/ User Profile Request Form

Please fill out this form to request for the following:

·  Access for new GEMS users

·  Changes to a current GEMS user’s access and roles as a result of movement (e.g. transfer, promotion, etc.)

Part A: Request Type
Please select the relevant request type:
A staff has just joined our department / A staff has left the Brunei Civil Service / An existing staff has been transferred/promoted internally in our department
A staff is being transferred/promoted/seconded out of our department / An existing staff has been given additional GEMS roles in our department / Others (please specify):

Part B: User Information
Employee Name /
IC No. / / Contact No. /
Email /
Ministry /
Dept/Section/Unit /
Position /
Summary of User Responsibility
(Please indicate the user’s responsibilities in this position, especially with regards to responsibilities in GEMS) /
Part C: User Profile Details
Access Type
(select all that apply) / Employee Self Service / Manager Self Service / HR User
If Access Type “HR User” selected, access to be granted for (please tick one only) / Department only
If “Department only”, indicate Dept: /
All Ministries and Departments [For PSD, PSC only]
Part C: User Profile Details (cont’d)
Roles to be assigned (refer to Appendix A for list of GEMS Roles and Role Descriptions)
No / Role Name / Add? / Delete?
1.  /
2.  /
3.  /
4.  /
Part D: Justification, Comments & Approval
Additional Comments:
Requestor Information
Requestor Name /
IC No. / / Contact No. /
Email /
Dept/Section/Unit /
Position /
Approver Information
Approver Name /
IC No. / / Contact No. /
Email /
Dept/Section/Unit /
Position /
Once this form has been completed,
kindly email as an attachment to:

