www.norcalshelties.org July 2012
President: Yvonne Samuelson
Vice President: Halina Christie
Treasurer: Kathy Rosdail
Secretary: Trudy Kerr
Recording Secretary: Rebecca Logsdon
Sergeant-at-Arms: Peggy Prater
Director: Debbie Majewski
Director: Anita Rasmussen
Director: Johanna Primeaux
Director: Sharon Sampson
Membership: Melissa Strong
Breeder Referral: Kathy Coon
(510) 728-9411 (recording)
Specialty Show: October, 2012
Halina Christie (Oct. Show Chair)
(Show Secretary)
TBA - Obedience
TBA - Herding
Agility Trial:
Ways & Means:
Trophies&Ribbons: Cindy Frusetta/Sharon Sampson
Special Awards: Johanna Primeaux
Public Education: Peggy Prater
Library: Halina Christie
Sheltie Rescue: Gale Ann Morris
Rescue Hotline: (888) 296-9350
Bulletin Editor: Patricia Rozenoff
To update your
address/phone/email information, go to:
Next Meeting:
Saturday, June 30th after judging at the
SSCNC Agility Trial
in Dixon, CA
Shetland Sheepdog Club of Northern California
Shetland Sheepdog Club of Northern California
Minutes of the General Meeting
June 9, 2012
Location: Solano County Fairgrounds (Vallejo) at the Contra Costa KC Show (Woofstock).
The meeting was called to order by President Yvonne Samuelson at 2:30 pm. We had the following guests:
· Shirley and Victor Nikolashin
· Rick Hanan
· Coral and Julie Coleman
Minutes of Previous Meeting: No changes.
President’s Report: No report.
Correspondence: No report.
· Treasurer: Kathy Rosdail
· The membership application for Vicky Rusconi was voted on and approved. Vicky was responsible for many of the raffle prizes at the February Specialty. Congratulations to our new SSCNC member!
· Melissa Strong will take over Membership for the time being to give Penny a break.
October Specialty: Janet Hitt has agreed to be our Juniors Judge at the October Specialty.
February Specialty: If we decide to move Obedience to Fiesta Hall (where Santa Clara has its Rally Trial),
it will be the standard ring rate. We have until September 1st to pay. We need a consensus of the members who do Obedience.
Bulletin: No Report.
Special Awards:
· Johanna Primeaux said that we are still working on corrections to the 2011 plaques. If you need to have a plaque changed, please email Johanna. Changes could be done now or we can wait until December.
· If you want to contribute a Challenge Trophy, now would be a good time to start on it. Some current trophies need to be retired; for example, the “Close But No Cigar” Trophy for Most Reserves in a Year. When a trophy is retired, it is usually returned to the person who donated it. Since the person who donated the Close But No Cigar Trophy is no longer with the Club, the Trophy could be given to the person who won it the most.
Election of Officers:
The following members were voted in as SSCNC officers and board members for 2012-2013:
President Yvonne Samuelson
Vice President Halina Christie
Recording Secretary Rebecca Logsdon
Corresponding Secretary Trudy Kerr
Treasurer Kathy Rosdail
Sergeant-at-Arms Peggy Prater
Board of Directors Debbie Majewski
Anita Rasmussen
Johanna Primeaux
Sharon Sampson
Old Business:
· Match in September:
o Normally, we would have the Match on Saturday, September 22nd. However, the Sacramento Valley and Northern Nevada Clubs are holding a seminar on the same day. The Yuba City show is also that weekend (it’s a small show). Suggestions included moving the Match to August or to the week before the October Specialty. After some discussion, the assembled members decided to have the Match on Sunday, September 23rd.
o We need a Match Chair. The Match Chair will be able to show their dog(s). An email will be sent out, asking for volunteers. Since the Match Chair delegates a lot, the job is not difficult.
o We need an Obedience/Rally Chair (offering Obedience/Rally is important—otherwise, we won’t make money). Maybe ask Tom True?
o We are still look for judges for the Match. Suggestions included Mark Hersman, Diane LaClare, Dale Root.
o We also need an Obedience/Rally Judge. Nan Franceschini (instructor at San Lorenzo DTC) was suggested. We need to ask the members who do Obedience and Rally for suggestions.
o Alicia Keagan can do the flyer, but not until mid-July.
o Mary Wells is still interested in sharing our site for a Collie Match. The Collie Club doesn’t have large entries, so they wouldn’t need much room.
· Christmas Party: We need to choose a date for the 2012 Christmas Party. So far, the dates that look best are Saturday, December 8th and Saturday, December 15th.
New Business: Do we want to sponsor Best of Breed, Winners Dog and Winners Bitch at the Harvest Cluster? We can do crate pads.
Next Meeting: Sunday, July 1st at the SSCNC Agility Trial in Dixon.
Good of the Order: No report.
Adjourned: 3:40 pm
Submitted by:
Rebecca Logsdon, SSCNC Secretary
Shetland Sheepdog Club of Northern California
Brags ~ Brags ~ Brags
Remember: you can include a picture and some additional information with your brags each month. The fee is just $5 per month, per picture. This is a great way to celebrate and announce new champions and wins!
Lynn Azzopardi
Announcing that finally Chester got his first Q in Exc. A Jumpers with weaves and a first place ribbon!! I hope it doesn't take another 2 years for the next one :)
Thanks for all the support
Icon Shelties ~ Sharon Sampson
Icon Summer Breeze won another 3 pt major with Team Akadia in Idaho last weekend, she now has 14 pts with mostly majors, needing 1 pt to finish.
Bred and owned with Laurel Godley.
Faerie Tale Shelties ~ Shayne Gurry
Rocket (Paray's Brace for Impact RN, ptd) went WD on Friday 6/15 at the Sequoia Kennel Club.
Stargazer Shelties ~ Melissa Strong
Woof Stock Cluster
On Thursday, Arenray's Akeelah "Keely" was WB/BOW/BOS under Judge Shirley Limoges for 2 pts. On Friday, Shooting Star's Haley's Comet "Haley" was RWB and BISS BGCH Stargazer Super Nova "Nova" was BOB under judge Col. Joe Purkhiser. On Sat, Haley was WB/BOS for her second major, and Nova was BOB to earn his bronze grand championship under judge Yvonne Samuelson, and on Sunday under judge Fred Basset, Nova was select dog.
At the Kings Kennel Club in Hanford, under judge James Noe, Stargazer Lumos, "Magic", at his first show was WD, Haley was WB/BOW/BOB, Nova was BOS, and on Sun under judge Peri Norman, Haley again was WB/BOW/BOB and Nova was BOS!
Tom True
Kalea’s Manifest Destiny CD RN NA AXJ OF, “Lewie” earned his OA title at the Del Monte Kennel Club agility trial in Salinas on June 2nd.
Icon The Bachelor CD RA NA OAJ OF, “Andy”, after moving to the Preferred class earlier this spring in order to compete at 12” jump heights, earned his NAJP title at the Davis Dog Training Club agility trial in Dixon on May 19th.