Ad Form for All Bobcat Players/Students (2017-2018)
The Bobcat Booster Club is offering parents of all sports, and coaches, the opportunity to support their sport by purchasing an ad in the 2017-2018 All Sports program. The ads are offered at a reduced cost for parents therefore no business name can appear in the ad. PLAYER ADS CAN BE: RETURNING SENIOR ADS, OR INDIVUDAL ATHLETE ADS. COACHES: IF YOU WANT A TEAM PICTURE REPRESENTING YOUR SPORT IN THE PROGRAM, YOU MUST PAY FOR AN AD, ANDPROVIDE A PICTURE.
Prices are as follows:
1/6 page (all are B/W)$60
¼ page (all are B/W)$90
½ page B/W$125
½ page Color$150
Full page B/W$250
Full page Color$300
Complete and return the information below to order your ad. Please see reverse side for ad sizes. You may also use the spaces on the reverse to provide a rough sketch with your text and any other info you would like to provide. If you are using photos, you can draw out a square where you would like them placed. You can supply your own photo(s) and use them with or without the media day photo (media day photos pertain to football players only). Photos may be scanned and sent by email to the email address below or mailed to us and we will scan. Please provide a return envelope if you mail photos. YOUR AD WILL NOT BE STARTED ON UNTIL IT IS PAID IN FULL.
Please return this form ASAP so we can allocate space in the All Sports Program with your ad size. Deadline is July 1 , 2017. If you need additional time, please contact me at the contact info below.
Players Name:______
Sport(s) and Jersey #______
Parent’s Name______
Phone number:______
Address w/ zip code:______
Ad Size: 1/6 pg1/4 pg 1/2 pg B/W 1/2 pg Color Full Pg B/W Full Pg Color
Amount enclosed $______
Make checks payable to:Bobcat Booster Club
Please mail this completed form to Bobcat Booster Club, P.O. Box 62542, San Angelo, TX 76906 If you have questions, please email Schelle Canion * call or text to: 325-245-7317
Text for ad (i.e. Good luck, we love you, etc.)---please include sample on the back if you wish and also put squares where you would like photo(s) placed.______