The Hertfordshire Centre Caravan & Motorhome Club

Minutes of committee meeting held on 12 December 2017

The Civic Centre, Welywn, Herts

Position / Members / Initials / Attended
Chair / Colin Brockwell / CB / Yes
Vice Chair / Stuart Weedon / SW / Yes
Treasurer / Vanessa Cannon / VC / No
Secretary / Jean Hickman / JH / Yes
Rally Secretary / Sandie Evans / SE / Yes
Social Secretary / Jenny Vardon / JV / Yes
Rally Equipment Officer / Gordon Pearcy / GP / Yes
Audio Equipment Officer / Colin Brockwell / CB / Yes
Catering Officer / Linda Gillon / LG / Yes
Public Relations Officer / Stuart Weedon / SW / Yes
Health & Safety Officer / Gordon Pearcy / GP / Yes
Attendance Officer / Doreen Page / DP / Yes


Discussion / Action To Be Taken By / When
1. / Welcome
1.1 / The Chair opened the meeting and thanked committee members for attending; in particular he welcomed JH to her first meeting.
2. / Apologies for absence
2.1 / Apologies were received from VC.
3. / Minutes of meetings on 10/10/2017, 17/10/2017 and 14/11/2017
3.1 / JH presented three sets of redrafted minutes from meetings on 10 October 2017, 17 October 2017 and 14 November 2017. It was noted that these had been redrafted as the committee had considered that areasof the original minutes had been contentious and represented a conflict of interest for some members of the committee.
3.2 / The minutes of 10 October 2017 were approved by the committee. They were proposed by SE and seconded by JV.
3.3 / Subject to minor changes, the minutes of the meeting of 17 October 2017 were approved by the committee. They were proposed by GP and seconded by CB.
3.4 / Subject to minor changes, the minutes of the meeting of 14 November 2017 were approved by the committee. They were proposed by LG and seconded by DP.
4. / Refunds from Whitby rally and points in email from Teresa Moss relating to Whitby rally
4.1 / The committee considered the centre’s holiday rally refund policy, in particular the most appropriate approach to the management of refunding members that had left early from the Whitby rally in September 2017. The committee also discussed points raised in an email from Teresa Moss relating to her experience on the rally.
4.2 / SE confirmed that the centre had now received complete information from the rally officers which included the details of ralliers that had left early for a wide range of reasons, not just weather related. She reminded the committee that some ralliers had already received a refund.
4.3 / The committee agreed that the site conditions had been poor at the start of the rally and had deteriorated further following long bouts of rain, although it was acknowledged that this was not entirely unexpected camping conditions for the time of year.
4.4 / SW cautioned that any decision taken by the committee would set a precedent and would need to be followed in future cases. He also reminded the committee that many venues expected payment before the start of a rally, in which case the centre would not be able to refund ralliers as it would be out of pocket.
4.5 / Following a full and frank discussion, the committee agreed the following principlesshould be applied once a holiday rally had commenced:
  • If a pitch was paid to the site holder in advance of the rally, then ralliers would not receive a refund;
  • If a pitch was not paid to the site holder in advance, then rallierswould be entitled to a refund of any pitch fees not used, less any expenses occurred by the centre or the rally officers;
Any cancellations prior to the start of a rally should be dealt with in accordance with the Centre’s cancellation and refund policy.
4.6 / The committee requested for ralliers who had left early on the Whitby rally to be contacted and offered a refund of £15 per night. JH agreed to take on this action. / JH / 12/17
5. / Matters arising from previous meeting
5.1 / It was noted that all matters arising had been picked up during discussions on the minutes and the issue of the Whitby rally.
6. / Chairman’s report
6.1 / CB presented his report to the committee. He said he was very pleased to see a large number of Herts centre members had attended Caroline James’ funeral on 27 November 2017.
6.2 / He advised the committee that he had attended his first regional AGM to represent the centre.
6.3 / CB reported that the Christmas carol service at Knebworth Park Estate had gone well, led by Jan Weedon. He noted that he had done a reading, together with Phil Batchelor, Penny Rutland and Gill Matthews. Seasonal refreshments were provided following the service.
6.4 / It was noted that the Christmas party rally at Derwent School had been well attended and enjoyed by everyone that had attended. CB explained the arrangements for siting ralliers and the socials offered, including an opportunity for a natter and chatter on Friday evening and a band on Saturday evening. Father Christmas had also attended and given out presents to lady ralliers. CB advised that unfortunately it had snowed heavily on Saturday night/Sunday morning which had resulted in the flagpole and rally officers meeting being cancelled to allow ralliers to get home as soon as possible.
7. / Vice-chair’s report
7.1 / SW informed the committee that he had contacted the Club to confirm if a fee and VAT had to be charged to members at a social for the Centre to benefit from the Club’s public liability insurance. He advised that the Club had confirmed that the insurance would cover any Centre organised activities, such as social events, whether or not a fee and VAT had been charged.
8. / Treasurer’s report
8.1 / VC was not able to attend the meeting, however she provided a financial update via email.
8.2 / It was reported that the centre’s bank balance at end of October 2017 was £8,480 and at the end of November was £9,072. The increase was reported to be due to payments for the New Year rally.
8.3 / As previously notified to the committee, the bank had changed the centre’s name earlier than requested, therefore it was now officially known as the Herts Centre Caravan and Motorhome Club. Therefore, VC advised that all future cheques and online payments would need to use the new name.
8.4 / VC reported that Nat West bank had announced closures and her local branch would be closing in June 2018. She had been advised that there expected to be a facility to deposit cash and cheques in the local post office.
9. / Secretary’s report
9.1 / As this was JH’s first meeting she advised that she had nothing to report.
10. / Rally secretary’s report
10.1 / SE provided a report on the latest activity regarding rallies. She noted the following:
  • A rally at Wyboston on 24 November 2017 had gone ahead with Jean and Steve Hickman as rally officers. The curry night went down well, along with a Christmas light show
  • The Christmas carol service had gone ahead, although attendance was slightly disappointing. SE noted that she thought this could be due to it being held early in December and therefore advised the committee that she had asked the church to re-look at dates for 2018. Jan Weedon was thanked for taking the service for the first time and SE advised the committee that the members that had done readings and Jan Weedon had received a letter of thanks.
  • The Christmas party at Derwent Lower School on 08 December 2017 had gone well. A duo, Trip North, had done an excellent job of entertaining everyone on Saturday evening and Santa had come up trumps. Trip North had asked for some photos of the evening for their website. Due to a heavy snowfall on Saturday/Sunday, the planned flagpole and rally officers meeting had been cancelled and the Air Ambulance service were unable to be presented with the centre’s donation. This would be rearranged as soon as possible.

10.2 / SE reported that she had been contacted by the Club regarding a complaint from Suzanne Littlechild on the way the Centre ran Herts rallies, in particular on commercial venues. She advised that the Club had requested a copy of the Center’s terms and condition which rallierswere required to sign when booking onto a rally. She reported that the Club had confirmed that this was considered to be a local center issue and therefore the Club would not be pursuing it, although it had requested for the complaint to be put in writing. To date this had not been received. SE informed the committee that she had sent three old booking forms to the Club, together with the new cancellation and refund policy. The Club acknowledged receipt of the email and SE advised that she had not received any further correspondence on this issue.
10.3 / SE reported that the 2018 rally book had been printed and sent out with the Centre’s Christmas cards. It was noted that slim rally books had been distributed to all members that had not rallied over the past year and SE advised that she would give VC a list of contacts for the advertisers as some had changed. / SE / 01/18
10.4 / As the rally officers meeting was cancelled at the Christmas party, SE advised that this would now take place over the New Year rally and rally officer that were not on the New Year rally would be contacted individually.
10.5 / SE updated the committee on the 2018 programme. She advised that bookings for the Valentine and Easter rallies were coming in and reminded the committee that a special booking form was required for the Valentine’s rally as there would be a romantic dinner for two which required a deposit.
10.6 / The committee applauded the efforts of SE for the excellentcoordination of the rally programme.
11. / Cancellation and refund policy (from 01/01/2018)
11.1 / The committee reviewed and approved the cancellation and refund policy.
12. / Other points in email from Teresa Moss
12.1 / An email from Teresa Moss which had been circulated prior to the meeting was discussed by the committee. The email focused on concerns on how she and family members had been treated, committee matters and on the management of the 200 club. The concerns were discussed at length and it was agreed that CB would draft a letter of response to Teresa. / CB / 12/17
13. / Any other business
13.1 / SEreported that she had asked GT Towing if it would like tosponsor the Centre’s website again this year and was waiting for a response.
13.2 / It was noted that the position held on the committee by JV and DP were incorrect in the rally book. SE agreed to look into this / SE / 01/18
13.3 / SE advised that the latest newsletter had been printed and distributed. This would be published on the Centre’s website in due course. / SE / 01/18
13.4 / GP pulled the December 200 club.
13.5 / SE advised that she had sent Michael Goff an email to wish him well following an operation.
13.6 / JH informed the committee that she would draft and circulate the agenda and minutes prior to the next meeting.
14. / Close
14.1 / CB closed the meeting at 21:12.

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