Training Group Coach Responsibilities

1.  Develop the training plan for the group (as necessary). Coach should have the ability and willingness to revise the training plan as needed for individuals who, for example, are training for a goal race that is different from the group’s goal race, become injured, or need to move their long run to a different day one week.

2.  Attend training runs on Saturdays and Wednesdays to greet runners, kick things off, encourage, and support. Coaches ideally participate in the training runs, but may need to offer aid, water station, or whatever is necessary and should be at the finish to greet runners. Attending coffee afterwards is strongly suggested. Groups usually meet at FootZone and either run from the store or carpool to a second location and run from there.

3.  Stay in contact with the training group during the week via email, at least once between Saturday runs. Email contents may include: recap of the Saturday run, workouts for the week (including time, distance), details on the next Saturday run, training tips (little bits of info on gear, stretching, nutrition, etc), informational nuggets relevant to the weather, answers to questions from participants for all to benefit, things they can expect to feel/experience at this point in training, etc. Information on the Saturday run should be sent no later than the Wednesday prior. Maintaining a Facebook group page is also strongly suggested.

4.  Determine Saturday and Wednesday run locations and routes. Mark the route if needed. Ensure that each participant signs in prior to the run and is accounted for at the end of the run.

5.  Be the main point of contact for Training Groups Coordinator (Michelle Poirot) for items such as cancellations, clinic planning, etc. Relay any runner drop-outs to Business Manager (Sarah Graham) within two business days so that refunds can be processed in a timely manner. (Refunds are only available in the first 13 days of the class.)

6.  Manage and support mentors to make sure they are able support their runners. Check in weekly with them to see if they need anything. Keep track of mentor attendance – refer issues to Training Groups Coordinator.

7.  Work with Training Groups Coordinator to arrange clinics. Clinics can be conducted by the coach each week prior to the Saturday run or can be coordinated with the Training Groups Coordinator to bring in an expert to give a talk. Major topics that should be covered during the course of the program are nutrition, injury prevention, running form, dynamic warmup/stretching, gear, and safety, relevant to the experience level of the group.

8.  Keep tabs on attendance and stay engaged with participants. If someone fails to show up, reach out to find see that they are OK and to see if there is any support they need.

9.  Be sensitive and mindful that many participants will be new to this distance. Channel your inner newbie and recall the questions or concerns you had when you were starting out. Be respectful of and sensitive to differing levels of comfort or security or fear on the roads or trails. Make sure no one is left behind!

10.  Most importantly: have fun and help everyone else do the same!


1.  Stipend per week during training group period, dependent on experience and number of coaches per group.

2.  15% discount at FootZone during training group period.

3.  A pair of shoes and a tech tee.

Training Group Mentor Responsibilities

1.  Mentors for 5k and 10k groups must be able to comfortably run the goal distance on the first day of class. Mentors for the half marathon group must be able to comfortably run 7 miles on the first day of class, and should be able to maintain at least a 12 minute mile for each successive workout.

2.  Attend and lead all training group runs on Saturdays, and coffee afterwards if possible. Mentors can miss a maximum of two Saturday workouts. Please let the coach know in advance so that a sub can be arranged.

3.  Attend and lead Wednesday night workouts as available – coaches and mentors will rotate coverage.

4.  Establish an encouraging rapport with all runners in the group.

5.  Run in your assigned place in the pack for that particular week.

6.  Email your group once per week, preferably before Wednesday.

7.  Contribute to the Facebook Group page while the group is in session.

8.  Respond to runner questions, or refer them to the coach.

9.  Follow up with group members who are hurt or have missed a workout.

10.  Keep in mind that mentoring is about giving back to and supporting the running community, not about getting your perfect workout. Training groups runs will be slower than your usual pace.

11.  Share your enthusiasm, support, and experience with your fellow runners!


1. A free pair of shoes midway through the session, provided mentor misses no more than 2 Saturday workouts.

2. Tech shirt

3. 10% store discount while coaching