Irish Football Booster Club Board Meeting
November 27, 2017 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Members Present
Heidi Kraemer / Jen Irlmeier / Terry CarterStacy Ratzlaff / Jeff Erdmann / Allen Green
Paul Theissen / Alicia Barnick / Chris Barnick
Brad Bach / Chad Rother / Mike Mowery
Theissen / Libby R-Brown
Members Absent
Darcy Schimmel / Matt Feyen7:00 pm / AGENDA
●Start time: 7:01 pm
Review / Approve minutes from Octover / ●Motion to Approve: Paul Theissen and seconded by Stacey Ratzlaff and the vote was unanimously
President Report
(Heidi Kraemer) / ●Guest introductions Jess Theisen
●Heidi explained this was an annual meeting according to our by-laws and also reviewed open positions.
●Reviewed the banquet. Heidi said it went very well and extended thanks you to those people that coordinated the event, created posters and to Briannos for good food.
●Call for accounts payable for 2017
Finance Report
(Jen Irlmeier) / ●Irish FB boosters financials for November were reviewed.
○Checking $16,452.10 (ending balance)
○Savings $44,440.89 (ending balance)
Jen said she will email out the final financial report that will be used for taxes to the booster members
●Heidi noted that the budget was well done and the fundraising was key to this.
●We are going to transition audit companies. Jen interviewed 3 different auditing companies and indicated the cost was very close. It was decided to use the same group that is doing our gambling auditing. They have offered to provide training on audit processes. It was also noted that they have two side to their business to ensure appropriate controls in keeping oversight separate.
Gambling Report
(Stacey Ratzlaff & Brad Back) / Charitable gambling report and expenses were reviewed.
December allowable expenses requested:
●$ 5,500 compensation
●$ 4,500 Pull Tabs (purchase)
●$ 750 Accounting and legal
●$ 150 Payroll (Service)
●$ 8,500 Rent (20% of pull tabs 15% of E-tabs, 0% of bingo minus any shortages)
●$ 750 gambling supplies
●$ 300 maintenance of equipment
●$ 750 cash shortages
●$ 850 E-tab/E-bingo
●$ 1,000 Wild Hockey Bingo
●$ 1,000 Lulue Bingo
●$24,050 - Total allowable expenditures
Motion to Approve: Jen and seconded by Paul and the vote was unanimous.
January and February will be reviewed at January Budget meeting because we do not have a December meeting-due to holidays. Stacy has approval to pay any allowable expenses within previous ranges.
Taxes and regulatory fees of $1050 and $8,000 for a total of $9,050.
Motion to Approve: Mike and seconded by Paul and the vote was unanimous.
$16,190.87 Charitable contribution to Football Irish Boosters
Motion to Approve : Libby and seconded by Terry and the vote was unanimous.
$1,030.68 Charitable contribution to RAAA (softball)
Motion to Approve: Chad and seconded by Terry and the vote was unanimous.
Stacey provided bingo updates.
Review month end board work assignments:
November: Jen Heidi Stacey and Mary - Friday 12/1 at 5:30 pm
Great candidates and process used to identify a good fit and team. Stacey announced that Mary Schultz has accepted the assistant gambling manager. Mary has experience with gambling compliance and Rosemount football program with her sons.
Organizational annual report was a 5 star report was reviewed.
The anticipated salaries for 2018 for our paid positions are:
Gambling manager - $19,500
Assist gambling manager - $10,400
Bingo Caller - $10,400
Audit firm - $9,000
These should be reviewed at the end of 2018.
Focus Topic: / Jen Irlmeier - President
Jess Theissen - Treasurer
Terry Carter - Secretary
Motion to Approve: Paul and seconded by Al and the vote was unanimous.
Board Members
Darcy and Matt and all others
Motion to Approve: Al and seconded by Terry and the vote was unanimous.
Committee Reports / Coach (Jeff)
Youth (Chris)
Around the Room (all)
Round table to provide input on the year opportunities/challenges:
●Paul: Membership review with Allen to get younger player parents to be involved with memberships and board positions.
●Al: shared the tax forms still need to be created and sent out and made need help.
●Stacey: Keeping special events and bingo going. Keep up the presence in the supports Celts and Shenanigans.
●Brad said thank you
●Terry said thank you to Heidi
●Coach update:
○Retreat date set tentatively for 6/22-24 (Friday through Sunday morning.)
○Appreciate the boosters and tweaking and pushing the status quo
●Libby suggested a U-tube/video to show folks how to sign up for dibs as she has received feedback from people that they are unsure how to do this. Considering sending a link to sign up for the blasts. Keep the one week reminder emails to volunteers.
●Chris said the youth program had a successful year and thanked the boosters for their support.
●Alicia said the special events in the summer went very well and is excited to work on them this summer. She suggested that we use the spring meeting to start generating enthusiasm. Heidi - asked about pre-game/tailgate party and what the thoughts were around this. Shenanigans likes hosting the tailgating and the youth program families attending these events well.
●Mike shared that the school posters might be an opportunity to work with a student to help.Programs went well. Mike recognized Heidi.
●Chad shared he had the finances that he had a few bumps with this but it went well after that.
●Jen shared that she would like to have an end of the year gathering and invite the youth boosters to attend with us.
●Heidi reminded us that this is a we - power of one. She shared that she is proud of this group and the work we have done.
Open discussion / Action items review / Actions
Adjourn / End time was 8:31 pm motion close was made by Paul and seconded by Stacey
Other Meetings: Gathering December 14, 2017 at Celts
Next Board Meeting: January__ , 2018