
Folksworth and Washingley Parish Directory

One of the issues which emerged from the Parish Plan process was the need for comprehensive information on local services. Your Parish Directory has been produced to try and satisfy that need. If it is not of immediate interest to you, please keep it somewhere safe for future reference.

Your Parish Directory, along with other useful community information, is available on the Parish Council website: and will be kept updated. Also, check Folklore magazine “Regular Events” for changes to local services and facilities. If you notice any of the following information is incorrect or needs updating please contact the Clerk

Your Parish Directory:


Your Notes and Reminders2

Community Information3

Community Safety4

Conservation and Environment4


Food and Drink6

Health Services7

Local Clubs and Organisations8

(Children’s and Adults’)

Local Services and Facilities10

Your Notes and Reminders

Community Information

Parish noticeboards displaying Parish Council business are located at three sites within the parish: at the village hall, on the corner of Morborne Road and Folksworth Road, and at the Bullock Road crossroads at Washingley.

Community noticeboard. There is a second noticeboard at the village hall for anyone wishing to advertise events or items for sale, at a cost of 50p for 7 days. All funds raised will go to the village hall. To use this facility, please contact Joy Blythe on 01733 241938.

Folklore magazine is published four times a year (March, June, September and December) and is delivered to every house in the villages of Folksworth, Washingley, Denton, Norman Cross and Morborne. It aims to positively portray life, people, news and events as a service to the local community. Community items are included at no charge, and the editor welcomes contributions. Local businesses can advertise their services at reasonable rates. Please contact the editor, Mark Randall on 01733 248202 email:

Folksworth & Washingley Parish Council meets at the village hall on the 3rd Tuesday in the month at 7.20pm. Contact details:

Clerk (Tel: 07724 171158) e-mail: website:

Parish Council website:

contains up-to-date community information, including details of local Parish footpath walks.

Leaflet rack in the village hall contains useful community information and leaflets. Please feel free to browse.

Link newsletter contains information about events at St Helen’s Church and is delivered to houses in the parish.

Scan is the community magazine for Stilton. It tells you what is happening in the village, and contains useful information about its clubs and facilities. Scan can be viewed online from a link on the StiltonVillage website:

Huntingdonshire District Council

General Enquiries: 01480 388388;Out of Hours: 01480 434167


Community Safety

Police. To report a crime, please ring 0845 456 4564. If you wish to speak to PCSO Barry Chamberlain about crime prevention or to provide information about a crime, please ring 07921 094828.

Neighbourhood Watch has been active in the parish for around 18 years. Any suspicious activity can be reported to the street wardens or the co-ordinator – details below:

Co-ordinatorColin BorleyManor Road241374

Street wardensSandra MeoMorborne Road241331

Joy BlytheNorman Cross241938 Dianne Fletcher Elm Road 242634

Sue LeeThe Paddocks245272

Stuart SetchfieldTownsend Way245828

Pat SmithWashingley Road243667

John DavidsonHawthorn Road241010

Judy Ford Chervil Close 240440

Conservation and Environment

Recycling facilities for glass, newspaper, mixed cans and clothes are available in the rear car park of the Fox Inn, Manor Road. A proportion of the money raised from the recycling of glass and cans comes back to the Parish Council to fund environmental projects.

Household collection of recyclable paper, cardboard, cans and certain plastics is carried out by Huntingdonshire District Council fortnightly on Tuesdays. If you have any queries, call the Freephone Helpline on 0800 3896613.


Folksworth Under 5s at the Village Hall

Pre-school sessions Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9.00am-11.30am

Lunch club Monday, Wednesday & Friday 11.30am-12.30pm

Pre-school sessions (to include Rising Fives) Monday, Wednesday & Friday 12.30pm-3.00pm

Contact Jayne Franklin (Supervisor) on 07940 532578 for more details.

Little Folks Montessori – Day nursery, 32 Townsend Way, Folksworth Tel 01733 243374.

FolksworthC of E Primary School, Apreece Road. The headteacher is Caroline Adams. Tel: 01733 240562.

The Haven, Church Street, Stilton offers before and after school sessions for all ages of children. Also open during the holidays.

Term opening times: 8.00am – 9.00am and 3.15pm – 6.00pm.

Holiday opening times: 8.00am – 6.00pm.

Telephone Julie or Gianna on 01733 240663 for more details.

Registered Childminders:

Heidi’s Childminding (in Stilton) available 7.00am – 7.00pm for ages 6 months up to 10 years (day care, and before/after school). For further details telephone 01733 244565.

Helen (in Stilton) – for day care and after school. For further details telephone 01733 241491.

SawtryCommunity College for years 7 to 13, at Fen Lane, Sawtry. Tel: 01487 830701. A school bus to and from Folksworth is provided, and details are supplied by the school.

