30th May and 31stMay 2015

To be held at

Moreton Morrell College

Shooting to be held at Moreton Morrell College CV35 9BP (Saturday 30st May 2015)

Swimming to be held at Warwick School CV34 6PP (Saturday 30st May 2015)

Riding and Running at Moreton Morrell College CV35 9BP (Sunday 31st May 2015)

Prize giving: approximately 4.00pm Sunday 31st Mayin the Marquee.

Class 1. Junior Regional Boys – 2 Teams of 5 + 2 Individuals

Class 2. Junior Regional Girls – 2 Teams of 5 + 2 Individuals

Open to invitedJunior Pony Club Members, Teams and Individuals.

Teams comprise of 5 Boys and 5 Girls, best four scores count. Age 14 and under as at the 1st January 2015. We would like you to get as many boys as possible to compete but if this is a problem please enter up to 24 competitors. Contact Helen or Judy near the closing date and if you wish to enter more than 24 competitors we will accommodate them if we can.

All entries are to madeon invitation from your RegionalTeam Manager ONLY.

Closing date: Friday 8thMay 2015.

Payment to be made online instructions information available from your Regional Team Manager.

Entry fee: £45.00 per competitor.

All forms with individual details must be signed by your branch DC and sent to your Regional Manager as well as making your online entry at: events.pcuk.org

It would be much appreciated if every Region provided at least 2 volunteers who would be prepared to jump judge or help at other phases if required. Please send in names and contact details of all volunteers to .

Entries Secretary: Helen Hart -email Tel 02476698300

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Helen as above or Judy 01296 688070 but please no calls after 9.00pm. Thank You.

Times, results and information will be posted on The Pony Club website as and when they become available and distributed to the Team managers at the briefing on the Friday evening, this will take place in the marquee at 7pm

STABLESare bookable @ £85.00 (regardless of number of nights).

There will be adequate shavings already provided in each stableif more required they will be available for sale on site.

Please ensure that competitors do not help themselves.

All temporary stables will need to be completely cleared before departure. Any others will need skipping out. A Cheque for £15 per stable in an envelope with your name and Region clearly stated will be required on arrival before unloading your horse. The cheque will be destroyed if your stable has been left as instructed on departure.


A veterinary surgeon will be on call from Friday to Sunday inclusive; they will be on site Sunday 31st.

If Veterinary Assistance is requiredany treatment must be paid for at the time .

There will be a farrier on call Saturday and on site Sunday. Please make payment direct to the farrier.

Vet and farrier to be contacted through the Secretary or Stable Manager only


CAMPING space is bookable @ £25.00 per family (includes tents and horseboxes).

Please note no competitors are to be left unsupervised overnight at the competition. Either a parent or Team Manager is to be reasonable for their Regions competitors at all times.

If you wish to know more about the College visit their website:

Food and refreshments will be available on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday


We are providing entertainment on the Saturday night. This is a ticket event please include your payment for number of tickets required with your entry.

The Tickets will be £10.00 each, which will include a BBQ, Regional competition and Disco. If no food required the Disco will be £5.00 Theme: The Jungle

Commemorative Polo shirts and Hoodies;These will be available to buy and have printed on site.


1Pony Club Tetrathlon 2015 Rules will apply for all classes and this competition is now an official competition and rules have to be strictly adhered to.

2Dogs must be kept on the lead at all times there may be other people using this venue at all times. Please ensure you clear up after your dogs.

3ALL competitors must wear medical armbands for the cross country phase and their hats must be as stated in the rule book appendix A and must be tagged.

4Only team coaches at the poolside and outdoor shoes removed.

5Riding and running will run in numerical order. Running will be at 1 minute intervals

6Shooting; please ensure suitable clothing and footwear is worn. All guns must be kept locked in your car or horsebox at all times and may not be carried outside the firing point by anyone under18 years of age in a public place. Guns must be kept in their cases/boxes until the Firing Point Steward gives the order to unbox them and must be boxed again before the competitor leaves the firing point.

7The cross country and running courses will be available for inspection on foot only. No vehicles on the course at any time.

8Everyone must obey the instructions of the officials and stewards at all times.

9Teams comprise of 5 Boys and 5 Girls, best four scores count. Age 14 and under as at the 1st January 2015.

10Photographic Rights – When entering this competition all competitors and their parents or guardians give permission for any photographic and/or film or TV footage taken of persons of horses/ponies taking part in Pony Club events to be used and published in any media whatsoever for editorial purposes, press information or advertising by or on behalf of the Pony Club and/or official sponsors of the Pony Club

11Competitors must not be left unsupervised at the campsite overnight, there must be a parent or Regional Manager on site with competitors at all times.

Disclaimer of Liability:-Neither the organisers, nor any person acting on their behalf, accept liability for any loss or damage, accident or illness to ponies, horses, or riders, or and spectators or other persons or property whatsoever. Furthermore, the organisers of this event have taken precaution to ensure the health and safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective everyone present at the event MUST take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accident occurring and MUST OBEY the instructions of the organisers, officials and stewards. You are strongly advised to arrange insurance cover in case your actions lead to someone making a legal claim against you. The organisers and landowners of this event are not legally responsible for what you do and their insurance will not cover your actions.

When on the course, spectators must look out for horses approaching especially from behind them and must take special care in the warm up and collecting ring areas.

All-terrain vehicles/motor cycles are not permitted at this event, except those used by appointed officials.