Program no.: / 9 / Student: / Start: / Last revision: / Goal reached, date:
20.04.03 / 10.4.03
Establishing reading skills, basic program
Target behaviors: / Reason for intervention: / Taking data:
-Establishing matching skills, matching letters to letters
-Establishing listeners behaviors, follow instructions when teacher askes child to ”give me –” all the letters
-Establishing vokal behavior to all letters. Student shall tact all letters of the alphabeth. When letters are presented student shall tell teacher which letter he is reading.
-Establishing the skill of reading two letter combinations. / The student shows interest in reading letters and numbers. It is probabel that the student can learn to read and write, therefore we can prepare him for these skills now. Reading skills are also necessary for the student in order to follow written schedules in the future. / Mark correct responses by a (+) and incorrect responses by (-) on each trial.
Take pretest when starting off level 1, 2 and 3 as described in method. By 80% correct on posttest after each level, proceed to next level. It is the posttest results that determine if teacher is to proceed to the more and more advanced levels of this training program.
At level 4 teacher is to pretest each sublevel. The criterion for reaching the goal is when the student can read random combinations correct on five consecutive trials.
Reinforcers: / Materials: / Setting for training:
Social reinforcers in the form of praise, and token economy systems. /
  • Printed letters, capital and lower case, laminated
  • List of sound combinations
  • Token economy borad
  • Program and raw-data sheet
/ Student and teacher sits by a table with materials between them.
Pre- and posttest: Teacher and child sits oposite each other at table. When testing (+) and (–) is to be scored at each trial.
Do not reinforce responses during test.
If child does not reach criterion of 80 % correct rersponses during posttest after level, training is reintroduced at that level, on the letters/letter combinations that is difficult. Thereafter teacher should test again. On a posttest trainer is to use the enclosed data registration form, as posttests are specified here.During training (not testing) correct responses are to be followed by social and verbal reinforcers, together with tokens. When incorrect responses occur, hold hand over letter, wait until the child is ready to respond again, and prompt the correct answer. When responses are prompted, this very trial should be reconstructed over and over again until the prompt can be faded. Prompted trials are not to be socially or verbally reinforced.
Level 1: Start training by making the student match letters of the aphabeth. When child can match capital letters, start matching lower case letters. When child can match capital and lower case letters, teach child to match lower case to capital letters, and capital to lower case letters. Performance is to be at least 80% correct responses on a posttest before progressing to level 2.
Level 2: Make the child give you the letters which you ask for. When child responds correct 3 consecutive trials, present a new letter. When child reaches criterion on second letter, present third letter. Have all letters present at table during training, 2 letters serves as Sdelta, one as Sd. When child masteres all three letters, mix all letters in the training. When child has 3 consecutive correct responses during mixed letters, one can progress to next step at that level. Before progressing to level 3, a posttest shall be taken. Child should score 80 % correct on a posttest before progressing to level 3. If not, reintroduce training on the letters not mastered during posttest, until they are mastered, then take another posttest. Use mainly lower case letters, mixed with some capital letters just to make the child familiar with these.
Level 3: Train the child to name letters. Teacher points to a letter. Tells the child the letter’s name. Then asks the child what letter it is. If child does not name that letter correct within 5 seconds, an imitation prompt should be given. When child responds correct on 3 consecutive trials, a new letter should be presented. When child masteres second letter, third letter should be presented. All letters should be present at table, 2 as Sdelta, one as Sd. When child scores correct on all three letters, they should be mixed. When child responds correct three times on a row during mixed letter presentation, then progress to next step, Before moving on to level 4, perform a posttest. Child should perform 80 % correct on a posttest before progressing to level 4. Use both capital and lower case letters at each sub-level.
Level 4: Reading two-letter combinations. Start with a consonant paired with a vowel, like ”ma”. Train performances until child can read the two letters correctly. There might be special problems connected to pairing the letters. If child reads the letters apart, teacher has to gradually shape the reading skill of drawing the two letters together, in one sound. “M…a” should be read as “ma” gradually more and more fluently. When this skill is established, then progress to another vowel. When this is mastered, mix the two combinations. Thereafter the consonant is to paired with a third vowel. When reading the letters in one sound, these letters are mixed, and so on. Training should continue on a specific step until teacher can present a random combination and child still reads correct on first trial, five trials on a row.. Correct performances on random examples will be the indicator of the child generalizing a skill. Training is to start using lower case letters. When some examples are mastered, some capital letters are to be mixed into the training examples, but only in such a manner that the capital letter comes first in a combination. Do not train capital letter as the second letter in a combination of two letters.
