Lent 2018

Ash Wednesday and Lent in 2 Minutes

watch?v=m3L3c23MfC0 / / Lent in 3 Minutes


Ash Wednesday

Fasting and Abstinence explained

  • Poster – see end of this document

Personal prayer and reflection during Lent

Teachers and Parents

  • ‘Walk with Me’ –archdiocesan booklet

Available in your parish. A prayer and scripture journey through Lent

  • Living Lent Daily - daily e-mail series designed to help you grow in friendship with God. Each day’s message includes a brief reflection by William A. Barry, SJ, that will help you enter into a personal and genuine Lenten prayer practice. The messages also include suggestions for further exploration of Lenten themes through additional online articles and prayers.
  • Living Eucharist – a daily blog to deepen our participation at Sunday Mass
  • Sacred Space – Daily prayer using your pc or phone.


  • Walk with Me – Lent calendar
  • Forty Days and Forty Nights –

Join in a 40-day journey this Lent with Biblical heroes from the Old and New Testament. Spend 40 faithful days with Noah on the ark, 40 years of wilderness wandering with God's people, 40 nights on the mountaintop with Moses, 40 days with Jesus in the desert and more.

Classroom resources for Lent

  • Mission Together Resources

The Lent season is nearly here, and what better way to prepare for Christmas than to download our free Lent Materials. All of our resources offer an engaging approach to your Easter preparations.Please visit:
Our two assemblies focus on how our Lenten promises can change lives and bring hope to children living in poverty around the world.
The class Prayer Chain activity encourages pupils to pray together as a class and the Snow Drop activity demonstrates how, through their prayer and sharing, they can be signs of hope this spring.


CAFOD's Lent Primary resources include a Lent calendar, film, Lent assembly and loads of fundraising ideas.

CAFOD’s Lent Secondary resources Explore our secondary school resources to challenge and inspire your students at school or in your youth group to take action for global justice.

  • Lent Extra

The magazine offers children an opportunity to learn more about the meaning of our Lenten journey. In a pull-out centrefold, the Lenten calendar and puzzles condense the Easter mystery into bite-size chunks.