Gender Marker and Name Change Questionnaire

What is yourlegal name?

What do you want your legal name to be?

What is your legal gender? M / FWhat do you want your gender marker to be? M / F

What is your race? What is your date of birth?_____

In what city, county, & state were you born?City:County?State:

What is your SSN?

What is the state and # of all driver’s licenses and/or IDs issued to you in the last 10 years?

#: State: DL/ID (circle one)

#: State: DL/ID (circle one)

#: State: DL/ID (circle one)

#: State: DL/ID (circle one)

When did you start receiving treatment for your transition?______

Do you currently or have you ever received treatment for your gender transition from a licensed physician? Yes / No

If yes:1) Physician’s name: Type of medical professional:

Office name: Office Address:

How long have you been seeing this doctor?

2) Physician’s name: Type of medical professional:

Office name: Office Address:

How long have you been seeing this doctor?

3) Physician’s name: Type of medical professional:

Office name: Office Address:

How long have you been seeing this doctor?

Do you currently or have you ever received treatment for your gender transition from a licensed therapist? Yes / No

If yes:1)Therapist’s name: Qualification (MD, LMSW, etc.):

Office name: Office Address:

How long have you been seeing this therapist?

2) Therapist’s name: Qualification (MD, LMSW, etc.):

Office name: Office Address:

How long have you been seeing this therapist?

Have you ever been arrested? Yes / NoIf yes, what in what counties? ______

Have you ever been charged with a crime above a Class C misdemeanor? Yes / No

If yes:What is your SID #?What is your FBI #?

1)Offense: Cause #: County & State:

Date of final disposition: Outcome:

2)Offense: Cause #: County & State:

Date of final disposition: Outcome:

3)Offense: Cause #: County & State:

Date of final disposition: Outcome:

4)Offense: Cause #: County & State:

Date of final disposition: Outcome:

5)Offense: Cause #: County & State:

Date of final disposition: Outcome:


Your Name:

Your Bar No.: Date of Interview:

Please describe what legal advice you provided:

Additional impressions you had or other information you think HVL should know:



[ ] NO FURTHER ACTION NEEDED – provided Advice & Counsel only

[ ] PROVIDED LIMITED ACTION by (e.g., made phone call or completed pro se answer)

[ ] I would like to take this case.

Gender Marker and Name Change Questionnaire, Page 1 of 2