Information for those considering an application for Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (SCPHN) training to become a Health Visitor.

What academic and professional qualifications or experience do I need?

You must have current registration with the NMC. It does not matter if you have no community experience although students do find that this is helpful.

To access the course at Masters level (7) or PG Dip. you are required to have a UK Hons degree with at least a second class honours or an academic or professional qualification deemed as equivalent by the University (DMU). If you don’t meet these criteria you can access the course at BSc (level 6). For this you must have a minimum of 120 credits at level 2 and be able to demonstrate the ability to study at level 6.

Further information about this will be available at interview should you be invited to attend.

For both these courses you should have competence in the use of the English language to the satisfaction of the University.

What qualification will I finish the course with?

If accepted for study at Masters level you will complete the course with a Postgraduate Diploma.

If accepted for study at Degree Level you will complete the course with an Honours Degree.

Can I do the course part-time?

No, we will only be offering a fixed term one year full time training.

What happens to my application?

Once the advert has closed, part B of the application form will be passed to the recruiting manager.

The recruiting manager will then shortlist based on the information that you have provided.

The short listing exercise will involve at least two of the people who will

make up the interview panel. The overall short listing exercise is the

responsibility of the Recruiting Manager who has been on the Trust’s

recruitment and selection training course.

If I am short listed, what happens at interview?

The interview process consists of a 10 minute presentation, 10 minutenumeracy test, 10 minutecase scenario, 10 minute attributes test and a 30 minute formal interview.

You will be given the title of the presentation prior to the interview and the rest on the day of the interview for discussion prior to the formal interview.

How will I be supported in practice?

You will have a named Practice Teacher or mentor who will provide you with a wide range of learning opportunities to help you meet your learning needs. Your mentor will guide you in identifying these.

How will I be assessed in practice?

Your mentor will be responsible for assessing your proficiencies in practice. Additionally, you may also be provided with a Practice Teacher who will be responsible for your final sign offs.

What salary will I be paid?

The terms and conditions for this post are in accordance with the Agenda for Change Terms and Conditions of Service.

During the duration of the course, the annual salary is capped at mid-point Band 5, which is £24,799.00.

Band 5 £21,388 (min) / £22,016 / £22,903 / £23,825 / £24,799


  • If your current salary is above the cap, then it will be reduced to mid-point Band 5.
  • If your currentsalary is below the cap, then your existing salary point will be matched when you start the course.

Will I get annual leave?

The annual leave year for all LPT employees runs from 01 April to the following 31 March

Annual leave is calculated on length of service and will be confirmed on appointment

Length of service / Annual Leave + General Public Holidays
On appointment / 27 days (5.4 weeks) + 8 days
After 5 years service / 29 days (5.8 weeks) + 8 days
After 10 years service / 33 days (6.6 weeks) + 8 days

You will be expected to take your annual leave entitlement during the breaks in your training between semesters. Any remaining additional leave should be taken at the end of the academic year and within the Trusts current annual leave year.

How are the theory and practice elements of the course designed?

The course is full 52 weeks and is 50/50 theory and Practice. This is based on NMC requirements.

For the majority of the time the weeks are divided into 2 days at University, 2 days in practice and a private study day. There may, however, be some essential training which you are required to attend that might fall on a private study day, in which case you will need to negotiate this with your practice teacher. The 3rd semester (semester X) is one in which you consolidate your practice and so will be on placement for the majority of the semester with a few days attendance at University.

Where will I be based for my university work?

You will be based at De Montfort University in the centre of Leicester.

Where will I be based for my practice work?

You will be based with your mentor or practice teacher. The base may be a Health Centre, a Children’s Centre or a GP surgery. We want to give all our students experience of working in both City and County placements so if you are placed in a City base for Semesters 1 and 2 you will be placed with a different Practice teacher or mentor in a County base for semester X, and vice versa.

What happens if I am sick during the course?

Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (LPT) recognises the valuable contribution made by every member of staff to the delivery of its services and is committed to the promotion of their health, safety and well-being.

LPT is committed to supporting employees who suffer ill health or incapacity either of a temporary or permanent nature.

Every employee has a duty to attend work regularly and report any sickness absence in accordance with their local procedure.

Regular attendance at work is a fundamental element contained in all contracts of employment. All staff have a duty to attend work and where they are prevented from doing so due to ill health they should report their absence as soon as possible in line with their local reporting arrangement.

You have to complete the allocated number of theory and practice hours in order to pass the course, and so any time off sick has to be made up. This is based on NMC requirements. If the sickness is long term detailed discussions will need to be had regarding continuing the course and will be assessed on an individual basis.

Please follow the link below for more information

Will I be paid for travelling?

You will not be paid for travelling to and from University or your practice base. However, you can claim for mileage used during practice hours for work related activities.

Will I be given an allowance for books?

No, there is no allowance for books through the course. However, the University has an excellent library service.

Will I be guaranteed a job after the course?

We cannot give you this guarantee. We have however made a clear commitment to increase health visiting numbers significantly.

Will I be able to have a job in the base I was trained in?

There is no guarantee where you will be based once your course is completed. This will be entirely dependent on where the vacancies are at the time you apply for a post.

What Happens if I Fail The Course?

You will be given support with your academic work from the University. If you fail an assignment you will be allowed 1 resubmission. Your mentor or Practice teacher will support your learning in placement.

If you, your tutor or your mentor feel that you are struggling with the work expected during the course this will be discussed and an action plan to address the concerns will be developed with you. If this fails to rectify the problems further discussions, involving a manager from the Trust will take place. If it is felt that you will be unable to achieve all the required academic and practical elements of the course the Trust reserves the right to serve you one month’s notice of termination of your contract.

What if I fail the Non medical prescribing exam?

The NMP exam is in 2 parts and you are required to pass both parts. If you fail 1 o r both elements of the exam you will be required to re sit them. Failure to pass the exam (both elements) means that you can still be registered with the NMC as a Health Visitor but not as a nurse prescriber. This may mean that you will not meet the requirements of the Trust for employment as a Health Visitor.