CRN 410




1.Introduction 2
2.Service requirements 2
3.Designated estates 3
4.Estate patrols 3

5.Transportation 5

6. Vehicle Removal Sites 6

7.Site facilities 6

8. Declamping fees 7

9. Vehicle release fees 7

10. Vehicle storage fees 7

11. VAT 7
12.Release of Vehicles 8

13.Hours of Service 8
14. Vehicle contents 9 15. Administration 9

  1. Liaison with Police 9
  2. Vehicle disposal 10
  3. Dealing with complaints 10
  4. Customer care 11

20 Staffing 12

21 Contract Preparation 12

22 Data Protection 13

23 Health and Safety 13

24 Equal opportunities 13

25 Contract Transfer Arrangements 14

26 Performance review meetings 14

27 Appendix 1 (Patrol site listings). 15


1.1Parking facilities on Estates include parking spaces, car cages and garages. Residents apply for parking spaces and are allocated a facility as soon as one becomes available. All residents allocated a parking bay are issued with a parking permit for exclusive use of that bay. The permit is to be displayed clearly on the vehicle windscreen, with the front of the permit facing forward so that the relevant details are legible from outside of the vehicle.

1.2Many Estates vehicle-parking facilities were not designed to cope with the increasing numbers of vehicles owned per household. The number of vehicles used by visitors, shoppers, commuters and commercial businesses has also increased. This has resulted in severe parking problems affecting tenants/residents and members of the public on the Estates.

1.3Control of parking on Estates is necessary because of the level of congestion caused by vehicles parking without authorisation and / or obstructively, causing health and safety problems.

1.4In tackling parking problems on Estates Homes for Islington (HFI) have introduced an Estate Parking Control Scheme on a number of Estates, where estate parking restrictions have been advertised on warning notices. The Scheme incorporates controlled permit parking combined with Estate wheelclamping and vehicle removal patrols. Homes for Islington continues to extend the Scheme on to suitable remaining Estates. As a result of external transfer other Estates may be removed from / or added to the scheme if so determined by Homes for Islington.

1.5Homes for Islington currently allows parking by holders of valid Blue Disabled Persons Parking Badges in suitable positions on general access roads / areas and in spaces designated for disability use. Badgeholders can park on estates in areas not designated for parking provided the official guidelines for use of the badge are fully complied with.

2.Service Requirements

2.1The Contractor shall be responsible for a Wheelclamping and Vehicle Removal Service, (hereafter referred to as the “Service”), including the provision of a vehicle storage pound. Patrols shall randomly visit estates included in the Parking Control Scheme, wheelclamping and / or removing vehicles which are parked without official, valid written authorisation from Homes for Islington, or are parked illegally / obstructively. The Contractor shall also respond directly to public telephone call – outs and reports from council staff concerning incidences of illegal / unauthorised parking, within a maximum time of 45 minutes from receipt of the call.

2.2The Contractor may be required to wheel clamp and / or removevehicles from other Council land as and when instructed by designated Homes for Islington staff.

2.3 The Contractor shall provide storage for all vehicles removed from

estate grounds.

2.4 The Contractor shall deal with enquiries and verbal complaints

regarding vehicles that have been wheel clamped and / or removed

from estates.

3 Designated estates

3.1The patrol service covers all locations listed at Appendix 1. Further locations may be added during the contract term.

4. Estate patrols

4.1The contractors lead the patrols, authorising and supervising wheel

clamping and vehicle removals. The contractors shall also maintain

records of vehicles reported to them, or identified by them, for wheel

clamping / removal.

4.2The contractors patrol operatives must complete a daily Pocket Book recording the date, crew personnel, start time of patrol, time and location of site visits, length of observation times, details of clamps / removals, de-clamps and accounts of any incidents, with any further relevant information.

4.3The contractors patrol operatives will be responsible for ensuring that allestate parking restriction warning notices display the correct contact telephone number and release fees, affixing replacement amendment stickers, supplied by the Homes for Islington Contract Administrator, whenever necessary.

