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Tuesday, March 1, 2016TUESDAY OF
(Lec. 238)THIRD WEEK
1)Daniel 3:25, 34-43OF LENT
2)Matthew 18:21-35
FOCUS:Jesus teaches that we must be ever-willing to forgive others who sin against us.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus places a daunting challenge before us: We must be willing to forgive those who have sinned against us. If we try to meet this challenge solely through our own efforts, we will inevitably fail. On the other hand, if we turn to God and ask him for grace and strength, we will be able to forgive even those who may have hurt us in the deepest recesses of our hearts.
In the first reading, Azariah acknowledges the many sins of the people of Israel. He asks the Lord, in his great love and mercy, to forgive the people of Israel and deliver them. In the Gospel, Jesus tells the parable of the indebted servant who received mercy from his master but did not show mercy to his own slave. Thus, the master withdrew his good favor.
PRIEST:God shows mercy to those in need. Inspired by this, we place our needs before the Father.
1)That the Church continues to be an example of justice for all, regardless of their social, political or economic situations, let us pray to the Lord.
2)That our civil leaders act with integrity and truthfulness, working together for the peace and good of all, let us pray to the Lord.
3)That those who feel depressed or discouraged find hope through their faith and the support of their church communities, let us pray to the Lord.
4)That our parish community join in efforts to advocate for the most vulnerable among us, from conception until natural death, let us pray to the Lord.
5)That those who have died may come to enjoy eternal life in heaven, let us pray to the Lord.
6)(Special petition/s)
PRIEST:Merciful God, please hear and answer our prayers according to your will. We offer them in the name of Christ, our Lord.
Wednesday, March 2, 2016WEDNESDAY OF
(Lec. 239)THIRD WEEK
1)Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9OF LENT
2)Matthew 5:17-19
FOCUS:Jesus teaches us that we are to set a good example before others.
Jesus readily understood human nature. Others can easily be put off if one’s behavior doesn’t reflect the faith and values one espouses. He calls us to be true to the faith and values we profess in all areas of our lives. When we do so, our behavior doesn’t become a stumbling block for others in turning to Jesus, but rather a help and support.
The first reading recalls Moses instructing the people of Israel to observe the statutes and decrees of the Lord when they entered the Promised Land. In doing so, they would prosper and shine as a light before other nations. In the Gospel, Jesus teaches that he did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it.
PRIEST:Let us seek our Lord in prayer, knowing that he is present, with great love and care for us.
1)For our Church, that through God’s grace she continue her evangelization efforts, drawing all closer to Jesus Christ, let us pray to the Lord.
2)For all nations’ leaders, that they may pass laws and enact social policies that respect and defend life from the moment of conception until natural death, let us pray to the Lord.
3)For those who live in poverty and lack food and safe housing, that they receive assistance in their immediate need and support as they work for a better future, let us pray to the Lord.
4)For all catechists and Catholic school teachers, that they are inspired and supported in their efforts to share God’s word and our faith with our children, let us pray to the Lord.
5)For those who have died, that they may enter into eternal glory in heaven, let us pray to the Lord.
6)(Special petition/s)
PRIEST:Almighty God, please hear and answer our prayers, through Christ our Lord.
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Thursday, March 3, 2016THURSDAY OF
1)Jeremiah 7:23-28OF LENT
2)Luke 11:14-23(Opt. Mem. Saint Katharine
Drexel, Virgin)
FOCUS:Let us recommit to making Lent a time for growing closer to God.
We are just about at the halfway mark of Lent. This would be an ideal time to check ourselves and see if we are relying on foolish excuses for not living fully our commitment to grow closer to God. He tells us time and again that he wants us to be his people, and him to be our God. What could be more important?
Today's first reading tells of God's desire to give good things to his people, but they turn their backs to him. In the Gospel, people accuse Jesus of driving out demons through Beelzebul, or Satan. Jesus states this isn’t possible because every kingdom or house divided against itself will not stand.
PRIEST:Trusting that God watches over and protects us, let us join in offering him our prayers and petitions.
1)That our Holy Father and all who faithfully serve in the Church may be blessed as they seek to bring more souls to eternal happiness with God, let us pray to the Lord.
2)That those who do not believe may open their hearts to God’s grace, so they might believe and be saved, let us pray to the Lord.
3)That those who suffer from long-term illnesses may be sure of the continuing love and care God has for them, let us pray to the Lord.
4)That the members of this faith community may carry out God’s commandments to love him and to love others in all aspects of their lives, let us pray to the Lord.
