Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

Readiness Assessment Tool


WIOA Readiness Assessment Tool
Elements / Yes / In Progress / Not Yet / Practices/Examples / Comments/Next Steps / Timeframe for Completion
Governance – State Boards
Adult education State Director is a voting member of the State board
State has process in place to nominate local providers to local boards
State agency is prepared to coordinate and lead joint planning of activities between core programs
State agency has strong relationship with workforce development agency within the State
State agency has strong relationship with vocational rehabilitation agency within the State
Governance – Local Boards*
Local leadership is involved/engaged in discussions on local board selection
Other Cross-Agency Partnerships and Roles – State Readiness
State is engaged/prepared to engage in Unified and Combined State plan efforts with key partners
Core and other relevant partners have been invited to join in WIOA discussions (i.e., human services, TANF providers, community colleges, etc.)
State agencies are included in discussions around the regional planning process and local program design
State agencies are partners in the one-stop delivery system
State agency has been involved in discussions with labor agency on partner responsibilities, including one-stop infrastructure costs
State agency has good relationships with employers within the State
State agency is involved in implementation of career pathways within the State
State agency has relationship with career and technical education partners, community colleges, and other required one-stop partner agencies
State agency is involved in conversations or process to become early implementers (if applicable)
Other Cross-Agency Partnerships and Roles – Local Readiness*
Local agencies are included in discussions around the regional planning process and local program design
Local agencies are partners in the one-stop delivery system
Local provider agencies have good relationships with employers within the local areas
Some/many local provider agencies already have a presence at the one-stop centers within the State
Local provider agencies already contribute to the one-stop delivery system or are engaged in discussions around coordination and contributions
Performance Accountability System – State Readiness
State and partner agencies have process and procedures in place to align its technology and data systems for performance accountability purposes across the core and partner programs
State agency has adequate MIS for collecting, sharing and reporting cross-program information
State agency is well-positioned to implement the proposed required outcome measures
State has Statewide longitudinal data system (SLDS) in place
State has adult education elements in place in the State SLDS
State agency is prepared/engaged in discussions to support integrated intake, case management, and reporting
State agency has data sharing agreements in place to allow reporting on proposed required outcomes and reporting measures
State agencies have discussed and/or agreed upon additional State performance indicators
State agencies are prepared or engaged in discussions to conduct ongoing evaluations of program activities in coordination with State and local boards in order to promote continuous improvement of core programs within the State
State agencies have identified training or technical assistance needs to implement the performance accountability system
Performance Accountability System – Local Readiness*
Local programs are well-positioned to implement the proposed required outcome measures
Local programs are prepared/engaged in discussions to support integrated intake, case management, and reporting
Local provider agencies have identified training or technical assistance needs to implement the performance accountability system
AEFLA Activities– State Readiness
State agency continues to seek input from locals in order to engage and provide feedback to local provider community around WIOA changes
State agency is prepared/has activities in place to develop and implement the 2015 transition plan
State agency has process in place to carry out Request for Application/Request for Proposal design and competition, including alignment with the Unified/Combined State plan
State agency has activities and policies in place to support integrated education and training
Stage agency has activities in place to supportcareer pathways
State has activities in place to align career pathways and transitions to postsecondary education and training
State agency has activities and policies in place to support the integration of workforce preparation activities (such as employability skills)
State agency has activities in place to support some/all of the new requirements under the integrated English literacy and Civics Education program
State agency has activities or guidance in place to assist immigrants and English language learners in improving their mathematics skills and transition to postsecondary education and training
Employer engagement is fostered through partnership and cooperation on program design and curriculum, arranged work-based learning experiences, arranged externships for teachers, alignment of industry-recognized credentials, establishment of career pathways, and/or validation of labor market data and projections
Program staff collaborate with interagency partners to foster ongoing alignment
State agency is prepared/has adequate support to implement some/all of the four new required State leadership activities
State agency is prepared/has adequate support to implement the permissible State leadership activities
State has identified areas of training or technical assistance needs for required State leadership activities
State has plan to align adult education content standards with K-12 state-adopted standards
State agency is engaged in discussions/has elements in place to support activities for the corrections education program
Evidence-based instructional models are promoted in the program and inform technical assistance for program operators and program guidance
AEFLA Activities – Local Readiness*
Local provider community is engaged/provides input to State around WIOA changes
Local provider agencies have activities in place to support career pathways
Local provider agencies have identified training or technical assistance needs to implement activities under AEFLA
Employer engagement is fostered through partnership and cooperation on program design and curriculum, arranged work-based learning experiences, arranged externships for teachers, alignment of industry-recognized credentials, establishment of career pathways, and/or validation of labor market data and projections
Program staff collaborate with interagency partners to foster ongoing alignment
Evidence-based instructional models are promoted in the program and inform technical assistance for program operators and program guidance

*Note for Single State Local Areas: The Governor may designate any single State local area under WIA as a single State local area under WIOA. In these instances, the State is identified as a local area in the State plan and shall carry out the functions of a local board(WIOA, Sec. 106(d)). Elements noted as “Local” may also apply to single State local areas.

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