4.4 Homes for Islington has adopted the following definition of vehicles

which can be wheelclamped on Estates.

A Vehicle which is parked within the precincts of a controlled Estate but outside of designated parking spaces / areas, without causing a direct obstruction to a designated parking space, fire access point, utility or block entrance, access road or walkway, whether or not the vehicle has a parking permit.

4.5 Before any vehicle is wheelclamped the Contractors shall allow a

minimum of 10 minutes observation time, during which checks for

estate parking permits or orange / blue badges and any other

reasonable checks will be completed. If the vehicle is displaying a

valid estate parking permit for a specific numbered parking space the

Contractor shall then check the space concerned and clear access to

that space before taking any wheelclampingaction. In the event that

access to the space was obstructed the Contractors shall allow a

further minimum observation time of 20 minutes from the time

that access to the space is cleared, before commencing wheel

clamping procedures.

4.6 Where the patrol is responding to an emergency call - out or locates

an illegally parked and / or unauthorised vehicle recorded as a repeat

or persistent offender no minimum observation time is required. The

vehicle(s) concerned can be wheel clamped / removed as soon a

checks for estate parking permits, blue badges, BMA badges

/ Health Emergency Badges have been completed.

4.7 Vehicles displaying a valid disabled persons blue parking

badge may park on access roads / areas and will not be wheel

clamped provided they are parked in compliance with the official

guidelines for use of the badge.

4.8 Vehicles which have on display a British Medical Association or

Health Emergency Badge will not be wheelclamped or removed.

Emergency Service Vehicles, such as marked ambulances, fire

engines or police cars, will not be wheelclamped or removed.

Vehicles displaying diplomatic registration plates will not be wheel

clamped or removed. Liveried Royal Mail vehicles will not be wheel

clamped or removed.

4.9 Vehicles displaying a valid Homes for Islington / council temporary

parking permit, or a permit with the prefix ‘EC’ followed by a serial

number, may park on access roads / areas and will not be wheel

clamped or removed unless causing an obstruction to estate utilities,

designated parking facilities, access points or other road users.

4.10Undertakes vehicles, milk delivery vehicles, official Meals on Wheels

vehicles and other liveried council vehicles, are exempt from

advertised parking restrictions and must not be clamped / removed

without authorisation from Homes for Islington’s Contract


4.11 Before affixing the wheelclamp the Contractor will complete a

wheelclamping Authorisation Form, containing the serial number of

the clamp used a copy of which will be provided for Homes for

Islington as requested.

4.12On any occasion when a wheelclamp has been fixed to a vehicle

the contractor shall affix a notice to the vehicle windscreen stating

that a clamp has been affixed to the vehicle and containing a warning

that no attempt should be made to drive it or otherwise put it into

motion until it has been released from the clamp. The notice will also

give a contact telephone number for de – clamping enquiries and the

amount of the clamping release fee.

4.13If the driver returns to the vehicle before the clamp is locked, in order

to remove the vehicle, it shall be released and no charge shall apply.

If the clamp has been locked, the vehicle must not be released until

payment of all charges has been made, unless the Homes for

Islington Contract Administrator directs otherwise.

4.14The Contractors shall de - clamp vehicles within a maximum of two

hours of receipt of payment.

4.15Homes for Islington has adopted the following definitions of vehicles

which can be removed from Estates and impounded :

  1. A vehicle parked within the precincts of an Estate inside of

designatedparking spaces / areas but without a current

parking permit or written Homes for Islington authorisation for

the space or estate where the vehicle has been parked.

  1. A Vehicle which remains wheel -clamped after 1 hour.
  1. A Vehicle which directly obstructs a designated parking space,

fire access point, utility or block entrance, access road,

pavement or walkway, irrespective of whether the vehicle is

taxed, has a validestate parking permit or is displaying a valid

disabled persons blue parking badge.