PeterboroughHigh School, Thorpe Road, Peterborough. Independent school for boys up to 11 years and girls up to 18 years. Tel: 01733 343357. School bus to and from Folksworth.

StamfordEndowedSchools, Brazenose House, St Paul’s Street, Stamford. Independent school for girls and boys aged 2 to 18. School mini-bus to and from Folksworth.

Food and Drink

The Fox Inn, Manor Road, Folksworth. Tom Pope took over the management in October 2007. 01733 240258.

Opening times: Mon-Thur8.45am – 11.00pm

Friday8.45am – 11.30pm

Saturday12.00 noon – 11.30pm

Sunday12.00 noon – 10.30pm

Coffee available all day. Alcohol available from 12.00 noon.

RestaurantThursday, Friday, Saturday eves 6.30pm – 9.00pm

Sunday lunchtime 12.00 noon – 5.00pm.

Bar snacksMonday to Saturday lunchtime 12.00 noon – 2.30pm

Monday to Wednesday eves 5.30pm – 9.00pm

Home deliveries:

Dairy Crest delivers milk, fruit juice and dairy products to Folksworth on Sat, Tues and Thurs, and Washingley on Mon, Wed, Fri. Telephone 01733 562875 for further details.

River Nene organic vegetables delivers fresh seasonal organic fruit and vegetables. or telephone 0845 078 6868.

Eismann frozen food delivery, every other Tuesday from 23 October 2007. With an initial purchase of £20 or over, there will be a £10 discount. Telephone Jan or Gordon Dowling on 07753 740655 for further details.

Browns of Stilton will deliver their fine foods and wine for £5.00 (or free if you spend over £30.00). Orders by telephone on 01733 242486 or email: .

Regal Fish Supplies deliver fresh or frozen fish every 8-10 weeks. or telephone 0845 3893973.

Neptune’s Table deliver frozen fish every 2 months. Telephone 07984 011410 and speak to Chris or Tony.

Ringtons deliver tea and coffee every other Thursday. Telephone 01733 361965.

Health Services

Yaxley Group Practice at Landsdowne Road, Yaxley is the nearest doctors’ practice. Telephone 01733 240478 for appointments.

(see Transport, p11, for details of a weekly bus service to the Surgery)

Wellside Surgery at 45 High Street, Sawtry. Telephone 01487 830340.

Bushfield Dental Practice, Orton Centre. Telephone 01733 370331.

Herlington Dental Practice, Orton Malborne. Tel 01733 234566.

The Hamptons Dental Care, 52 Hargate Way, Hampton Hargate.

Telephone 01733 341777.

Yaxley Dental Clinic, 116 Main Street, Yaxley. Tel 01733 245055.

Hampton Veterinary Centre, 48 Hargate Way, Hampton Hargate.

Telephone 01733 893990.

New Lodge Veterinary Centre, Red Lodge Road, Polebrook.

Telephone 01832 270201.

Sawtry Veterinary Surgery, 11 Greenways, Sawtry. Telephone 01487 830595. Out of hours emergency mobile 07841 372136.

Yaxley Veterinary Surgery, 16 Malting Square, Yaxley. Telephone

01733 243000.

Local Clubs and Organisations

Children’s Activities:

Beavers meet in the village hall on Wednesdays at 6.00pm – 7.15pm (not during school holidays). Contact Julie Gillies on 01733 244548.

Brownies meet in the village hall on Thursdays at 6.30pm – 7.45pm. For more details, please contact Annette Gedney on 01733 244442.

Cubs at StiltonSchool hall on Mondays at 6.00pm – 7.30pm. Contact John Bishop on 01733 244228.

Guides at StiltonSchool hall on Tuesdays at 6.00pm – 7.30pm.

Contact Carol Warren on 01733 242389.

Rainbows meet in FolksworthSchool hall on Wednesdays at 5.15pm – 6.15pm. Contact Sara Bailey (01733 243150) or Sue Ayres (01733 242351).

Stilton and District Twinning Association has had close links with St Christol lez Ales in France for over 10 years. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Chris and Linda Walford on 01733 241376 (also for adults).

Under 5s play area by footpath between the school and the village hall. Play equipment strictly for the under 5s.

Young Folksworth Players stage one or two productions each year. The auditions and performances are well advertised, and the Players are always on the look-out for new talent. For more information, please contact Annie Blair on 01733 243463 or Phil Beal on 01733 243255.

Adults’ Activities:

Art Class at the village hall on Thursdays at 1.30pm. Contact Dai Davies on 01733 240906.

Carpet Bowls Club at the village hall on Monday evenings at 7.30pm – 10.00pm (7.00pm in the winter). Telephone Bruce Saint on 01733 240254 for further details.

