held at Council Chambers, Tetbury, Monday 11th January 2016 at 6.30pm
PRESENT: Cllrs, K Painter, S Hirst,( 6.35) M Lea, C Pearce, I Maslin, P Burrell, S Ball, P Atkinson (Civic Society) and Mrs J Hunt Deputy Clerk.
HR1. 01/16 Apologies: Apologies received from Cllr Stevenson.
HR2. 01/16 Public Consultation: No members of the public were present.
HR3. 01/16 To receive additional declarations of Pecuniary Interest: None
HR4. 01/16 Adoption of Minutes held 2nd November 2015: The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as presented proposed Cllr Ball seconded Cllr Maslin. Agreed.
HR5. 01/16 Action Points: Thanks were expressed to Cllr Lea and the office staff for work on the new signs.
HR6. 01/16 To note H & R budget figures to date: The budget figures to the 31st December 2015 were noted.
HR7. 01/16 To receive report from Tourist Information Centre: Cllr were disappointed at the downbeat feel of the report. And feel the sale of Westonbirt tickets should be advertised more. Cllrs also want to see a screen with advertising and announcements fitted as soon as possible.
HR8. 01/16 To Consider maintenance of planters at the entrances to the town: It was agreed the planters need repainting. Cllr Lea offered to undertake the painting and to paint the posts on the Town signs to match. The offer was accepted with thanks.
HR9. 01/16 To review the position of dog bins and the need for more in town: It was not felt any more bins were needed at the present time. (2 more bins are scheduled to be fitted soon). It was agreed to approach the veterinary surgeries in the town to ask if they would be willing to sponsor dog bags, or signs in the town.
HR10. 01/16 To note groundwork.org.uk/Tesco community scheme grants: This grants scheme was noted. Deputy to email details to Cllrs and sports groups.
HR11. 01/16 To agree next step in review of the town map: Following detailed discussion it was proposed Cllr Hirst seconded Cllr Lea to review the map in 12 months’ time and to consider the effect developments in the town on the map. Agreed (1 against).
HR12. 01/16 To note the 2017 Hare Festival to cover the Cotswolds: The committee noted the Hare Festival will be taking place in 2017 and requested more information.
HR13. 01/16 To note arrangements for the Town Crier Competition: The arrangements to date were noted for the competition on July 2nd. 15+ applicants have showed an interest in the event to date. It was agreed to approach Gloucester Gladiators band (emailed 12.1.2016). Cllrs also queried the need for runners. Cllrs Ball and Hirst agreed to organise lunch. Cllr Painter suggested throat lozenge makers are asked to sponsor the event. Cllrs expressed their thanks to Peter Dauntsey for organising the event.
HR14. 01/16 To agree the way forward with St Mary’s School and their request for road improvements: Cllr Hirst has contacted Highways with regard to replacing the road markings (highways are very busy at the present time). It would not be possible for the grit lorry to reach the school when there is significant snowfall. Cllrs suggested a joint Road Safety initiative with parents. (On further investigation it was discovered the Police had had an initiative with the school in December), Letter to be written to the school.
HR15. 01/16 To consider Twinning with Chatillion-Sur-Indre, France: District Councillor Heaven had provided details of the proposed Twinning with Chatillion-Sur-Indre, after discussion Cllrs felt they did not wish to rush into Twinning and a meeting with the Twinning society should be arranged to discuss further.
HR16. 01/16 To finalise works on Braybrook play area: After some discussion it was agreed to consider where to replace the equipment in another play area or to store for use on one of the new estates.
HR17. 01/16 To agree using one of TTC’s free SLA sessions at the Dolphins Hall for the Film Night for Tetbury Hospital: Cllr Burrell pointed out that the SLA does not allow the council to hire the hall on behalf of another group. Following further discussion a local company agreed to pay the charge for the hire.
HR18. 01/16 To consider help for Tetbury Air Cadets: Cllr Ball to reply that Council will support the group where possible.
HR19. 01/16 To consider signage to the Goods Shed from the Town Centre: More finger post signs to the Goods Shed are needed, prices to be obtained.
HR20. 01/16 To receive any correspondence received: Letter from The British Legion asking financial support for 2016 Remembrance day. Agreed to recommend to F & S to support through H & R projects code.
Information received on Cotswold Browser taken to the February agenda.
HR21. 01/16 To receive any brief Councillors Reports:
Cllr Hirst: Suggested a beacon on the Church to celebrate the Queens 90th Birthday in April. To Full Council agenda.
Cllr Lea: Tetbury Rugby Club are featured in Rugby World magazine for February.
HR22. 01/16 To receive any items for the next agenda: How to make more use of St Saviours: Area behind the Market Hall.
HR23. 01/16 To note date and time of the next meeting 6.30pm Monday 1st February 2016
It was proposed by Cllr Hirst, seconded by Cllr Burrell, to enter closed session under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to discuss staffing matters, agreed by all. The Public left the room
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.10pm
Chairman…………………………………………………….. Date 1st February 2016
11 January 2016 Page