Part E: For GEMS Support Use Only
Confirmation of Receipt and Update
Received and assessed by / Name /
EmplID / / Date received /
Executed by / Name /
EmplID / / Date received /
Profile updated / Notified user and requestor / Date completed /
User Profile Update
Employee Name /
User ID / / EmplID /
Email /
Prim Perm List /
Row Sec Perm List /
Role Changes
No / Role Name / Added? / Deleted?
1.  /
2.  /
3.  /
4.  /
/ User Profile Request Form
Appendix A: GEMS Roles & Role Descriptions /
GEMS Role Name / Role Description / Typical Role Assignments / Long Description /
BCS_CompensationAnalyst / Compensation Analyst / PSD personnel in charge of creating Salary Plan, Grade, and Steps / A person in this role manages the configuration of the Compensation and Salary Plans for the Brunei Civil Service, adding and updating plans when there is a need to.
BCS_CompensationAnalystCR / Compensation AnalystCR / PSD personnel in charge of creating Salary Plan, Grade, and Steps / Based on the role indicated above, this role allows the user to edit historical data for Compensation.
BCS_DepartmentAdministrator / Department Administrator / Department specific / A person in this role is responsible for processing and approving certain transactions made by employees in the same department. These transactions include address change, marital status change, termination of daily paid staffs, and acting requests for duration less than 180 days.
BCS_DepartmentAdministratorCR / Department AdministratorCR / Department specific / Based on the role indicated above, this role allows the user to edit historical data for employee’s Job information.
BCS_Employee / Employee / All / Employee refers to the civil servants of the Government of Brunei. The Employee's participation in the HR system is through the employee lifecycle events that s/he will perform throughout his/her career in the Civil Service. Employees may be involved in HR processes via movement or by utilising Self Service capabilities to manage their own data. Within the HR processes, employees may be (amongst others):
·  Applicants from the Recruitment process
·  involved in the Performance Appraisal process
·  leave, claims, loans, allowances applicants
·  training participants
·  contributors to forums, surveys
BCS_HRApprAuth_Transfers / HR Approval Auth – Transfers / PSC and PSD personnel that are processing transfer requests / A person in this role approves all the transfer requests submitted by the departments.
BCS_HRApprAuth_TransfersCR / HR Approval Auth – TransferCR / PSC and PSD personnel that are processing transfer requests / Based on the role indicated above, this role allows the user to edit historical data for employee’s Job information.
BCS_HRApprovalAuthority / HR Approval Authority / PSC personnel processing employee deployment requests (i.e. final approver for Promotions, Change of Service, Retirement, or Salary Change requests) / A person in this role is responsible for approving various types of lifecycle events throughout the employee lifecycle such as Promotions, Transfers, Job Change Requests (Acting, Change of Service, etc), short listing of examination and interview results
BCS_HRApprovalAuthorityCR / HR Approval AuthorityCR / PSC personnel processing employee deployment requests / Based on the role indicated above, this role allows the user to edit historical data for employee’s Job information.
BCS_HRSpecialistCompMgmt / HRS Compensation Management / PSD personnel processing salary change requests / The Human Resource Specialist – Compensation Management manages the assignment of salary plans to employees based on their Division and position in the Brunei Civil Service. They are also first level approver for any salary change requests made by the departments and also manage and update the Compensation and Salary Plans
BCS_HRSpecialistCompMgmtCR / HRS Compensation ManagementCR / PSD personnel processing salary change requests / Based on the role indicated above, this role allows the user to edit historical data for Compensation.
BCS_HRSpecialistDataMgmt / HRS Data Management / Department specific. Human resource specialist in charge of updating employee’s personal or job information / A person in this role updates, tracks and maintains employee data of staff from hiring to retiring/termination/transfer from the department.
BCS_HRSpecialistDataMgmtCR / HRS Data ManagementCR / Department specific. Human resource specialist in charge of updating employee’s personal or job information / Based on the role indicated above, this role allows the user to edit historical data for employee’s Job information.
BCS_HRSpecialistDiscipline / HRS Empl Depl Discipline / PSD personnel handling disciplinary cases / The HR Specialist – Discipline is responsible for managing and recording the disciplinary actions of employees in the system
BCS_HRSpecialistDisciplineCR / HRS Empl Depl DisciplineCR / PSD personnel handling disciplinary cases / Based on the role indicated above, this role allows the user to edit historical data for employee’s disciplinary page.
BCS_HRSpecialistEmplDplymt / HRS Empl Deployment / PSD personnel processing employee / A person in this role updates, tracks and maintains employee data related to new staff entry, staff promotion, staff acting, probation and confirmation, transfers, rehiring, and salary changes.
BCS_HRSpecialistEmplDplymtCnt / HRS Empl Deployment(Contract) / PSD personnel processing contract information / The HR Specialist – Contract is responsible for creating and maintaining the contracts for employees
BCS_HRSpcialistEmplDplymtCntCR / HRS Empl Deployment(CntrCt)CR / PSD personnel processing contract information / Based on the role indicated above, this role allows the user to edit historical data for Contract.
BCS_HRSpecialistOrgMgmt / HRS Organisation Management / PSD personnel in charge of maintaining organization information (e.g. department tree structure, positions, and jobcodes) / The HR Specialist – Organisation Management manages the codes that are used to define various departments in the Brunei Civil Service (BCS). This is done to manage the organisational structure of departments in the BCS. The HR Specialist – Organisation Management is also responsible for maintaining the department's headcount, budget & structure in the system.
BCS_HRSpecialistOrgMgmtCR / HRS Organisation ManagmentCR / PSD personnel in charge of maintaining organization information (e.g. department tree structure, positions, and jobcodes) / Based on the role indicated above, this role allows the user to edit historical data for Organisation Management.
BCS_HRS_EmplDpl_Termination / Termination Transaction Approv / PSD personnel processing termination requests / A person in this role manages information updates on staff who are exiting the Brunei Civil Service through termination
BCS_HRS_EmplDpl_Retirement / Retirement Transaction Approve / PSD personnel processing retirement requests / A person in this role manages information updates on staff who are exiting the Brunei Civil Service through retirement
BCS_LineManager / Line Manager / Department specific. Refers to supervisors within a deparment / A person in this role is typically the supervisor to a group of employees who report to him/her or require approval for certain transactions from the Line Manager
BCS_SecurityAdministrator / Security Administrator / GEMS Help Desk Support role. Role in charge of applying security changes / A person in this role is responsible for managing the security aspects of the system
BCS_SecurityAdministratorCR / Security AdministratorCR / GEMS Help Desk Support role. Role in charge of applying security changes / Based on the role indicated above, this role allows the user to edit historical data for Security.
BCS_SystemAdministrator / System Administrator / System Administrator appointed by GEMS Application Team / A person in this role is responsible for managing the technical aspects of the system and making sure that everything is running smoothly
BCS_SystemAdministratorCR / System AdministratorCR / System Administrator appointed by GEMS Application Team / Based on the role indicated above, this role allows the user to edit historical data for system related processes.
BCS_HRS_EmplDpl_PrmtnRjctn / JCR Rjctn of Prmtion Approver / PSD personnel processing Rejection of Promotion requests / The HR Specialist – Employee Deployment Promotion Rejection is the first level approver for any rejection of promotion requests made by the departments
BCS_HRS_EmplDpl_Rehiring / JCR Rehire after Term Appr / PSD personnel processing Rehire after Termination requests / The HR Specialist – Employee Deployment Rehiring is the first level approver for any rehiring of retired employees requests made by the departments
BCS_HRS_EmplDpl_SvcChange / JCR Chng of Srvce Approver / PSD personnel processing Change of Service requests / The HR Specialist – Employee Deployment Change of Service is the first level approver for any employee’s change of service requests made by the departments
BCS_HRS_EmplDpl_PrbtnExtn / JCR Probation Extension Appr / PSD personnel processing Probation Extension requests / The HR Specialist – Employee Deployment Probation Extension is the first level approver for any extension of probation requests made by the departments
BCS_HRS_EmplDpl_Acting / JCR Acting Approver / PSD personnel processing Temporary or Substantive Acting requests / The HR Specialist – Employee Deployment Acting is responsible for handling all of the acting requests for duration greater than 180 days. They are the first level approver for these acting requests made by the departments.
BCS_HRS_EmplDpl_Promotion / Promotion Transaction Approver / PSD personnel processing Promotion requests / The HR Specialist – Employee Deployment Promotion is the first level approver for any promotion requests made by the departments