
Mountain Library Network

South Charleston Public Library

January 11, 2016

  1. Meeting was called to order at 10:30 a.m. by President Judy Gunsaulis. Present were Judy Gunsaulis, Tammy Richards, Sarah Palfrey, Morgan Paul, Eva McGuire, Joanna Thomspon, Brain Raitz, and Kristina Ferguson.
  2. Minutes from the August and October meetings were read and approved with corrections.
  3. Committee Reports

a. Circulation Committee: No report

b. Cataloging Committee: Level 1 & 2 trainings were completed, and a Level 3 refresher may be available in the spring. Tammy has successfully completed the loading for WVU-P and BSC. Some of the records were overwrote and need to be adjusted. Joanna is working diligently to clean up these records and Tammy assists with clean up whenever possible.

c. OPAC Committee: Library Anywhere has been renewed.

  1. Old Business

a. As mentioned above, the load for WVU-P and BSC was completed and clean up is in progress.

b. Eva is tentatively planning a Serials training for Raleigh and Greenbrier, and other libraries if needed. It has been discovered that some logon information has been passed from one user to another instead of following the proper channels for obtaining personal accounts. MLN will offer a review of policies and correct protocol for this situation at the General Meeting.

c. Tammy informed everyone on the latest Sierra updates which includes solutions to the Holds problem and several new features: Search/Holds, No-Patron Renewal, No-Patron Checkin, Count-Use Mode, a printable calculation of total amount owed by patron, and a notification for patron records that are near their expiration date – this particular feature will be useful for patrons who use our e-services. Once notified, they will have 30 days to renew their information with their Library and avoid losing access to online services. A Checkout tool may be ready for Sierra 2.2 by April, but there a few concerns with this web-based program, such as only five users are allowed and it requires a VPN and there are currently none available. Brian moved to upgrade to Sierra 2.1 when available, and Eva seconded. The motion carried unanimously. Upgrading to Sierra 2.2 will be discussed further at our June meeting when more information is available.

d. Discussion of New Member requirements was tabled until our next meeting to allow for more information to be gathered.

e. It is possible for the Holds on old e-records may be easily deleted with the new Sierra 2.1 update. This issue will be discussed after we have upgraded.

f. Most libraries are well underway for cleaning out their expired patron records. Judy will create a list for each library and check the progress periodically. Libraries that have made little to no progress after 3 months will be contacted to work out a solution.

  1. New Business

a. Sarah Palfrey, Emilee Sesse, Eva McGuire, Joanna Thompson, and Judy Gunsaulis met with Karen Goff on October 29 to discuss the plans and needs for MLN. Karen was unaware of the merge with WVU-P. The primary concern for the meeting was to see how much we’re using databases offered by the WVLC.

b. Some concerns have been addressed to Judy regarded MLN searches including e-materials when the viewer only wants to see the print materials. More in-depth research will need to be completed before the Board can take action on this issue.

  1. Announcements

a. Innovative Users Group Conference will be held in San Fransico,

March 15 – 18

b. Public Library Association Conference will be held in Denver,

April 5 –9

c. Next meeting is tentatively scheduled for April 11 at the South Charleston Public Library

  1. Meeting adjourned at 12:05 p.m.