Rena Palloff and Keith Pratt

Rena M. Palloff, Ph.D., LCSW
Rena, along with Keith Pratt, is a managing partner of Crossroads Consulting Group, working with institutions, organizations, and corporations interested in the development of online distance learning and training programs. In addition, Rena has consulted extensively in health care, academic settings, and addiction treatment for well over 20 years and now writes online continuing education courses for human services professionals. Rena is faculty at the FieldingGraduateUniversity, in the Educational Leadership and Change Program, acts as Program Director and faculty, along with Keith, for the academic certificate program, Teaching in the Virtual Classroom. She also teaches in Fielding’s online masters’ degree program in Organizational Behavior/Organization Development. In addition, she is adjunct faculty at CapellaUniversity in the School of Human Services. Previously, she taught classes on organizational behavior and management and leadership on an adjunct basis for the International Studies Program at OttawaUniversity in Ottawa, Kansas in various sites throughout the Pacific Rim. Rena received a Bachelors Degree in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Masters Degree in Social Work from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She holds a Masters Degree in Organizational Development and a Ph.D. in Human and Organizational Systems from The Fielding Graduate University.

Keith Pratt, Ph.D.
Keith is currently Associate Dean of Distance Learning and Instructional Technology at Northwest Arkansas Community College in Bentonville. He began his government career as a Computer Systems Technician with the Air Force in 1967. After leaving the Air Force, Keith held positions as Registrar and Faculty (Charter College), DirectorChapmanCollege, and Trainer and Consultant (The Growth Company). Keith was an Assistant Professor in the International Studies Program and the Chair of the Management Information Systems Program, main campus and overseas, at OttawaUniversity in Ottawa, Kansas. Keith is currently adjunct faculty at The Fielding Graduate University in Educational Leadership and Change and the Teaching in the Virtual Classroom program, as well as at BakerUniversity and WaylandBaptistUniversity. He previously served as a Senior Project Manager for Datatel, working with community colleges throughout the United States and Canada on administrative software installations. Keith graduated from WaylandBaptistUniversity with a dual degree in Business Administration and Computer Systems Technology. He has a Master of Science Degree in Human Resource Management (with honors) from ChapmanUniversity. He holds a Masters Degree in Organizational Development and a Ph.D. in Human and Organizational Systems from The Fielding Graduate University and an honorary Doctorate of Science in Economics from MoscowStateUniversity.

Rena and Keith are the authors of the 1999 Frandson Award winning book Building Learning Communities in Cyberspace: Effective Strategies for the Online Classroom (Jossey-Bass, 1999), Lessons from the Cyberspace Classroom (Jossey-Bass, 2001), The Virtual Student (Jossey-Bass, 2003) and Collaborating Online (2005). The books are comprehensive guides to the development of an online environment that helps promote successful learning outcomes while building and fostering a sense of community among the learners. Drs. Palloff and Pratt have been presenting this work across the United States and internationally since 1994 as well as consulting to academic institutions regarding the development of effective distance learning programs.


Services include faculty development training, faculty coaching for online teaching, development of online training courses, course and online program development, and strategic planning for online program development.

Academic Institutions

University of South Dakota


JamestownCommunity College

ElginCommunity College

FloridaCommunity College at Jacksonville


University of California – San Francisco

GeorgiaState Board of Regents

Ohio Learning Network

Southern Ohio Council on Higher Education

Northern Wyoming Community Colleges

IndianaUniversity Southeast

Missouri Southern StateUniversity


Oregon Consortium of Distance Learning




Maricopa Community Colleges

Graduate Theological Institute

Evangelical Lutheran Churches of America


Walla WallaCollege

Purdue University-Calumet


University of Calgary

ThomasEdisonState College



ChristianUniversity Global Network

Bowling GreenStateUniversity

GeneseeCommunity College

Golden Gate Seminary

Professional and Business Organizations

NASW – California Branch

Jossey-Bass Publishers

California Association of Physical Therapists


University Health Network at Toronto GeneralHospital

Growmark, Inc.

