The City of Auburn
Historic Resources Review Board
c/o Office of Planning and Economic Development
Memorial City Hall - 24 South Street
Auburn, New York 13021
(315) 255-4115 Fax 253-0282
Meeting Minutes
May 8, 2012
Present: Betty Lewis, Richard Stankus, Mike Deming, Jim Hutchinson, Paul McDonald, David Thurston
Chair opens the meeting and asks for a motion to accept the April 10, 2012 minutes. So moved by Jim and seconded by Betty. All members vote approval. Motion carried.
Note: David is the attorney for the contractors of 5 and 7 Grover St. but has no personal interest in the properties.
Certificates of Appropriateness.
- Richard & Elaine Oughterson- 1 Elizabeth Street
Application to repair southeast porch including replacing weathered decking, lattice, and framing. Install balustrade to match southwest porch and to relevel porch roof.
Chris – remaining work of porch facing Elizabeth St. to match previously approved porch.
Jim – spoke with owner. Removed vinyl lattice, using painted cedar
Motion to approve as presented except to use wood lattice made by Jim, seconded by Richard. All members vote approval. Motion carried.
- Fairchild Apartments, LLC- 5 Grover Street
Application to demolish rear western porch and construct new porch to match existing porch features. Repair in-kind balustrades, decking, columns, ceilings and decorative molding of remaining five porches. Remove existing roof on eastern (driveway side) porch and replace with architectural style asphalt shingle roofing. Installation of new exterior doors throughout property and window on third-floor shed dormer.
Sara Fagan – reviews intents for building. Replace in kind.
Christina – reviews responsibilities of the Board. A certificate of occupancy issued by Code Enforcement will be required before the building can be occupied.
Sara Fagan, Jamie Baker –
Porch A, south porch facing Grover St.
- remove/replace roof
- Jack up right front corner, replace cracked top pillar, replace bottom of pillar
- Soffit and fascia work
- Prefer pressure treated but not certain, pine previously used, pressure treated can’t be painted for 1 year.
Jim – has painted pressure treated right away without problem; oil primer, latex paint
- Repair front west column
- Remove/replace stair railing in kind to match porch
Board recommends replacing in kind with square turn.
- Reset front stone steps, repair cracks, parge side to match house foundation
General discussion – recommend reset, flipping stones, fill in gaps, concrete support underneath, urethane fill.
- Porch ceiling, soffit – replace in kind
Recommend gutters.
Motion to approve as presented with recommendations made by Jim, seconded by Richard. All members vote approval. Motion carried.
Porch B – west side
- Repair porch/floor damage – tongue and groove, pine
- Handrails, stairs not original
Recommend square spindles around with top rail to match porch
- Roof repair
- Spindle repair around porch
- All work in kind as much as possible
Motion to accept as presented with recommendations made by Paul, seconded by Richard. All members vote approval. Motion carried.
Porch C – north/rear
- Has lost much of historic integrity – worse shape – replace in kind with square posts – not visible from street
- Keep lattice – repair/replace where needed
Recommend trim boards around lattice
- Lattice under steps
- Replace fascia boards
Recommend metal base under posts-trim vinyl wood around
- Clean and paint steps
- Repair floor in kind with Douglas fir
- Replace door-galvanized steel painted to match house
- Cap all posts
- Roof-tear off & replace w 30 year architectural shingles
Motion to accept as presented with recommendations made by Paul, seconded by Jim. All members vote approval. Motion carried.
Porch D – east/driveway side
- Clean and paint railings and steps
- Repair roof
- Dismantle lattice to repair then replace and frame in
- Replace bead board
- Paint deck
- Add post under railing extension and cap
Motion to accept as presented with recommendations made by Richard, seconded by Jim. All members vote approval. Motion carried.
Porch E – above porch D
Recommend removal of lattice and enclose with bead board with metal base, paint
- Replace floor – rubber
Motion to accept as presented with recommendations made by Jim, seconded by Paul. All members vote approval. Motion carried.
Shed dormer – east side 3rd floor
- Currently screened only
- Proposed to install windows, previously divided light single paned, 4 divided
- Double hung vinyl, paint to match
Motion to accept as presentedwith recommendations made by Jim, seconded by Paul. All members vote approval. Motion carried.
Porch F – west side rear facing City Hall parking lot
- Remove and rebuild
- Replace door
- Extend risers out
- Square spindles
- Replace roof
- Lattice, framed around bottom
Motion to accept as presented with recommendations made by Jim, seconded by Paul. All members vote approval. Motion carried.
- Fairchild Apartments, LLC- 7 Grover Street
Application to repair in-kind the decking and ceilings and construct new balustrades and replace exterior doors on five existing porches. Special attention will be given to the western (driveway side) porch to replace in-kind historical features. Shift electrical meters from existing location to between basement window openings on driveway side, enclose and screen from right of way with plantings. Repair/ replace existing fiberboard and paint.
Non-contributing resource.
Three major issues.
Porch A – front facing Grover St.
- Repair in kind square spindles and cap
- Remove carpet, sand and paint
Motion to approve as presented with recommendations made by David, seconded by Mike. All members vote approval. Motion carried.
Porch B – east/driveway
- Repair/replace steps and spindles – square caps
- Enclose risers
- Lattice on side – frame
Motion to approve as presentedwith recommendations made by Jim, seconded by Paul. All members vote approval. Motion carried.
Porches C & D
- Enclose risers
- Frame lattice
- Replace door, 9 light on porch D
- Repair/replace in kind where needed
- End post under rail extensions and cap
Motion to approve as presented with recommendations made by Paul, seconded by Richard. All members vote approval. Motion carried.
Porch E
- Replace in kind where needed
- Remove center beam for uninterrupted ceiling line
- Install beadboard vinyl ceiling
Motion to approve as presented with recommendations made by Jim seconded by Paul. All members vote approval. Motion carried.
Bank of electrical meters on west side rear
- Move to right between cellar windows
- Screen, wooden fencing painted to match house.
Motion to approve as presented with recommendations made by Paul, seconded by Jim. All members vote approval. Motion carried.
Jim – dress up basement entrance – door being replaced.
Submit landscape proposal.
Other Matters
Preservation month – four houses being presented with awards: 54 South St., 46 South St., 138 E. Genesee St., 203 Genesee St. Presentation will be made before Council on May 17.
Next meeting June 12, 2012 at 7 p.m.
Meeting adjourned.