Moorooka Kindergarten 2010




Index Page

1.0 Introduction to the Solar Kindergarten Program 2

2.0 The purpose of the Guidelines 2

3.0 The advantages of solar kindergartens 2

4.0 Eligibility 3

5.0 The Application Process 3

6.0 Timelines for the Implementation of “The Solar Kindergarten Program” 4

7.0 Solar Project Funding 4

8.0 Additional Information 4




1.0  Introduction to the Solar Kindergarten Program

Approximately $5.76 million from the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (DEEDI) will be invested over four years in solar power systems for up to 420 kindergarten sites in Queensland. All kindergartens that are funded under the Queensland Kindergarten Funding Scheme (QKFS) will be eligible to apply for solar panels under this program.

New Queensland kindergarten services are planned across the State in areas of need as part of the Queensland Government’s Toward Q2 early childhood education initiative. Roof-top solar panel systems will be installed at each of these sites as appropriate.

Up to a further 180 Community Kindergartens will be eligible for the installation of solar panels. These installations will help these kindergarten services to save on their electricity bills and help to reduce Queensland’s greenhouse gas emissions.

All kindergartens that are under the QKFS who were not successful or did not apply in Round 1 of the Solar Kindergarten Installation Program and do not have solar panels, will be eligible to apply to have solar panels installed in Round 2 Solar Kindergarten Installation Program. The Round 2 expression of interest application process will open in February 2012 and close on 30 March 2012.

Queensland’s kindergartens will help lead the state’s solar revolution by harnessing sunshine as a clean energy source. For additional information on the Solar Kindergarten Program, refer to the attached link: .

2.0 The purpose of the Guidelines:

·  Provide details on the Solar Kindergarten Program.

·  Clarify who can apply for funding.

·  Explain the application process.

·  Outline the arrangements for funding under the program.

3.0 The advantages of solar kindergartens:

·  Based on July 2011 electricity prices, kindergartens can make a saving of approximately $500 per annum.

·  The use of this renewable energy technology in up to 420 kindergarten services is expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by around 900 tonnes annually and save approximately $200,000 each year on operating costs.

·  The Solar Kindergarten Program contributes to overall energy savings for Queensland helping Queensland to build its virtual solar power station. (please note the 500mw target has been reached).

Additional benefits may accrue through participation in the Solar Bonus Scheme. Refer to the attached link:




4.0 Eligibility

All kindergartens, funded under the Queensland Kindergarten Funding Scheme (QKFS), will be eligible to apply for funding under the Solar Kindergartens Program for the installation of roof-top solar panels.

Kindergarten services must meet the following eligibility criteria to receive funding under the Solar Kindergarten Installation Program:

·  The kindergarten must not have received funding under Round 1of the Solar Kindergarten Installation Program or already have solar panels installed.

·  The kindergarten must be a Community run kindergarten service eligible under the Queensland Kindergarten Funding Scheme (QKFS).

·  The Kindergarten service must be licensed under the Child Care Act 2002.

·  The Legal identity must have a current public liability insurance policy.

·  The installation of the solar panels must be on the main building structure of the facility to ensure electrical safety and connectivity to mains supply.

·  Where the service does not own the building or land under the building, the owner’s permission must be sought in writing.

·  The service must have a current long term lease (i.e minimum 3 years).

·  An officer of the kindergarten or owner will be required to endorse the siting of the panels and inverter as approved.

Factors that will be taken into account by the Department of Education (DET) in determining eligibility include:

·  Any facility that has asbestos containing materials in the building fabric may not be considered eligible for funding due to the hazards and additional costs associated with any rectification works.

·  The roof should have a pitch less than 30 degrees and/or a north or north east orientation to ensure the maximum electrical generation from the solar panels (to allow a minimum of 4 hours generation per day).

·  The area of the roof must not be impacted by shade or likely to be placed in shade due to future tree growth.

·  If successful, the kindergarten must agree to maintain the panels to ensure maximum output (ie solar panels must be kept clean from tree foliage, bird excrement). This should be completed at least once per annum.

5. 0 The Application Process

Kindergartens will be invited to apply for funding by completing the online application form.




·  Kindergartens will be eligible to apply for 1.5 KW of solar panels for their building. If there are two kindergarten services in the one building, the program will only provide one system to that building.

·  A review panel that includes Department of Education and Training officers and QKFS representatives will be established to oversee the application process and recommend successful applications.

6.0 Timelines for the Implementation of the Solar Kindergarten Installation Program - Round 2

·  February 2012 – Kindergartens notified of Round 2 Expression of Interest application process.

·  30 March 2012 - Applications close.

·  April 2012 – Panel to review applications.

·  Late April 2012 - Notification of successful applications.

·  Installations to commence from late May 2012.

7.0 Solar Project Funding

·  A Grant Deed Agreement between the successful kindergartens and DET will require signing to allow DET to manage the installation of the solar panels.

·  Upon receipt of the signed Grant Deed Agreement, the successful kindergartens will be allocated a contractor from the DET’s Preferred Supplier Arrangement List.

·  All funding will be paid direct to the solar contractor and managed by DET.

·  This is a fully funded program with no required co-contribution from the kindergarten.

·  The installation will be fully compatible and connected to the existing electrical supply system at the kindergarten.

8.0  Additional Information

For any further information or questions please contact the Infrastructure Programs and Delivery Unit, Solar Kindergarten representative on (07) 3234 1436 or email .