Child DevelopmentFall 2017
▪ ECE 312 (17310)Instructor: Anna Otto
Schedule Information:
Class meetings: M6:00PM-9:15M,Rodda Hall North 264
Office hours: Mondays 5:15-6:00Rodda Hall North 264, or by appointment
Behavioral and Social Sciences Division Phone: (916)558-2401
Web page:
Required Text:
Berk, L.E. & Meyers, A.B. (2015).Infants, children and adolescents(8th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Course Description:
This course is designed for students to study the growth and development of children from the prenatal stage through adolescence. For each stage of development, the physical, cognitive, linguistic, social-moral, and emotional aspects of development with attention to both typical as well as atypical development are discussed in each area. Included are the influences of culture, family, and the environment. The material in this course is designed as a foundation for teaching, nursing, early childhood education, and parenting.Learning Outcomes and Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
•identify the typical and atypical developmental stages of children.
•describe current and prominent theories of child development.
•apply developmental theories to teaching and child rearing practices.
•examine and evaluate the role of teachers and other professionals in facilitating children’s development.
•identify typical behavior of children and the individual differences and special needs (physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development) in each child.
•analyze the influence of culture, family, society, and environment and the roles they play in the child's development.
•assess a child's development through a case study involving observation, activities, and comparisons.
•write an evaluation of a child's development as compared to norms.
•demonstrate a knowledge of child development in the domains of physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development.
Course Prerequisite/Advisory:
Prerequisite: None
Advisory: ENGRD 110 and ENGWR 101; or ESLR 340 and ESLW 340 and ESL 114; and LIBR 318 with grades of "C" or better
Class Format:
This class provides an interactive learning opportunity. Students are encouraged and expected to participate in class discussions. Individual, small group and whole group work will be required. Class lecture and activities will emphasize and expand on text material. Students will be responsible for all material covered in the text and all material covered in class.
Behavior Expectations:
In my classroom, it is my intent to establish an atmosphere that is conducive to the learning of all students. As such, I attempt to be fair, reasonable and respectful to my students. In return, I expect my students to display the same behaviors to me and other students in the class. Typically, this is achieved in a college course without explicit discussion. However, to make sure that everyone has the same understanding of what this entails, we will be following SCC’s Student Code of Conduct. If you are not familiar with this document, be sure that you review.
In addition, following SCC’s Academic Standards, “…students are expected to attend all sessions of classes in which they are enrolled.” Students who fail to attend the first session of a class may be dropped and lose their seat in class. Any student with excessive absences may also be dropped from the class. According to college policy, “(e)xcessive absences are defined as 6% of the total hours of class time.” For additional information about attendance and other expectations, refer to:
Active cell phones create a distraction in the class. If you must bring a cell phone with you, please make sure that it is either off or on silent mode and stored out of site. Please note, texting and other non-class uses of electronics are NOT allowed during class. Students who create a distraction to the teacher or other students may be asked to leave the classroom.
Important Dates:
Keeping in mind, that adding or dropping a class is the responsibility of the student … not of the instructor.
▪ Last day to enroll: September 3, you will need a Permission to Add (PTA) Number
▪ Last day to drop with a refund: September 1
▪ Last day to drop without a notation on record: September 3
▪ Last day to drop with a “W” grade: November 14
▪ Last day to petition for credit/no credit: September 22
Course Requirements and Weighting:
1)Periodic exams (300 pts.; 50%). Three unit exams will be given and each will be worth 100 points. The dates and content of the exams are noted in the tentative topical outline below. All exams begin promptly at the beginning of the class period. You will need to arrive on time, as exams may not be given to students who arrive late. Make-up exams will only be given in cases of illness or emergency, and must be completed within one week of the original exam; no make-ups are available after an exam has been returned to students. Special arrangements must be made to administer a make-up exam, so I expect to receive a message if you will miss an exam. Points may be deducted for late exams.
2)Projects (160 pts.; 27%). Three projects will be assigned during the semester. The due dates are noted in the tentative topical outline below. Specific details will be handed out during the semester. Projects may require written and/or oral components. Projects submitted after the due date will have points deducted (10% during the first week; 20% during the second week; 30% during the third week; 40% during the fourth week; 50% during the fifth and subsequent weeks). Projects are due at the beginning of the class period; projects submitted after the beginning of class may be considered late.
