Flea Control

Some years in Houston fleas and insects in general are worse than other years. Warm winters and wet warm springs result in a huge bloom of fleas.

In the last 15years new safe topical and oral flea preventatives have been developed for monthly use. Topical treatments can leave a moist area over the back which many owners do not like so they ask for the oral tablets (Comfortis and Trifexis).

Here is a little information about the flea life cycle. Female fleas lay their eggs on the pet after feeding. The eggs harden and fall off the pet in several hours, often onto bedding, sofas or rugs. The eggs take a week to ten days to hatch but can survive for six months. When they hatch out they are larva (caterpillar but almost invisible) which survive in the flea debris. In one to two weeks the larva form a cocoon which is resistant to most insecticides. The cocoon can also survive for 6 months. The flea emerges from the cocoon in 1-2 weeks and waits for a furred mammal. Fleas will find a furred mammal in preference to a human. Fleas consider humans a last resort. Because there life cycle is complex, treatment can be complex.

Flea control involves three areas; the pets (all furred ones), the house and the yard.

Topical products (Advantage, Certifect,Frontline and Pet Armour are popular) should be used on a dry coat that has not been bathed for 48 hours before or after application. The product should be applied between the shoulder blades of dogs and on the back of the neck on cats. May owners prefer to apply the product in the evening so it has time to absorb overnight and does not get wiped off. Remember all furred pets need flea control. (Rabbits, ferrets etc.)

Oral product (Comfortis, and Trifexis) should be given once monthly WITH FOOD, this is important for the drugs to be absorbed properly. Do not give on an empty stomach as they can cause some stomach upset.

Home flea control should be done when the pet owner is seeing fleas on the pets frequently or the pets have been off preventative for several months.

Professional exterminators can be hired but owners can also do home control themselves. Hardware stores have insect foggers and insect pumps that are safe for the home (Ortho). Follow manufactures directions. Rooms can be treated one at a time then aired out for one hour. Remember many pets get on furniture which means eggs, larva and cocoons can end up under sofa cushions, behind and under furniture. Vacuum first because eggs and cocoons are not susceptible to most home insecticides. The home will have to be retreated in 10-14 days. Don’t forget closets. Cats often go in closets.

Yard control is similar to home control except products are slightly stronger. Professional exterminators can be hired to treat outside also. Most insecticides are degraded by UV light which means if you treat at 10am the insecticide is gone in a short time on a sunny day. Try to treat outside after 5pm for best results. Don’t forget to treat under patios andcrawl spaces under pier and beam homes where squirrels and cats hang out. Start treating at the base of the house and move outward toward the fence. Don’t forget to treat the garage. Treatment will need to be repeated in 10-14 days then monthly if needed. OrthoMAx is a product that fits on the end of the water hose and is easily sprayed. Follow manufactures instructions.

The best way to control fleas is to be diligent with pet products. Use them monthly.