Atriuum Library Software

- When you log in, your first screen will be:

Patron Lookup for Check-Out and Checked Out Item Look Up

To print a receipt for a fine:

-Put in the last name

-Hit search button

-Choose student’s name you want

-Click Print Receipt button


***Buy, buy, buy a laser printer and #5160 labels – it will save you a lifetime of trouble.*** You MUST have a laser printer to print your own barcodes. I used to order my own, and this is 10 times better!

Printing Patron (Student or Teacher) Barcodes

*Wait to do this until central office has transferred all the kids to their correct classrooms through JPAMS – the kids will all be moved to the correct teacher after that – it is wonderful.

-Click Patrons

-Click Patron Barcodes

-Look up

-Type the first few letters of a last name

-Hit search button

-Keep doing that until you get a whole class done

-Make sure your drop down box says – 30 labels – Avery 5160, starting row – 1, starting column 1, copies 1

-Once you have all your names on there, hit Print Labels in queue

-Once the list of barcodes comes up, hit the disk and save it as the teacher’s class name

-If you put an incorrect name in that you don’t want a label for – click in the box and hit remove selected from queue

Printing Item Barcodes – for library books

* I use this when I order or buy a book I have to catalog myself (not ordered from Follett) or if a barcode gets torn out or messed up.

-Click Catalog

-Print Item Barcodes

-Look up

-Type the first few letters of the book

-Hit search button

-Keep doing that until you get all the books you want barcodes for

-Make sure your drop down box says – 30 labels – Avery 5160, starting row – 1, starting column 1, copies 1

-Once you have all your books in there, hit Print Labels in queue

-If you put an incorrect book in that you don’t want a label for – click in the box and hit remove selected from queue

Setting up your system

-Click Administration

-Click Library

-Click Worker Settings – in this you want to make sure that you choose “yes” for circulation desk and “no” for batch check in/out (if you only let the kids have 1 book.

How to Check out Books

-Get into Atriuum

-Click Circulation and go down to Check out items

-Scan the students barcode, then book barcode, then check out barcode – *You need to make one of these to use.

-*If it is a teacher check out or a student that doesn’t have a barcode on their shelf marker, press esc to clear the boxes, and type in their last name and press enter.

How to Check in Books

-Get into Atriuum

-Click Circulation and go down to Check in items

-Scan each item to check it in *Make sure each item dings before doing the next one or it didn’t register.

Printing a list of Overdue Books


-Other Reports

-Go down to List of overdue items and click “view” on the right

-Your list will generate from there

-Click “edit this report” – at top

-Click “columns” – at top

-Put these into the selected columns box: patron name, patron barcode, holdings barcode, patron report class, title and cost.

-Click “generate report”

*If you want to put all these into an excel spreadsheet – like for the secretary to know which children owe money to the school:

- Follow the same directions above, then

- click “export report data as text”

- click “download”

- After report generates, right click and go down to “export to Microsoft excel”


-Go to reports

-Go to Patrons with items

-Export as text


-Right click – export to Microsoft excel

To catalog an item: (this is just the best thing ever!)

-Click catalog

-Click add item

-On the left hand side, click in the ISBN box

-Scan the ISBN # on the back of the book you want to catalog

-Click save

-Click add holdings – I always leave “use next barcode” – you can put in your own number if you need to – click save – Until you “add holdings,” all you have is the name of the book – not a specific record of a book with its barcode.

* Sometimes it may say – error – you have a duplicate record or something like that. If you view it, and it is the same book, just click that title, then add holdings to give the new copy a barcode. Make a list of all your new barcode entries, then follow the “Print Item barcodes” directions from above

*This is where you go to add in an item manually as well – if the ISBN scan doesn’t work.

To add an extra copy of an item:

-Click catalog

-Click add item

-On the left hand side, click in the keyword box

-Type the name of the book and search

-When your list comes up, click on the title you want

-Click add holdings – I always leave “use next barcode” – you can put in your own number if you need to – click save

-Follow the “Print Item barcodes” directions from above to get your barcodes for the copies you enter in.


* To find out how many things you are checking out each day, and how much is owed in fines.

- Click Reports

- Click Today’s Statistics

Quick Tips for Headings
OPAC – used for looking for items

Circulation – used for any type of transaction – checking in or out

Catalog – used for adding new materials or reclassifying old materials, printing spine labels or barcodes

Patrons – used for over dues, making barcodes for students, etc.

Reports – Other Reports (used to get a school wide/class wide list of over due books) and Statistical (I only use this at the end of the year for my forms that have to be sent to central office.)

Admin – to do settings – I don’t use this one much either.

Krystle Hyman

985-474-8874 is my library number.