St. Michael and All Angels Anglican Church

2015 Singing Wind Drive

Kerrville, Texas

Our Mission: To welcome all people into and ever-deepening personal relationship with Jesus Christ


St. Michael and All Angels Anglican Church held its first church service and vestry meeting in October, 1994 on St. Michael and All Angels Feast Day. Bishop Winfield S. Mott conducted the service and attended the vestry meeting. The name or the church was selected at this time.

By-laws were prepared and are currently in accordance with the by-laws of the Anglican Church of North America, Reformed Episcopal Church, and Anglican Diocese of the West.


Anglican Church of North America (ACNA), Reformed Episcopal Church (REC), Anglican Diocese of the West (DOW)


The Rt. Rev. Winfield S. Mott – Bishop Ordinary

Form of Service:

King James Bible

1928 Prayer Book

1940 Hymnal

Follow the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL)

The Book of Occasional Services – 2003 version is used for services not found in the 1928 Prayer Book

Service and Time:

Bible Study is held on Sunday mornings from 9:00 to 9:45 a.m. The average attendance is 10 communicants.

Sunday Morning Mass begins at 10 a.m.

Fellowship Hour follows Mass. Snacks and coffee are provided. Fellowship time is an important part of our church life as we are “family.”

Other Services and Activities:

Conduct normal services such as Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday, Christmas Eve. Other services are held as appropriate.

All evening services begin around 5:30 p.m. The time of evening services is appropriate for the age of our congregation.

A Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper is offered by the men of the church.

A service for Blessing of the Animals is held on occasion.

Church Picnic – held this year on the Sunday closest to St. Michael and All Angels Day. The picnic is held after worship service.

A covered dish lunch is held on the fourth Sunday of each month.

The Ladies of the Church attend a monthly luncheon held at area restaurants.

The Men of the Church enjoy a monthly breakfast at area restaurants.

Rector Support:

5 Member Vestry

Ordained Deacon

Lay Readers

Liturgical Organist

Altar Guild

Ushers and Greeters

Financial Status:

St. Michael is debt free. All church facilities are owned by the church. The church building has recently been remodeled having a beautiful sanctuary, an office, sacristy, large fellowship hall, kitchen, and library.

Demographics and Other Information:

The congregation is friendly and made up of mostly retired people, approximately aged 60 to 90+. The membership is committed to regular attendance of church services. A few members, who reside away from Kerrville, attend services when in town. Average Sunday attendance is 26 communicants.

At the present time, the congregation is made up of older communicants. Children attend occasionally as guests of our members. Currently, no young adults with children attend St. Michael.

Outreach is limited to food donations to CAM, a local food bank, and monetary donations to some local entities and charities.

Church membership being elderly tends to draw elderly visitors. Members have been lost due to life changes associated with illness or age.

Pastoral care is an important factor and very meaningful.

Pastoral Needs:

St. Michael and All Angels Anglican Church is searching for a male Anglican or Episcopal priest who is retired or a priest having a secular income and one who resides in Kerrville, Texas, or can find employment in Kerrville, Texas, or is subject to a reasonable commute.

Counsel communicants as necessary.

Conduct services in accordance with the 1928 Book of Common Prayer.

Can help the congregation in its evangelistic efforts to spread the Good News of the Gospels.

Being a participating member of the local Ministerial Alliance and other local service organizations is a plus.

The rector is paid a stipend on the basis of per service conducted.

Currently, St. Michael cannot support a full time rector with the appropriate benefit package.


St. Michael and All Angels Anglican Church has a website. It can be seen at