Mt. Pleasant, MI, Kennel Club

Board meeting 2/3/ 2010

Members present: Sheila Beutler, Diane & Eric Gaw DVM, Amy Morris,Deb Marmarelli, Larry & Alice Jenicke, Glenn Laffy, AnnetteMilitello, Linda Rousseau DVM, Doreen Messner & Joan Salmonsen

Minutes approved by Glenn Laffy and seconded by Diane Gaw.

Old Business:

  • Deb Marmarelli received a bill from the Hartford Insurance Co. for $645 for the MPMKC Building Hazard insurance. This must be approved by the General Membership.
  • Deb also asked the board to approve a $49 trophy gift forHigh Scoring Dogs in Obedience in all categories.
  • Annette Militello reminded the Board that dues are to be paid by March 1, 2010. Key payments are also due.

Costs are as follows:

$20 Single Membership

25 Family Membership

$25 Key Fee

Anyone who wishes to have a key must fill out a new form and receive the rules pertaining responsibility for the use of the building. You may send your money to:


c/o Annette Militello

10609 N. Leaton Rd.

Clare, MI48617

New Business:

  • Glenn Laffy will check with Mr. Kerr, Attorney for MPMKC,to see what action is needed by him to address the problem ofthe Lewis' non-compliance with the orders of the court about the useof MPMKC logo, name etc.

Motion to adjourn by Eric Gaw DVM. Seconded by Glenn Laffy. Meeting adjourned.

Mt. Pleasant, MI Kennel Club

General Meeting - February 3, 2010

Members Present: Sheila Beutler, Diane & Eric Gaw DVM, Sue Gamble, Amy & Andrew Gross,Maggie & Belinda Hetzman, Alice & Larry Jenicke, Cathy Kennedy, Glenn Laffy,Lori Lickly, Deb Marmarelli, Andrea Mata, Jennifer McCourt, Doreen Messner,Nancy Jerry, Amy Morris, Amanda Moran, Amanda Pearson, Cathy Pearson,Linda Rousseau DVM, Sue Sowmick, Sherrie Start, Lisa Ziuraitis

Minutes from January meeting approved by Eric Gaw and seconded by Alice Jenicke.

Committee Reports:

  • Building & Grounds- Nothing to report.
  • Tail Waggers- Nothing to report.
  • Agility- Glenn Laffy would like the Board to consider 24" weave polls for Agility.
  • Treasurer Report: As of 1/1/2010- Saving Account- $9071.64.

Checking Account- $3140.76.

1/6/2010- Income Received- $335.

January Expenses- $1661.89.

2/1/2010- Checking Account- $1478.87

2/1/2010- Net- $10,885.51

Annette Militello reminded members that their dues for this year are to be paidby March 1, 2010 Information as to where to send their money is in theBoard minutes.

  • Diane Gaw stated that Winter Classes have begun.
  • There was motion made by Eric Gaw and seconded by Diane Gaw that when there are to many personsregistered for a particular classes, that non-paying member have the right topay 1/2 the regular class fee. The instructor has the right to cancel a class if not more than 2 paying members are registered one week in advance. It is at his/her discretion as to whether the class runs or not. This was, then, voted on and approved by the general membership.
  • Lori Lickly asked that a Trainer/ Instructor meeting be set up concerning this matter to see how this should be implemented. It is scheduled for Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 7 PM at the Building.

New Member Readings:

  • An application for membership was read for Corbin & Donna Blem. A Ballot vote was taken and the membership approved the joining of Corbin and Donna Blem as new members. We welcome these new members to our club! Congratulations!

Old Business:

  • Deb Marmarelli made a motion to pay $645 to Hartford Insurance Co. for theHazard Insurance for the building. Seconded by Glenn Laffy. Voted on and passed.

New Business:

  • Eric Gaw brought some information about Pet Massage to the meeting. The phone # for this service is 989-513-2404. Information is on the Board.
  • Sheila Beutler made a motion to make somecurtains for the windows at the building. There are 18 windows that need to be covered. Sheila and Joan will meet and bring some samples and cost to the meeting in March for approval. Volunteers will be needed to cut, press hems, and sew these curtains.
  • Eric Gaw has a man that makes dog carvings out of wood. Contact Eric if you might be interested in having one made for your favorite pet or show dog. You need to provide a picture of your dog that the man can work off of.

Show Business:

  • Diane Gaw reminded members that we need volunteers to help at the Dog Show on June 12th & 13th. We need a Vender Chairperson, Ring Stewards, and general helpers. No experience needed to apply!
  • Sherrie Startnoted that the Midland KC has a Show 'N Go on Feb 20, March 20, April 3rd, and May 1st. It is $5 per run for each entry. Contact the Midland KC for information. Information available at- or or

Motion made by Sherrie Start to close and seconded by Glenn Laffy. Meeting closed.

There is no Board Meeting in March.


  • Glenn Laffy's Beagle, "Rudy" earned his MACH 2 on 1/31/10 in Dexter, MI, with 1st and2nd place finishes. Rudy is currently ranked as #1 Beagle in Agility in the US. He brought a video for the members to watch of his trials that day.
  • Lisa Ziuraitis' Boxer, "Somewhere" received her Rally title at the Lansing show in November and a 3rd place finish.
  • Cathy Pearson's "Belle" received her first leg in Rally at the Grand Rapids show and "Panda" got a 1st leg in Rally in Lansing and a 4th place finish. Amanda Moran's "Liberty" got a 1st leg in Lansing in November and a 2nd place finish.