5)That the faithful departed may rest in peace in paradise, let us pray to the Lord.
6)(Special petition/s)
PRIEST:Holy God, hear our prayers and grant us what is consistent with your will, through Christ our Lord.
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Friday, March 4, 2016FRIDAY OF
(Lec. 241)THIRD WEEK
1)Hosea 14:2-10OF LENT
2)Mark 12:28-34(Opt. Mem. Saint Casimir)
FOCUS:Love God with your whole self and love your neighbor as yourself.
Our heavenly Father sent his son, Jesus, to reveal his love for us and to teach us by word and example what it means to love God and others.Jesus gave us the two great commandments: to love God with our whole being and our neighbor as ourselves, so that we might live rightly and be judged worthy of entering eternal life in heaven.
The first reading exhorts the people of Israel to turn to the Lord and ask for forgiveness, so they might receive the gifts God wants to bestow upon them. In the Gospel, Jesus teaches that loving God with one’s whole being and loving one’s neighbor as oneself are the greatest of all the commandments.
PRIEST:Grateful for God's great love for us, we offer our prayers and petitions.
1)For Church leaders, that they will continue to reflect God's love and guidance in their ministries, let us pray to the Lord.
2)For world leaders, that they will serve their people with justice and compassion, let us pray to the Lord.
3)For those who are struggling with their faith and have difficulty following God commandments, that they will seek strength from the Lord, let us pray to the Lord.
4)For our church community, that we may take advantage of the sacrament of reconciliation and the healing it offers during this “24 Hours for the Lord” declared by Pope Francis as part of the Year of Mercy, let us pray to the Lord.
5)For those who have died, that they come to enjoy perfect peace and joy in heaven, let us pray to the Lord.
6)(Special petition/s)
PRIEST:Loving Lord, hear our prayers and answer our needs according to your will, through Christ our Lord.
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Saturday March 5, 2016SATURDAY OF
(Lec. 242)THIRD WEEK
1)Hosea 6:1-6OF LENT
2)Luke 18:9-14
FOCUS:Approach the Lord with humility and love.
The sacrifices we make during Lent help us draw closer to Jesus. We must offer them with humility and love. Like the tax collector in today’s Gospel reading, let us humble ourselves before the Lord in prayer, acknowledging our sinfulness and dependent on his mercy so we may continue to grow in our faith and love for the Lord.
The first reading from the prophet Hosea conveys the Lord’s discontent with the offerings of his people. They are carried out in accordance with the laws set forth by Moses, but are insincere in their intent. In the Gospel, Jesus tells the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector. The parable teaches us that to be saved, we must humbly acknowledge our need for God and ask for his forgiveness.
PRIEST:Recognizing that we are saved by God’s love, grace and mercy, we humbly present our needs before the Lord.
1)That the Church may be blessed and strengthened as it continues its mission of preaching the good news to all nations, and sharing Christ’s love with others, let us pray to the Lord.
2)That government leaders may seek peaceful solutions to the complex problems facing our world, let us pray to the Lord.
3)That those who suffer in mind, body or spirit may find comfort in God’s love and the compassion of his people, let us pray to the Lord.
4)That members of our community encourage and pray for those who have been called to priesthood or religious life as they discern their vocation, let us pray to the Lord.
5)That the faithful departed may enjoy perpetual joy and peace in heaven, let us pray to the Lord.
6)(Special petition/s)
PRIEST: Loving God, like the tax collector, we present our needs to you with humble hearts. In your mercy, look favorably upon these prayers and grant them according to your will. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
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(Lec. 33)OF LENT
1)Joshua 5:9a, 10-12
2)2 Corinthians 5:17-21
3)Luke 15:1-3, 11-32
NOTE: The following readings may be used on any day this week, especially in Years B and C when the Gospel of the Man Born Blind is not read on the Fourth Sunday of Lent: Micah 7:7-9; John 9:1-41 (Lec. 243)
FOCUS:We are called to foster unity, peace and reconciliation in the world.
Jesus, through his suffering and death upon the cross, won forgiveness for our sins and reconciled us to God the Father. He calls us to go forth to share God’s love and forgiveness with others by seeking to foster unity, peace and healing in our workplaces, local community, among our friends and family, and in our homes.
The first reading tells of the Israelites celebrating the Passover when they entered the Promised Land. The second reading reminds us that we are called to work to foster unity and peace in the world. In the Gospel, Jesus tells the parable of the prodigal son, which reminds us that God loves us unconditionally and is ever-willing to forgive us.
PRIEST:Confident in the abiding mercy of the Father, let us turn to him with our petitions.