  1. A Vehicle which may constitute a fire or health and safety

hazard or obstruction on the Estate by virtue of its location or

condition, irrespective of whether the vehicle has a valid estate

parking permit or is displaying a valid disabled persons blue


4.16 Before removing any vehicle the Contractor shall place on the vehicle

windscreen a sticker authorising the vehicle for removal and complete

a serially numbered Vehicle Removal Form, a copy of which will be

provided for Homes for Islington as requested.

4.17 Homes for Islington maintains records of allocations of parking

facilities. Where appropriate the contractor shall contact the Contract

Administrator to refer to these records and advise the contractor


4.18 If a previously clamped vehicle is being removed the clamp shall be

taken off prior to lifting. In these circumstances only the Removal

Release Fee shall be due.

4.19 If a vehicle is being removed without prior wheelclamping the

Contractors shall allow a minimum of 10 minutes observation time,

during which any reasonable checks of the vehicle will be completed.

4.20 If the driver / owner returns to the vehicle before all four wheels have

been lifted from the ground, or two wheels have been affixed to the

tow – truck, intending to remove the vehicle from the estate, it shall be

released on the spot and only the declamping fee shall be due. In the

event of the driver / owner refusing to remove their vehicle from the

estate the vehicle removal must proceed. If all four wheels are off the

ground, or two wheels have been affixed to the tow – truck, the

vehicle must be taken to the pound and stored until payment of all

charges has been made, unless the Homes for Islington

Contract Administrator directs otherwise.

4.21Homes for Islington shall be entitled to inform the contractor of the

temporary suspension of patrols to specified Estates.

  1. Transportation

5.1The following vehicles will be required for the provision of the Service:

  1. Two wheelclamping vehicles, each carrying out separate Estate patrols and each capable of carrying Homes for Islington officer(s) as and when required.
  1. A removal vehicle capable of removing vehicles of all weights and sizes. The removal vehicle shall also have the capacity to carry council officer(s) as and when required. At times it may be required to remove vehicles from underground garage areas with low headroom of approximately six feet three inches.

5.2The Contractor’s wheelclamps shall comply with all applicable

legislation.The contractors company name will be displayed on each

wheel clamp. The contractor shall not use wheelclamps that

could damage vehicles or Estate grounds. Prior to a vehicle being

wheelclamped the Contractor shall advise the Home for Islington

Contract Administrator of any potential risk or damage to the vehicle

or Estate grounds. Each clamping vehicle shall be equipped with a

suitable number of wheelclamps to maintain the Service. A minimum

of one clamp suitable for coach or lorry clamping shall be provided

whenever required.

5.3The Contractor’s removal vehicles shall comply with all applicable

legislation. The Contractor shall not use transport, which could

damage vehicles or Estate grounds. The Contractor’s removal

vehicles shall be suitably equipped and maintained to remove all

vehicles safely and be capable of securely transporting all vehicles to

the Contractor’s site.

5.4On each side of each vehicle shall be affixed a notice containing the

company name followed by the text “Authorised wheelclamping and

Vehicle Removal Contractor for Homes for Islington”. No other sign

or wording shall be present.

5.5 The Contractor shall operate a radio communication system linked

between each patrol vehicle and the removal site. Mobile telephones

shall be provided as a back up.

5.6 The Contractor shall exercise all due care to avoid damaging a vehicle

or part of a vehicle, or any part of estate grounds whilst fixing a notice

or wheelclamp or removing any wheel clamp fixed to any vehicle or

when removing or storing the vehicle. The Contractor shall be liable

for any damage caused to a vehicle whilst in the possession or

control of the Contractor and to any damage caused to estate

grounds during an estate patrol. In the event that any damage is

caused the Contractor shall record particulars of the damage caused

in a log book and the Contractor shall indemnify Homes for Islington

against all and any claims made in respect of such damage.

6. Vehicle removal sites

6.1The Contractor shall provide suitable, secure sites, with controlled access arrangements and security alarms, for the storage of all vehicles removed.