3)Attendance and Participation (60 pts.; 10%). It is expected that you attend and participate in all class sessions, for the entire class period. Late arrivals and early departures are a disruption both to your learning and to the class. In order to earn full points for the day, students need to be present for the entire session and participate as appropriate. Partial credit may be given to students who are present for partial class sessions or who do not actively participate.
4)Chapter Quizzes (80 pts.; 13%). Chapter quizzes are due at the beginning of class as indicated on the tentative topical outline below. Quizzes submitted late may receive up to half credit. No credit will be available after the unit exam.
5)Receipt of syllabus and policies. Sign and return the attached sheet. This sheet is required to be returned to the instructor before points begin accumulating for the semester.
6)Extra Credit (TBA). Periodically extra credit opportunities may be made available to students. The details, points and due dates will be announced as the opportunities are presented. Students who have received any disciplinary action will not be allowed to earn extra credit points.
Student grades will be determined based on the total number of points earned on exams, projects, quizzes and attendance and participation. I use the following allocation as my guideline in assigning final course grades:
90% of total points = A
80% of total points = B
70% of total points = C
60% of total points = D
below 60% = F
Course work turned in late, if accepted, may loose points.
Student with disabilities: Sacramento City College welcomes students with disabilities into its educational programs. The college has an office of Disability Services and Programs for Students (DSPS) to support these students in the pursuit of their academic goals ( If you need reasonable accommodations, contact DSPS and talk with you instructor. This process must be followed every semester.
Tentative Topical Outline:
Date / Topic / Readings / Work Due at beginning of class8/21 / Introduction
Theory & Research / Ch. 1
8/28 / Theory & Research
Foundations / Ch. 1
Ch. 2-4 / Syllabus Receipt
Ch. 1 Quiz
9/4 / Labor Day – no class
9/11 / Foundations / Chs. 2-4 / Chs. 2 & 3 Quizzes
9/18 / Foundations / Chs. 2-4 / Ch. 4 Quiz
9/25 / Exam #1 (Chs. 1-4)
Infancy and Toddlerhood / Chs. 5-7 / Project #1
10/2 / Infancy and Toddlerhood / Chs. 5-7 / Chs. 5 & 6 Quizzes
10/9 / Infancy and Toddlerhood / Chs. 5-7 / Ch. 7 Quiz
10/16 / Infancy and Toddlerhood
Early Childhood / Chs. 5-7
Chs. 8-10 / Ch. 8 Quiz
10/23 / Early Childhood / Chs. 8-10 / Ch. 9 Quiz
10/30 / Early Childhood / Chs. 8-10 / Ch. 10 Quiz
11/6 / Exam # 2 (Chs. 5-10)
Middle Childhood / Chs. 11-13 / Project #2
11/13 / Middle Childhood / Chs. 11-13 / Chs. 11 & 12 Quiz
11/20 / Middle Childhood / Chs. 11-13 / Ch. 13 Quiz
11/27 / Adolescence / Chs. 14-16 / Ch. 14 & 15 Quiz
12/4 / Adolescence / Chs. 14-16 / Ch. 16 Quiz
12/11 / Exam #3 (Chs. 11-16)
5:45-7:45 / Project #3
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Syllabus,
including Behavior Expectations, Course Requirements and Tentative Topical Outline,
ECE 312
Child Development
Fall 2017
Instructor: Anna Otto
Student Name: ______
Student Signature: ______
Be sure to update your student gmail account, as the contact information on file with the college will be used for communication, if needed.
1.Provide any information I should know (e.g., medical conditions or special emergency procedures). If you feel you qualify for accommodations, please refer to the “Student with disabilities” section of the syllabus.
2.Go to our class website ( and answer the following questions.
- What are the names of the “tabs” where you can find information/handouts from our class?
- You have misplaced your copy of the quiz that is due in class. Where on the class website can you find a copy?
- You miss a class session and you want to get an idea of what we covered. Where on the class website can you find this information?
3. Send me an e-mail, using appropriate teacher-student communication conventions.
send the message from your Los Rios gmail account
include the class information in the message subject (e.g., ECE 312 M Evening)
use an appropriate greeting (e.g., Dear Mrs. Otto, Hello Professor, Professor Otto)
tell me why you are writing (e.g., “Here is my introductory message.”)
be sure to use appropriate capitalization and punctuation
be sure to sign your full name!