Circuit Training Classes at the village hall on Thursdays at 8.15pm – 9.15pm. Suitable for any age and fitness level. Please contact Natalie Pope on 07785 282626 for further details.

Local Clubs and Organisations (continued)

Adults’ Activities (continued):

Folksworth Active Charity Events (FACE) is comprised of a group of local people who get together to raise money for various good causes through a range of events and activities in the parish. For more information please contact Phil Beal on 01733 243255 or John Blair on 01733 243463.

Folksworth Cricket Club. Contact Rob Lankfer on 01733 241933 or Rob Heath on 01733 242417 for details.

Folksworth Golf Society. Contact Pete Bonney on 07740 022873.
or visit the website:

Folksworth Players stage several productions each year. The auditions and performances are well advertised, and the Players are always on the look-out for new talent. For more information, please contact Annie Blair on 01733 243463 or Phil Beal on 01733 243255.

Folksworth School PTA raise money for the school throughout the year.
Regular events include the Burns night supper and quiz, and Firework Night at the Fox. Contact Caroline Adams on 07702 318151.

Ladies Circle meet in the village hall on the 4th Tuesday in the month at 7.30pm. Contact Phyllis Hope 01733 240947.

Stilton and District Twinning Association has had close links with St Christol lez Ales in France for over 10 years. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Chris and Linda Walford on 01733 241376 (also for children).

Stilton Stumblers organise walking trips. Contact Jan Woodward on 01733 243278 for more details.

Local Services and Facilities

Village Hall is available for private hire. The Village Hall Committee work hard to raise money to keep this very well-used local amenity in good condition. Please contact Joy Blythe on 01733 241938 for bookings.

Mobile Library van calls at the Fox Inn in Manor Road every other Wednesday (from 16th January 2008) at 11.05am – 11.20am. Telephone 0845 045 5225 to renew books.

Yaxley Library, Landsdowne Road, Yaxley. Tel. 0845 045 5225. Free Internet access for members (limited to 1 hour per day).

Opening times:Monday2.30pm – 7.00pm

Tuesday9.30am – 1.00pm, 2.00pm –5.00pm


Thurs & Fri9.30am – 1.00pm, 2.00pm –5.00pm

Saturday9.30am – 12.30pm

Post Office, High Street, Stilton. As well as the usual range of Post Office services, including car tax renewals and foreign currency, it has “flowers by post” and photocopying facilities.

Opening times:Mon-Thur9.00am - 1.00pm, 2.00pm – 5.30pm

Friday9.00am - 1.00pm

Saturday9.00am - 12.30pm

Playing field at the end of Townsend Way. It has an artificial cricket wicket, and football posts. Plans to develop the field with further sports and play equipment once funding can be secured.


St Helen’s Church, Morborne Road. Sunday Service at 9.45am.

Vicar: Rev. Richard Longfoot Tel: 01733 240282

Family Folkus – on the 1st Sunday of each month Folksworth Church moves to Folksworth School hall in Apreece Road. The service starts at 11.00am, and refreshments are served from 10.50am.

St Lukes Roman Catholic Church in Orton Malborne. For further information, contact Fr. John Warrington on 01733 370877 or visit the website:


Stagecoach currently operate two bus services between Folksworth and Peterborough on Monday to Saturday, picking up along Washingley Road/Manor Road/Folksworth Road: the No. 15 bus between Oundle and Peterborough (via Polebrook), and the No. 16 bus between Huntingdon and Peterborough (via Stilton). The journey to and from Peterborough takes around 25 minutes, and both services go via Serpentine Green, Hampton.

Times and services are subject to change so please check with Stagecoach on 01733 554575 or online at

Dial-a-Ride offers twice-weekly door-to-door specially adapted minibus services for people who have difficulty using conventional transport for getting to and from Peterborough city centre or Serpentine Green shopping centre. There is an annual fee of £5.00 single membership, or £7.50 joint membership plus the cost of the fare, which is comparable with the bus. Over 60s with a bus pass travel for free. Telephone 01733 394545 for more details, or visit the website:

North Hunts Community Car Scheme provides voluntary door-to- door lifts for people who find it difficult to get out and about. The passenger pays 25p per mile to cover the local volunteer’s costs. To book a lift, telephone Diane Hankins on 07795 542084.

Tuesday bus to Yaxley Group Practice. Telephone 01733 240478 to book a place. The bus starts at the Fox pub, picks up from Washingley Road near the junction with Townsend Way at 10.10 am, then to Stilton, and arrives at the health centre at 10.35 am. The bus returns at 11.15 am and 12.15 pm. The fare is £1.60 single or £2.40 return, and is free for over 60s.

Folksworth and Washingley Parish Plan Group

appreciates the contribution of these businesses to print

Your Parish Directory

First edition March 2008


Pers/ F&W PDirectory 25Apr08.doc