Week / Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / TOTAL
12 / Rest / Off / 4 / Rest or easy / 4 / Off / 7 / 15
11 / Rest / Off / 4 / Rest or easy / 4 / Off / 7 / 15
10 / Rest / 3 / Rest / 3 / 4 / Rest / 8 / 18
9 / Rest / Rest / 5 / Rest or easy / 5 / Rest / 10 / 20
8 / Rest / Rest / 4 / 3 / 4 / Rest / 13 / 24
7 / Rest / Rest / 6 / Rest or easy / 6 / Rest / 8 / 20
6 / Rest / Rest / 4 / Rest or easy / 4 / Rest / 7 / 15
5 / Rest / 3 / Rest / 4 / 3 / Rest / 8 / 18
4 / Rest / Rest / 5 / Rest or easy / 5 / Rest / 10 / 20
3 / Rest / Rest / 4 / 3 / 4 / Rest / 13 / 24
2 / Rest / Rest / 6 / Rest or easy / 6 / Rest / 8 / 20
1 / Rest / Rest / 4 / Rest or easy / 3 / Rest / RACE

½ Marathon


This schedule is meant to take you to the half marathon without a lot of stress. You may think the miles are low, but trust me that this is enough for you to get to the half without injury. The 12 weeks of mileage can take a toll on the body no matter how good you feel now. You can easily add 3 miles a week by making Wednesday a 3 mile run.

I encourage cross training on off days, but it should be done in the 70%-75%% of maximum heart range – in other words do not go crazy, use it to supplement fitness and train other muscles, not to be an expert at elliptical or the spinning bike.

I suggest that you make Tuesday a speed day. Create a menu from the following workouts:

1) Intervals – includes a minimum one mile warm-up. Interval distances of a half to a full mile. Complete 2-4 intervals, making sure to warm down in-between by walking or jogging for 3-4 minutes. Then warm down for a mile or so.

2) Tempo run – warm up gently than kick it in to about 85% of your maximum effort for 20 minutes, cool down the rest of the way.

3) Warm up for one mile – then hit a long hill (takes 90 seconds at least) at about 85% effort level. Hit the top, walk down quickly, repeat up to 8 times. Start with only 4. Warm down for a mile or more.

4) Fartlek – on any run after you are warm pick a telephone pole, house, car etc. and sprint about 90% of effort level and then slow down again and pick a new target. Do this for 20 minutes and warm down.