Revised February 2014
TARGET AUDIENCE:Please supply information on teachers of –core academic classesin the LEA who areNOT highly qualified for those classes taught. Please have available an Individual Teacher Plan for HQT for each teacher NOT HQT for classes taught.
Teacher Name(NA if District is 100%) / School / Grades/Subject / No. of Classes Taught / Plan to become HQT
Check / Intended Date of Completion
Yes / No
Summary of LEA Highly Qualified Teacher Needs:
LEA ACTIONS TO GET ALL TEACHERS HIGHLY QUALIFIED: List and describe LEA actions to get all teachers highly qualified: Insert lines in the chart, as needed.)
LEA Action / Person Responsible / Resources(Fund Source/ $$) / Completion / Notes
*Appoint a system-level administrator as the single point-of-contact who will work directly with teachers and with SDE staff on “highly qualified” issues. / *LEA Superintendent / None / February 2013 / A Human Resource (HR) Department was created.
*Consider (1) changing teacher assignments within a school, (2) within-school transfers, and (3) between-school transfers to have teachers highly qualified. / Principals
Superintendent / None / N/A / Principals will submit recommendations to the superintendent for changes in teacher assignments within the school. All other recommendations for changes will be made by the superintendent to the BOE.
Presently, this action is not needed because all CAS teachers are HQ.
*Conduct a meeting with each teacher who is not yet highly qualified. Develop an individual action plan with each teacher. / Principals
HR Director / None / August 15th of applicable year(s) / The HR Director will conduct an initial meeting with applicable teachers to develop their HQ plans. Principals will monitor teacher progress towards becoming HQ.
Presently, this action is not needed because all CAS teachers are HQ.
*Schedule and conduct periodic checks for completion of agreed-upon actions. / Principals
HR Director / None / N/A / The HR Director will conduct check points with the principals to ascertain the progress made toward compliance.
Presently, this action is not needed because all CAS teachers are HQ.
The LEA will provide reimbursement in accordance to the LEA’s procedures for the Praxis II and completion of college course work to become highly qualified. / Federal Programs Director / Title I - $295.84 (set aside if need arises) / N/A / Teachers must submit an application for financial assistance and provide receipts, scores, transcripts, etc. in accordance with the district procedures.
Presently, this action is not needed because all CAS teachers are HQ.
LEA ACTIONS TO ENSURE HIRING ONLY HIGHLY QUALIFIED TEACHERS: Incorporate LEA procedures for hiring a teacher that is not yet highly qualified and other actions to ensure hiring only highly qualified teachers.
LEA Action / Person Responsible / Resources(Fund Source/ $$) / Comments / Notes
* The local superintendent or his/her designee will notify the LEA’s designated specialists in the SDE Federal Programs Section and the Teacher Certification Section of the need to hire a non-highly qualified teacher. / Superintendent
Federal Programs Director
Human Resource Director / None / Principals will notify the Superintendent of the need to hire a non-HQT. The Superintendent will notify appropriate Central Office staff, Federal Programs and Human Resource Directors, who will in turn notify their respective SDE contacts.
* The LEA will retain documentation related to announcing the position, efforts to recruit highly qualified candidates for the position, applications and resumes received, and notes from interviewing and selecting the teacher for employment. / Superintendent
Human Resource Director / None / Federal Programs will maintain documentation of recruitment efforts. All other documentation will be maintained by the HR Department.
* The LEA will include in the contractual agreement, a commitment by the teacher to fulfill requirements of a mutually agreed upon plan to achieve highly qualified status, using the most expedient option and no later than the end of the upcoming or current school year. / Superintendent
Human Resource Director / None / All non-HQTs will enter into a contract with the LEA to achieve highly qualified status. The HR Director will meet with principals to monitor compliance and report findings to the Superintendent.
* The LEA will ensure that the teacher receives support and assistance related to content knowledge and teaching skills needed for the teaching assignment, including teacher mentoring and high-quality professional development, both of which must meet the state and NCLB definitions and criteria for those professional components. / Principals
Federal Programs Director / Title II - $1,000.00 / Principals will work with the Federal Programs Director in developing a plan of content support and professional development for non-HQTs.
* The LEA will revise its policies and procedures for recruiting, hiring, and inducting teachers to include financial and/or non-financial incentives to attract and retain certified, highly qualified, and effective teachers. / Superintendent
Federal Programs Director / Title II
FY 13 carryover
$4,500.00 / The Superintendent will ensure the revision of the policy and procedures for recruiting, hiring, inducting, and retaining teachers. The Federal Programs Director will ensure that funds are budgeted to support the procedures.
LEA ACTIONS TO RETAIN AND RECRUIT HIGHLY QUALIFIED TEACHERS:List and describe actions to retain and recruit Highly Qualified teachers, especially in hard-to-staff schools and/or hard to staff subject areas.
LEA Actions / Person Responsible / Resources(Fund Source/ $$) / Comments/Notes
the lea offers a one-time sign on bonus of $3,000.00 to secondary core academic highly qualified teachers that requires a two year commitment. this bonus is payable in two installments. half is received during the first year and the second half is payable in the second year if rehired at the same school. / Superintendent
Federal programs director / title ii
fy 13 carryover
$4,500.00 / The district anticipates the need for approximately $4,500.00 to be used for retention of teachers in the 2014-2015 year.
the lea will support its schools’ retention efforts of new teachers through mentoring by providing teacher release time for mentoring activities and staff development. / principals
Federal programs director / title ii current year $800.00
title ii fy 13 carryover
$500.00 / principals will ensure that mentees are assigned a mentor and that mentoring sessions are conducted at the school level. principals will schedule new teacher for staff development activities.
the federal programs director will ensure that funds are budgeted for the actions.
EQUITY Strategies
LEA ACTIONS to ensure that poor and minority students are not taught by inexperienced, unqualified, or out-of-field teachers at higher rates than other students.
List actions to be implemented that address the inequities and needs as identified in the summary of teacher distribution.
1. Provide a description of any inequities in the assignment of inexperienced, unqualified, or out of field teachers within the LEA in regard to the distribution of teachers in high/poverty/high minority versus low poverty/low minority schools.
All of the district’s schools are high poverty schools. There are sixty-seven (67) core academic subject teachers in the districts. None (0) of these teachers is a first year teacher. No (0) inexperienced teachers are assigned to high poverty and/or minority level schools. Equitable teacher distribution has been established among the schools.
2. Describe the immediate and long term strategies the LEA will implement to ensure that poor and minority students and those in schools identified for improvement are not taught by unqualified or out-of-field teachers at higher rates than other students. Include a description of how financial resources and staff will be allocated to these schools.
Not applicable – district actions to maintain balance described
A review of the equity data shows that poor and minority students do not receive instruction in any core academic subject area by an inexperienced, non-highly qualified, or out of field teacher at any grade span. The district and schools have worked together to achieve staffing balance by making conscientious staffing decisions and by providing recruitment/retention incentives to assist the schools in building instructional families.
The district ensures that all schools in the district receive each of their state earned teacher units in a timely manner. It distributes federal dollars to its schools through a per pupil allocation and sets aside Title II funds for the recruitment and retention of highly qualified secondary core academic subject teachers. These actions are designed to ensure that all students are taught by qualified teachers.
3. Provide a description of how the LEA will evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies.
The LEA will review school staffing assignments during the summer of 2014 and again during the fall of the same year to determine if it has maintained equity.