R9 hoosier Supplement 2400-2009-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: December 1, 2016
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed / 2460
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FSM 2400 – Timber management
Chapter 60 – Uses of timber other than commercial timber sales
/ Forest Service MANUAL
hoosier NF (Region 9)
Bedford, in

fsM 2400 – Timber management

chapteR 60 – uses of timber other than commercial timber sales

Supplement No.: 2400-2016-4

Effective Date: December 1, 2016

Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.

Approved: michael chaveas
Forest Supervisor / Date Approved: 12/1/2016

Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this Handbook was 2400-2016-3 to Chapter 40.

New Document / R9 Hoosier 2400-2016-4 / 3 Pages
Superseded Document(s) (Supplement Number and Effective Date) / 2460
(R9 Hoosier Supplement 2400-2009-1) / 3 Pages


2462.03 –Forest policy on firewood disposal on the Hoosier National Forest.

2462.03 – Policy.

  1. General Information:
  2. Most firewood will be sold. This includes wood from closed timber sales, special firewood areas, and other areas where a quantity of wood is available and access is reasonably good.
  3. Permits will be issued for a maximum of three months. Only permits with the same termination date can be shown on the same ledger.
  4. Permits will be issued during normal business hours; however, the District may stop issuing permits if necessary. Days or hours when permits are sold will not be restricted.
  5. Forest Service employees may obtain permits under the same conditions as the general public.
  6. Collections for firewood will be submitted to any authorized collection officer. Collections must be submitted daily if they exceed $5,000.00 and weekly regardless of amount.
  7. During the issuing of firewood and free use permits, stress the importance of keeping motorized vehicles on existing roads to prevent rutting. Review General Conditions of the permit with the permittee prior to signing.
  8. Firewood or free use permits are not needed for picking up small quantities of down firewood for use in National Forest campground areas or while dispersed camping on National Forest System land.
  2. A firewood permit (FS 2400-1) can be issued for up to 2 cords which on average is three medium size trees (14 inches dbh).
  3. Firewood permits can be issued primarily in Management Areas 2.8 and 3.3 established firewood areas or where it is identified there are numerous down trees adjacent (within 70 feet of the roads) to county or Forest Service roads. Adequate parking must be available for the permittees.
  4. Firewood permit sales are final. No refunds will be made.
  5. Prospective purchasers should be encouraged to check access and wood availability before purchasing a firewood permit.
  6. Firewood permits should notautomatically beissued when an individual reports a hazard tree. If Forest Service, county crews,and/or utilities have dropped trees adjacent to roads, firewood permit will be available.
  2. A limited free use permit (FS 2400-8) should be issued for removing the entire hazard tree when it is a threat to the safety of a private landowner.
  3. In emergency situations, Leadership and Timber Sale Staff will evaluate and determine if issuing free use permits is in the best interest of the Government to open roads and provide a safe environment.