Benton Middle School

Visual & Performing Arts Magnet

15709 E. Olive Branch Dr. La Mirada CA 90638

Guitar Teacher: Mr. Montalvo

Guitar Class

Benton Guitar Ensemble

Course Summary

By the end of the year, students will become proficient guitarists with the ability to play music from a wide variety of genres (Rock, Blues, Folk, Jazz, Flamenco, with a focus on Classical). Technical development will be emphasized in order to prepare students to play more challenging music. Students will also gain a more thorough knowledge of musical theory, history and repertoire as it relates to guitar and their development as musicians. As members of a music ensemble, students will learn about the expectations, procedures, and character necessary to function within a group.


1. Students will develop their sight-reading skills and learn to read increasingly advanced music in staff notation.

2. Students will perform on the guitar solo and ensemble music representing a wide variety of genres, styles, and cultures.

3. Students will compose original works for guitar and create arrangements and improvisations using familiar music or forms.

4. Students will develop the ability to analyze and describe music using content vocabulary.

5. Students will be able to identify and describe primary developments in the history of the guitar and repertoire including influential guitarists, styles, and techniques.

6. Students will critically evaluate their own and others musical performances and apply their findings towards personal and collective musical growth.

7. Students will gain an emerging understanding of the creative mindset and the interaction and similarities among various art forms. *All objectives fulfill aspects of the California grade 9-12 Music Standards

Classroom Rules & Policies - see additional handout

1. Respect for the teacher and fellow students.

2. Honesty and integrity in all matters.

3. Commitment to the ensemble through musical preparation and participation at each rehearsal and performances.

4. No Food or drink allowed in the classroom.


·  Practice your guitar at home at least 4 times each week

·  Be on time and prepared for lessons and rehearsals

·  Bring what you practiced at home to the classroom

·  Always give your best effort

·  Sit with proper playing posture

·  Keep your eyes and ears on me when I am speaking or demonstrating

·  Use the restroom only during emergencies

·  Most importantly, have fun and learn how to appreciate music!

Cell phones or any other handheld devices are not allowed unless they are being used for instructional purposes. Any items being used during class without permission will be confiscated and sent to the office to pick up at the end of the school day.

Hall Passes will be given out very sparingly and only when necessary. Excessive use of hall passes will be dealt with on an individual basis.


Individual Performance Tests 30 % (5% for each test and one 10% performance final)

Students will perform selected short excerpts from music being studied every few weeks. They will be graded based on an individual performance record measuring their musical progress.

Concert Attendance 20 % (10% per concert)

Attendance at every performance is mandatory. Please refer to the event calendar at the end of the syllabus to confirm there are no conflicts with scheduled performance dates. If there is an unresolvable conflict, students must notify Mr. Montalvo at least two weeks before any given performance and complete a makeup assignment (4-page research paper) to receive credit.

Written Work, Test, Projects 50 % (see breakdown for each category)

Concert Report – 20%

Students must attend 1 live professional or collegiate music performances each semester. The event calendar provided in this syllabus provides free concerts that may be attended for credit. Concert reports will be issued and must be submitted by the student along with ticket stub or program for each event attended. For other concert opportunities please consult

Listening Journals – 5 %

Every Wednesday students will spend a portion of the class period listening to music. While listening, students will analyze and react to what they are hearing by writing in a listening journal. These journals will be collected at the end of the semester and graded. If a student is absent on the day of a journal, they should see Mr. Montalvo for a makeup listening journal activity.

Worksheets – 10%

Students will be given occasional worksheets to fill out to help assist them in understanding and memorizing certain musical concepts. Each of these worksheets will be worth a portion of the overall worksheet grade.

Final Written Test – 5%

At the end of each semester, students will take a final written exam where they will demonstrate their understanding of the core concepts studied within the semester.

Extra Credit and Late Work

Extra Credit opportunities are available. Please see Mr. Montalvo before or after class to discuss opportunities for makeup work if needed. Late work will be deducted a letter grade for each day it is late (unless student has an excused absence). Assignments more than a week late will only be given half credit.

Required Materials & Supplies

¾-1 inch 3 ring binder (for storing music, listening journals, and worksheets)

50 page protectors for music and worksheets

2 Sharpened Pencils or mechanical pencils (for marking music scores, taking notes, and completing assignments)

Instrument Use

If a student plans to use one of the school's instruments, they will have to fill out an instrument loan contract. The instrument will be issued to them for the whole school year. Instruments will be checked back in at the end of the school year and examined for damages. Students will be held accountable for any damages to the instrument and will have to pay for the repair or replacement of the instrument.


Morey's Music Store
4834 Woodruff Avenue, Lakewood, CA 90713
(562) 420-9532
Find thousands of guitar channels that will help teach you to play!
Guitar Center
606 S Brea Blvd
Brea CA 92821
(714) 672 – 0103 /
Free blank tablature and staff notation paper that is easy to customize and print.
La Mirada Music
14928 Leffingwell Rd,
La Mirada, CA 90638
(562) 941-4495
Fun website and app to improve sight reading /
Free lessons, exercises, and tools to assist music students with their music theory.
One of the better tab websites.
You can find virtually any song in their database.
One of the better tab sites and app
Soundcorset guitar app
Guitar tuner and metronome