6.2The Contractors main removal site shall be capable of storing a minimum of fifty vehicles at any one time, with each individual vehicle immediately accessible.

6.3The Contractor shall be entitled to transfer vehicles not recovered after 14 days to other secure sites to ensure that capacity is maintained at the main removal site. Decanting of vehicles to alternative sites shall be carried out without reduction to the estate patrol service.

6.4Vehicles with no number plate shall be stored in marked, numbered

spaces and be labeled.

6.5The Contractor shall store abandoned / dangerous vehicles safely and separately from other vehicles which are to be stored or parked at the vehicle removal sites.

6.6 The Contractor shall provide protective covering for vehicles valued

at a minimum of £1000 which are not recovered within 72 hours from

the day the vehicle was removed.

6.7 The Contractors removal sites shall comply with and be used at all

times inaccordance with applicable health and safety and related


6.8The Contractor shall permit its premises, equipment and transportation to be inspected by the Homes for Islington Contract Administrator or his/her nominated representative upon being given 24 hours notice of their intention to do so.

7. Site facilities

7.1The Contractor shall provide a reception service to deal with enquiries, complaints, declamping arrangements and the recovery of vehicles by owners.

7.2The Contractor shall:

  1. Collect all clamping and vehicle release fees and storage fees by cash, cheque and credit / debit card. (Credit / Debit card payments will be accepted by telephone).
  1. Issue numbered receipts exclusive to this contract, containing the serial number of wheelclamping and vehicle removal authorisation notices and the Homes for Islington complaint handling box number address.
  1. When payment has been made by telephone, the Contractor

shallensure at it’s own expense that a fully completed and numbered receipt, exclusive to this contract, containing the serial number of the wheelclamping / and or vehicle removal authorisation notice and the Homes for Islington complaint handling box number, is sent to the payees address no later than the following working day.

7.3From the vehicle removal site the contractor shall maintain direct

contact with council offices by telephone, fax and E – Mail.

8 Declamping fees

8.1Homes for Islington has set a charge of £75 for declamping, which is to be paid in full to the contractors in person or by telephone before any vehicle is declamped. This charge may be subject to review by Homes for Islington during the contract term. The split of income may be reviewed during the contract term by mutual agreement between HFI and the contractor. (Please refer to the Schedule of Prices.)

8.2 De - clamping fees are exclusive of VAT to vehicle owners.

  1. Vehicle release fees

9.1 Homes for Islington has set a charge of £150, which is to be paid in

full by vehicle owners, in person or by telephone, before the vehicle is

released from the vehicle removal site. This charge may be subject to

review by HFIduring the contract term. The split of income may be

reviewed during the contract term by mutual agreement between HFI

and the contractor. (Please refer to the Schedule of Prices.)

9.2 Vehicle recovery fees are exclusive of VAT to vehicle owners.

10. Vehicle storage fees

10.1Storage fees will be due from vehicle owners, in person or by telephone, for each day or part day that a vehicle remains impounded, effective from00.00.00hrs (midnight) following impoundment. This charge may be subject to review by HFI during the contract term. The split of income may be reviewed during the contract term by mutual agreement between HFI andthe contractor. (Please refer to the Schedule of Prices.)

10.2 Storage fees are exclusive of VAT to vehicle owners.

11. VAT

11.1The Contractor shall invoice Homes for Islington for all VAT payments due in respect of de – clamping, recovery and storage fees.

12.Release of Vehicles

12.1The Contractor shall not release vehicles without sight of proof of vehicle ownership documentation and personal identification. Personal identification shall include the person’s name and address. If ownership documentation is not produced and the person can only provide the vehicle keys the Contractor shall make a note to that effect on their records, including a copy of the personal identification provided, showing the persons name and address. The Contractor shall indemnify Homes for Islington against claims arising from releasing a vehicle to a person not properly entitled to custody of thevehicle.