McGrath Systems

Student Affairs Compass

American Physical Therapy Association

University Access

Ninth House

Lee Hecht Harrison – LHH@Home Program

Center for Internet Technology in Education

Chabot/Las Positas Contract Education Division

Conference Presentations

Conference and Other Presentations in 2005:

Starlink/PBS downlinked broadcasts:

Pedagogy 201 for Distance Learning – “Enhancing Interactivity”

Pedagogy 202 for Distance Learning – “Measuring What Matters”

Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration:

Workshop – “Best Practices in Online Teaching” and "Collaborating Online”

Oregon Distance Learning Association:

Workshop – “Best Practices in Online Teaching”

Indiana Higher Education Telecommunication System:

Keynote – “ Collaborating Online”

Workshop – “ Best Practices in Online Teaching”

Illinois Online Network:

Virtual Keynote Address – “Collaborating Online”

COWS Conference – University of Houston:

“Best Practices in Online Teaching”

Congresso Internacional de Qualidade Em Educação a Distãncia (International Congress of Quality in Distance Education) – Unisinos, São Leopoldo, Brazil:

Keynote – “Building Learning Communities in Cyberspace”

Workshop – “Best Practices in Online Teaching”

Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning in Madison, WI:

Workshop –“Collaborate!”

Concurrent presentation – “Promoting Faculty Excellence”

Concurrent presentation – “Learning Communities Revisited”

League for Innovation in the Community College (CIT Conference):

Workshop –“Collaborate!”

Concurrent presentation – “Promoting Faculty Excellence”

Featured presentation – “Learning Communities Revisited”

Roundtable discussion – “Promoting Best Practices in Online Teaching”

Upcoming Conferences in 2006:

League for Innovation in the Community College (Innovations Conference):

Concurrent presentation and roundtable discussion – “Creating Partnerships for Effective Faculty Development”

International Conference on College Teaching and Learning:

Featured presentation – “Best Practices, Personal Intuition, or Scientific Research--How Can Learning be Most Enhanced?"

Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning in Madison, WI

Beyond the Boundaries Conference – Grand Forks, ND

League for Innovation in the Community College (CIT Conference)


We currently offer the following services:

Effective Teaching for Distance Learning Programs

Web-based Course Development

Academic Computing

Technology Evaluation

Curriculum Design and Evaluation

Front- and Back-end Web Scripting

Web Page Design and Evaluation

Team-building (face-to-face and electronically)

Effective Use of Technology in Organizations

Facilitation in Cyberspace

I am the managing partner of Crossroads Consulting Group, working with institutions, organizations, and corporations interested in the development of online distance learning and training programs. In addition, I have consulted extensively in health care, academic settings, and addiction treatment for well over 20 years. I am faculty at the Fielding Graduate Institute, in the Educational Leadership and Change Program and also in the masters’ degree program in Organizational Behavior/Organization Development. I am also adjunct faculty at CapellaUniversity in the School of Human Services. Additionally, I have taught classes on organizational behavior and management and leadership on an adjunct basis for the International Studies Program at OttawaUniversity in Ottawa, Kansas in various sites throughout the Pacific Rim. I received a Bachelors Degree in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Masters Degree in Social Work from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. I hold a Masters Degree in Organizational Development and a Ph.D. in Human and Organizational Systems from The Fielding Graduate Institute.
Along with Dr. Keith Pratt, I am co-author of the 1999 Frandson Award winning book Building Learning Communities in Cyberspace: Effective Strategies for the Online Classroom (Jossey-Bass, 1999), Lessons from the Cyberspace Classroom (Jossey-Bass, 2001), The Virtual Student (Jossey-Bass, 2003), and the forthcoming Collaborating Online: Learning Together in Community (Jossey-Bass, 2005). The books are comprehensive guides to the development of an online environment that helps promote successful learning outcomes while building and fostering a sense of community among the learners. Building Learning Communities in Cyberspace has been translated into Portuguese and Korean. The Virtual Student has just been translated into Portuguese. We have been presenting this work across the United States and internationally since 1994 as well as consulting to academic institutions regarding the development of effective distance learning programs.


Alameda, CA, United States of America

Web page: