Alaska Care Coordination Network Meeting Minutes

May 26th 2010 12pm to 2pm

Attendants In Office: Stephanie Pereault, Faith Kelly, Susan Troutman, Gregg Schomaker, JoAnn Wise, Margaret Hill, Missy Williams, Troy Kuhlmann, Renae Axecson, Gigi Odron, & Denise Shelton

Taking minutes: Patricia Edwards

Attendants via Phone: Amber Bartz, Aurora Hawkins, Diana Bement, Kara Kara Thrasher Livingston, Kate Hanson, Christine Norwood, Lisa Greenleaf, Samantha Thorton.

Guest Speaker from SDS: Kara thrasher Livingston

There are concerns and confusion about PA plan of cares and auditing purposes. CMS is aware of this issue and they are working on it and they will leave bread crumbs so to speak.

There is also a question about bill dates and problems with putting future dates on plans of care.

Do we go by the first PA that was issued for billing?

What about PA extensions? Kara reported that they are on a case by case bases. - Jim Hughes is processing all extensions and should be contacted directly.

We are not receiving copies of the plan of care just that we are approved why is that? Also we are not getting signatures for the level of care? Who is the person that needs to sign it?

The above items Kara is going to get answers for at our next meeting. She is going to see if Andy Sandusky can come and talk about the PA issues.

There was a question as to why Sybil was signing off on POC's and is she authorized. An email from Kara after the meetings stated -

I checked for an answer about getting a POC back that was signed only by Sybil Blue. Her signature indicates that the plan was reviewed and approved, as part of an internal expedited process to work with renewal POCs that do not have any changes in service or provider. So-the staff signature indicates that it was reviewed and approved. Thanks, Kara

There was a question about amendment process clarification.

Troy Kulman and Renee Axelson from Geneva Woods presented.

Your point of contact for the GENEVA ONE Program is Gabrielle Cardenas her phone number is 440-1363. Jennnifer Health @ 565-6104 (took Leah's place) is another good contact for Care Coordinators). Gabby will work with anyone who has two or more services with GW (such as, mediset, incontinence supplies, oxygen, etc.)

We were given a sample of their medisets with M&M's in them as well as clothe bags and other brochures.- There was a question asking why doesn’t the mediset show the side effects of the medication? We were told that you can request for that information to be put to go with the medisets. Geneva Woods also has a round the clock physician to answer your questions. Also all their Mediset drivers are Pharmacy technicians.

Bedside Delivery:

Geneva Woods will deliver your meds to your room at the hospital but you have to call two hours in advance. Narcotics take longer but GW will come and get the prescriptions from the hospital or your doctors office and then deliver them to the client.

They mentioned that Matt is an RN at GW and will do FREE CPR classes and to contact him if interested @ 748-2855. He does them as a certified Red Cross instructor 3 X a month.

It seems as though they don’t have a tracking system for following up on CMN's or items that need to be delivered. They mentioned that they are aware of the issue and as a solution we are putting a new system in place called Bright Tree it will be up and running in July which allows a tracking system to be in place

Blog Comments were reviewed for May. (There are now archived and available on the Website)

Speakers for next meeting:

We are going to try and get Northern Justice but if we are unable to get them we will have Frontier Medical.

SDS Teleconference that AM was discussed:

There is a TBI Case Manager for folks who are NOT ON A WAIVER. She can provide services through Mental health Trust Grants Contact Kimberly @ 269-5619. There is discussion of a TBI classification for Wavier in the future.