The Case of Charles Dexter Ward Final Test

  1. Who were Joseph Curwen’s fellow Necromancers?
  1. How did Simon Orne prevent people from discovering how old he actually was?
  1. What does Charles Dexter Ward find when he visits Curwen’s home in Providence?
  1. Why do Charles Dexter Ward and his father show a huge interest in the painting of Curwen?
  1. After reading all of Curwen’s notes and books, Charles Dexter Ward begins looking for what?
  1. Where does Charles Ward go, when he visits Europe?
  1. How was Charles Ward able to afford his four-year long trip to Europe?
  1. Joseph Curwen has a pit or a scar on what part of his body?
  1. On what famous holiday is Joseph Curwen reanimated?
  1. What causes Charles’ parents to believe that he has developed a split personality?
  1. What is Joseph Curwen’s pseudonym?
  1. What happens to the painting the night that Joseph Curwen is re-animated?
  1. What strange series of violent attacks occur after Curwen is re-animated?
  1. Whose grave is mysteriously dug up after Curwen is re-animated?
  1. What happens to Charles Dexter Ward’s mother after Curwen’s re-animation?
  1. Eventually, Charles Dexter Ward moves all of his books and equipment to where?
  1. Eventually, Ward writes a letter to Willet, claiming that he has made a terrible mistake, and at the end of the letter, he warns Willet to do what?
  1. How did Joseph Curwen manage to sneak into Ward’s house and kill him?
  1. What does Joseph Curwen do after murdering Charles Dexter Ward?
  1. What difficulties does Joseph Curwen have with his new identity?
  1. How does Dr. Willet manage to remove ‘Charles Dexter Ward’ from his bungalow?
  1. At what point did Dr. Willet probably figure out that Joseph Curwen had replaced Charles Ward?
  1. Dr. Willet and Charles Ward Sr. intercept a message from Simon Orne asking Joseph Curwen to deliver him the body of whom?
  1. Dr. Willet and Charles Ward Sr. intercept a second message from Edward Hutchinson recommending to ‘Dr. Allen’ that he perform what action?
  1. Why does Dr. Willet go alone into the labyrinth?
  1. The two formula for raising and de-animating the dead are known as?
  1. The invocation for this spell is powered by the magic of which of Lovecraft’s dark gods?
  1. While searching Curwen’s underground labyrinth, Dr. Willet finds a room with dozens of wells. What is in these wells?
  1. What happened with experiment #118 in the laboratory?
  1. What did Dr. Willet find in his pocket after his descent into the labryinth?
  1. There is a third and final break-in at the cemetery at the end of the book. What happened?
  1. How does Dr. Willet kill Joseph Curwen?
  1. What is the name of the author?