, or a University museum answer ‘yes’ to this question. If not, answer ‘no’ and you will be sent to Question 16.
10 / Breakdown of funds / Show values as they would be shown in your financial statements as at 31 March 2014and 31 March 2015.
Endowment funds / Endowment funds are a transfer of money donated to an organisation that may be used for the operation of the organisation.
Restricted funds / Restricted funds are those funds that are donated or granted for specific purposes stated by the funder, which must only be expended for these purposes. (Sometimes a charity has the power to restrict its own funds but this is rare.)
Unrestricted funds:
designated funds / Designated funds are those unrestricted funds that are designated by the organisation itself for a specific purpose and as such the designation can be removed. (Where a funder expresses a preference for the use of funds but does not set a requirement, this can also form a designated fund.)
Unrestricted funds:
undesignated funds
11 /
/ Please tell us how much your organisation spent on capital in 2013/14 and 2014/15, and the value of any National Lottery grants drawn down that contribute to this expenditure, whether they were awarded by the Arts Council or another Lottery distributor.