1)That all members of the Church will serve as examples of reconciliation, and will renew their efforts to bring peace to divided families, cities and countries, let us pray to the Lord.
2)That all those who lead nations may seek nonviolent solutions to age-old conflicts, let us pray to the Lord.
3)For all lost or exploited children, that they may be reunited with their families, let us pray to the Lord.
4)For all who are new to our community, that they may find support and welcome here, let us pray to the Lord.
5)For all who have died, especially our beloved dead, that they may one day see God face to face in heaven, let us pray to the Lord.
6)(Special petition/s)
PRIEST:Heavenly Father, hear the prayers of your children, and answer them according to your will. Grant this through Christ our Lord.
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Monday, March 7, 2016MONDAY OF
1)Isaiah 65:17-21(Opt. Mem. Saints Perpetua
2)John 4:43-54and Felicity, Martyrs)
FOCUS:God is always at work to change and transform us that we might live more fully and faithfully as his dearly beloved sons and daughters.
We are offered the gift of new life and salvation when we place our faith in Jesus. If we are sincere in our desire to grow in our love for God and live as followers of Jesus, our lives will be irrevocably changed by God, who is ever at work to change and transform our lives and hearts. We experience a more abundant life in his love, living more fully and faithfully as children of God.
The first reading tells us that the Lord is at work to bring a renewal of all creation. The responsorial psalm exhorts us to praise the Lord, for he delivers us from our trials and tribulations. In the Gospel, a royal official approaches Jesus and asks him to visit his dying son. Jesus responds by saying, You may go; your son will live. The royal official’s son is healed.
PRIEST:Let us pray to God our Father, who makes all things new.
1)For the Church, that our leaders may be blessed in their efforts to observe the Year of Mercy and extend healing to those who seek reconciliation, let us pray to the Lord.
2)For the leaders of our nation, that they may always strive to build a more just society, let us pray to the Lord.
3)For those who lack adequate food, housing and health care, that our compassionate actions may help provide for their needs, let us pray to the Lord.
4)For the sick of our parish and our community, that they may find hope through prayer and the compassionate care of nurses, doctors and other health-care providers, let us pray to the Lord.
5)For the faithful departed, that they may join the angels and saints in singing God’s praises for all eternity in heaven, let us pray to the Lord.
6)(Special petition/s)
PRIEST:Almighty God, you are the source of all joy and hope. We ask that you hear and answer these petitions according to your will. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2016TUESDAY OF
1)Ezekiel 47:1-9(Opt. Mem. Saint John of God,
2)John 5:1-16Religious)
FOCUS:Lent is a time for healing.
As Jesus approaches the crippled man in the Gospel, he asks him if he desires to be well. Jesus asks us the same thing during this time of Lent. We might feel as helpless as that man, but when we turn to Jesus with our hurts, he will surely heal our wounds so that we might walk more fully in his love.
The first reading is from the prophet Ezekiel, who has the vision of the waters flowing out of the Temple, waters that refresh and heal. The Gospel reading tells of the healing pool at Bethesda where the lame man seeks to be well, and where Jesus heals him. The Jews grumble at this, because it was the Sabbath.
PRIEST:Let us pray to the Lord, who offers us new life, healing and salvation through Jesus.
1)For all members of the Church, that we might turn to our merciful God in prayer, and in turn extend God’s compassion to others by performing the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, let us pray to the Lord.
2)For all nations and their leaders, that they may seek peaceful solutions to the world’s conflicts rather than turning to violence, let us pray to the Lord.
3)For those who are sick and dying, that they might come to know the compassion of Jesus, let us pray to the Lord.
4)For our community, that Lent be a time to return to the sacrament of reconciliation, which, in the words of Pope Francis, will “enable people to touch the grandeur of God’s mercy with their own hands,” let us pray to the Lord.
5)For the faithful departed, that they may enter into eternal life in heaven, let us pray to the Lord.
6)(Special petition/s)
PRIEST:Lord God Almighty, we ask that you hear and answer our petitions. For we offer them to you through Christ our Lord.
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Wednesday, March 9, 2016WEDNESDAY OF
1)Isaiah 49:8-15(Opt. Mem. Saint Frances
2)John 5:17-30of Rome, Religious)
FOCUS: God loves us and continues to invite us to a newer and deeper life in him.
God is rich in mercy and compassion. And God’s love for us is unconditional, unending, knowing no bounds or limits. Grateful for such love and mercy, may we open our hearts more fully to God’s love, grace and mercy so we might lead lives that shine as a light before others and give God glory in all things.