The Medical Student Alumni Council

Constitution & By-Laws

Article I – Name, Purpose and Non-Discrimination Policy
Section 1 – Name: The name of this organization shall be The Medical Student Alumni Council of the Ohio State University College of Medicine (MSAC).

Section 2 – Purpose: The purpose of the Medical Student Alumni Council shall be to maintain the link between the Medical Alumni Society and the current medical students.

Section 3 – Non-Discrimination Policy: This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.

Article II - Objective
This council seeks to help develop a greater sense of loyalty to The Ohio State University College of Medicine and Public Health among the student body and help identify unmet student needs in which the Medical Alumni Society's resources might be employed to best advantage.

Article III - Membership
All currently enrolled medical students of The Ohio State University College of Medicine and Pubic Health in good academic standing shall be eligible for membership in the Medical Student Alumni Council.

Article IV - Executive Committee
The officers of the Medical Student Alumni Council shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Chairperson for each committee, an Executive Secretary, a Treasurer and a Historian. The representatives to the Executive Committee shall be an Executive Assistant appointed by the President of the Medical Student Alumni Council and the Executive Director of the Medical Alumni Society, an Alumni Society Representative - appointed by the Medical Alumni Society Board of Governors and the Executive Director of the Medical Alumni Society.
Voting members of the Executive Committee shall be the President, Vice President, Executive Secretary, and Chairpersons of standing committee enumerated by the by-laws, the Treasurer and the Historian.
The Executive Committee shall determine the goals and direction of the organization through ongoing evaluations hear problems, complaints, suggestions, generate possible constitution amendments and initiate appropriate activities.
The term of office for the Executive Committee members shall be one year. Incumbent Executive members will be elected to continue their office after their term has expired.

Article V - Officers
Sec. 1. Election of Officers:
Elections shall take place in the Spring Quarter and be called by the President for a sixth week meeting. Election of Officers shall be a two meeting process. At the first meeting, nominations for the office of President, Vice-President, Executive Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian and other offices will be taken to from the floor. Any active member of MSAC shall be eligible for nomination. At the second meeting, nominations of these officers shall be reopened and elections will follow. Elections shall be made in the order of President, Vice-President, Executive Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Alumni Relations Chairperson, Student Outreach Chairperson, and Special Project and Research Chairperson. An Executive Assistant may be appointed by the President-elect with the consent and approval of the new Executive Committee. Elections shall be by paper ballot, with a simple majority sufficient to elect an office. With an excused absence, an absentee ballot will be accepted. No absentee ballot will be accepted after the start of elections.

Sec. 2. Terms of Office:
The term of office shall be on year beginning Fall Quarter
Sec. 3. Duties:
A. President: The President shall call and chair all MSAC and Executive Committee meetings and act as their representative and spokesperson in all external functions. The President shall maintain communication between The Medical Alumni Society, the Executive Director the Medical Alumni Society, and Executive Committee members.

B. Vice President: When the President is not able, the Vice-President shall call and chair all MSAC and Executive Committee meetings and act as their representative and spokesperson in all external functions. The Vice-President shall maintain communication between the Executive Committee and the project chairpersons. It shall also be the responsibility of the Vice-President to keep the President and the Advisor abreast of all projects and train and advise project chairs. In the event of the death, resignation, or removal of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the position of the President and a Vice-President shall be chosen according to Article IX section 2 of the Constitution of the Medical Student-Alumni Council.

C. Chairpersons: The Chairpersons are responsible for calling and chairing meetings of their respective committees. They shall communicate all reports of their committee actions to the MSAC and Executive Committee.

D. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for all MSAC financial matters and shall work in Conjunction with the Executive Assistant when deemed appropriate. A financial report and Executive Committee approved budget must be presented to the MSAC once yearly in the spring. It should also be the responsibility of the Treasurer to serve on a project evaluation committee.

E. Executive Secretary: The Executive Secretary shall keep records of MSAC meetings, inform Executive Committee members of the times and locations of all Executive meetings, and work in conjunction with the Executive Assistant concerning the internal operations and communications of MSAC.

F. Executive Assistant: The Executive Assistant shall work in conjunction with the Executive Secretary concerning the internal operations and communications of MSAC, take Executive Committee minutes, and assist the Treasurer when deemed appropriate and assist the other members of the Executive Committee as needed. The Executive Assistant shall also serve as parliamentarian to ensure that Parliamentary procedure is adhered to, that Robert's Rules of Order are used at meetings as stated in the Constitution (Article V, Section 1), and to ensure that the meetings start at the specified time and that the agenda is followed.

G. Historian: The historian shall be responsible for compiling significant activities of MSAC. Duties shall include recording and informing the organization of the history, events, and activities of the group and its members. This historian will be elected for a three quarter term and work with the Member-At-Large. The historian shall also be responsible for providing the archives with the previous records of the organization at the end of the academic year.

Article VI - Rules of Order
The MSAC and its committees shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, except in matters specifically provided for by the MSAC Constitution and by-laws. A simple majority of the whole membership shall constitute a quorum for voting purposes at a meeting of the entire MSAC.

Article VII - Amendments
The Constitution shall be amended by a ¾ vote of the MSAC, provided that a written notice of the proposed amendment is presented at least one meeting prior to the vote.

Article VIII - Adoption
The Constitution shall be officially adopted upon its approval by a majority vote of those members in attendance and currently active. It shall take effect upon the granting of a charter or approval by the Board of Governors of the Medial Alumni Society and the Medical Student Council.

Article IX - Interim Status
Interim status is available to those who are not expected to be able to fulfill membership requirements in a particular quarter. Members in good standing from the previous quarter must submit written request for interim status, no later than the fourth week of the current quarter. Interim status may be granted to project chairs or executive board members following the resignation of that position.

Article X - Alumni Status
Sec. 1. Qualifications:
A. Member of at least 2 years wishing to attain the permanent title of alumni status in MSAC must submit a letter containing information that the Credentials Committee feels necessary and helpful for selection purposes. The letter will be reviewed by at least two-thirds of the Credentials Committee who shall in turn make a majority recommendation to the Executive Committee for approval. The final decision will be made by at least two-thirds of the Executive Committee by a majority vote. The applicant has the right to appeal at a general meeting with two-thirds majority vote of members present, to pass. The Credentials Committee may review special cases whose needs may conflict with the by-laws. Once attained, the attendance policy will not apply and the member will not have voting rights. Alumni status is automatically granted to graduates and those enrolled in professional schools.

Article XI - Executive Committee Removal
In the event an Executive Committee member is not fulfilling his or her responsibilities, the President or Credentials Chairperson (if it is the President) shall initiate action for removal or acquittal. This process consists of a closed meeting of the Executive Committee with all members present in which the issue or officer will be discussed. Following discussion a secret ballot will be taken in which a two-thirds majority is necessary for removal. It is the responsibility of the Executive Committee to take appropriate and necessary action concerning a vacancy on the Executive Committee. A two-thirds majority of the Executive committee is required to approve any action taken.

Article XII - Executive Committee Business
Three fifths of the total Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business.
Article XIII - Committees
The standing committees shall consist of the following:

A. Alumni Relations
B. Student Outreach
C. Special Projects and Research

All projects may utilize the three standing committees; project chairperson will use the appropriate standing committee's power for projects and research.