Work in Progress! Concept Note
Business Name
DIRECTIONS:Completing and submitting the Concept Note is a mandatory first step in the Work in Progress! application process. Ensure that all questions are answered according to the guidelines stated throughout this form. The submission must be in English.
Once completed, upload the Concept Note to the application portal:
Once received, Shuraako will review and identify candidates that are most appropriate for the Work in Progress! business development training workshops.If you have questions about the program or have not received acknowledgement of submission within 10 business days, email .
1. Business
Business Name2. Applicant & Authorized Representative
Name of Applicant/Lead ApplicantGender(Check the appropriate box) / ☐Male
3. Business Ownership and Management
3.1 Ownership
List all those who have an ownership stake in the business.
Name / # of Shares / % of Shares or Ownership3.2 Management Team
List the key managers or staff members responsible for implementing the project or running the business, and their work and educational experience.
Name / Position / Relevant Work Experience / Relevant Educational Experience3.3 Entrepreneur
In the text box describe:
- Who you are and your motivation for starting your business
Why you would like to participate in Work In Progress! business development services
4. Financials
Please provide the following historical and projectedfinancial data (if exact figures are not available, use best estimates). All financials should be verifiable by accounts or other official documentation.
Historical and Projected Financials2015 / Jan – June 2016 / July – Dec 2016 / 2017 / 2018
Revenue (USD)
Profit/Loss (USD)
5. Business/Project Overview
5.1 Products/Services
In the text box below, describe:
- Products and/or service your business provides
Price (USD) of those products/services- How does it solve aproblem or address the needs of your target customers?
5.2 Operations
In the text box below, describe:
Activities that occur in the production and delivery of your goods and/or services
5.3 Market
In the text box below, describe:
The geographic areas you provide your products and services to
- Your target market
5.4 Competitors
In the text box below, describe:
- Who your competitors are
What is your advantage over your competitors and their product/service offerings?
6. Impact
In the text box below, describe:
- The impact (both positive and negative) of your business on the natural environment
The impact (both positive and negative) of your business on society
7. Business Expansion / Project Description
7.1 Expansion / Project Details
In the text box below, describe:
- Why you are seeking to expand or launch a new enterprise
- What assets / services will need to be purchased for the expansion / new enterprise
How the assets / services purchased with the investment will increase production, revenue and/or profit
In the text box below, describe:
How the expansion / new enterprise will have a positive impact on the lives of women and/or youth
7.2 Expansion / Project Cost
Potential Investment Request ($)*OwnerCash Contribution ($)
Other Sources of Financing
Total Project Cost (Cash) ($) (Investment + Owner Contribution)
**In-Kind Assets ($)
*A cash contribution of at least 30% of total project cost is recommended.
** In-kind assets contributed to the project. Different than assets purchased with Owner Cash Contribution.
8. Employment
Note: Permanent staff is staff that is employed for a total of six months or more throughout the year and temporary staff is staff that is employed for less than a total of six months throughout the year.
In the text box below, describe:
- The types of permanent and types of temporary jobs that will be created with the expansion or new enterprise/project
The business’ approach to employing women and youth
- Fill in the following table (employment definitions are listed on the following page):
Expansion/Project / After
2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018
Number of permanent staff
Number of female permanent staff
Number of youth permanent staff
How many of the youth permanent staff are women?
Number of temporary staff
Number of female temporary staff
Number of youth temporary staff
How many of the youth temporary staff are women?
Employment Definitions:
Permanent employees: employees who work for you 6 months or more in a year
Temporary employees: employees who work for you less than 6 months in a year
Permanent female employees: female employees who work for you 6 months or more in a year
Permanent youth employees: employees between the ages of 15-35 employees who work for you 6 months or more in a year
Temporary female employees: female employees who work for you less than 6 months a year
Temporary youth employees: employees between the ages of 15-35 who work for you less than 6 months a year
9. Business Development Services
In the text box below, describe:
- How the business development services will you grow your business and create employment opportunities
Business development services that would be mosthelpful for you in expanding or launching a new enterprise