Staring date:
Number of trials:
Starting date:
Number of trials:
Starting date:
Number of trials: / Level 1: Matching letters
Step 1a: Matching capital letters to each other.
Step 1b: Matching lower case letters to each other.
Step 1c: Matching lower case letters to capital lertters
Step 1d: Matching capital letters to lower case letters.
Level 2: Listeners behavior, responding to ”give me -”
Step 2a: Responds correct to instruction ”give me”: a, o, m
Step 2b: Responds correct to instruction ”give me”: r, s, e
Step 2c: Responds correct to instruction ”give me”: t, n, y
Step 2d: Responds correct to instruction ”give me”: b, i, u
Step 2e: Responds correct to instruction ”give me”: y, c, k
Step 2f: Responds correct to instruction ”give me”: p, z, l
Step 2g: Responds correct to instruction ”give me”: g, h, v, x
Step 2h: Responds correct to instruction ”give me”: j, d, f, w, q
Level 3: tacting (naming) letters
Step 3a: Correct naming of letters: a, o, m
Step 3b: Correct naming of letters: r, s, e
Step 3c: Correct naming of letters: t, n, y
Step 3d: Correct naming of letters: b, i, u
Step 3e: Correct naming of letters: y, c, k
Step 3f: Correct naming of letters: p, z, l
Step 3g: Correct naming of letters: g, h, v, x
Step 3h: Correct naming of letters: j, d, f, w, q
Starting date:
Number of trials:
Number of trials:
Number of trials:
Number of trials:
Number of trials:
Number of trials:
Number of trials:
Number of trials: / Level 4: Fluency of reading (letters)
Level 4a:
Correct fluency of consonant m and vowels a, e, u, i, o, y
With consonant both before and after vowels.
Level 4b:
Correct fluency of consonant b and vowels a, e, u, i, o, y
With consonant both before and after vowels.
Level 4c:
Correct fluency of consonant r and vowels a, e, u, i, o, y
With consonant both before and after vowels.
Level 4d:
Correct fluency of consonant t and vowels a, e, u, i, o, y
With consonant both before and after vowels.
Level 4e:
Correct fluency of consonant p and vowels a, e, u, i, o, y
With consonant both before and after vowels.
Level 4f:
Correct fluency of consonant k and vowels a, e, u, i, o, y
With consonant both before and after vowels.
Level 4g:
Correct fluency of consonant l and vowels a, e, u, i, o, y
With consonant both before and after vowels.
Level 4h:
Correct fluency of consonant g and vowels a, e, u, i, o, y
With consonant both before and after vowels.
Number of trials:
Number of trials:
Number of trials:
Number of trials:
Number of trials:
Number of trials:
Number of trials:
Number of trials:
Number of trials: / Level 4i:
Correct fluency of consonant f and vowels a, e, u, i, o, y
With consonant both before and after vowels.
Level 4j:
Correct fluency of consonant d and vowels a, e, u, i, o, y
With consonant both before and after vowels.
Level 4k:
Correct fluency of consonant s and vowels a, e, u, i, o, y
With consonant both before and after vowels.
Level 4l:
Correct fluency of consonant v and vowels a, e, u, i, o, y
With consonant both before and after vowels.
Level 4m:
Correct fluency of consonant w and vowels a, e, u, i, o, y
With consonant both before and after vowels.
Level 4n:
Correct fluency of consonant q and vowel combinations that exists in common words
With consonant both before and after vowels.
Level 4o:
Correct fluency of consonant x and vowel combinations that exists in common words
With consonant both before and after vowels.
Level 4p:
Correct fluency of consonant z and vowel combinations that exists in common words
With consonant both before and after vowels.
Level 4q:
Correct fluency of consonant c and vowel combinations that exists in common words
With consonant both before and after vowels.
Number of trials:
Number of trials: / Level 4r:
Correct fluency of consonant h and vowels a, e, u, i, o, y
With consonant both before and after vowels.
Level 4s:
Correct fluency of consonant j and vowels a, e, u, i, o, y
With consonant both before and after vowels.

Institute of Applied Behavior Analysis, 2003